
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Shots shot fired 04.12.18

               Note, I have corrected the title in an effort to not provide miss-information.
               The day started with a lot of sunshine and temps in the 40s. I bundled up, possibly a little more than needed. I mounted the Ford’s Gold Wing, which had been cleaned the day prior, and headed for the meeting location. Click on the photo to enjoy!
               Since all the riders would be considered senior citizens, (probably the two wives on the ride would not like to be called senior) we did not need to worry about the police following our group or stopping us looking for drugs. In other words, we were not a biker gang!  Heck we only exceeded the speed limit when no one was looking!
               The ride headed west as we were enjoying the back roads. I like to be the last rider in a group as I can ride at my own speed, as long as I keep the group in sight. We had ridden for 1.5 hours when the group leader found a location for us to stop for a break, in Jonesboro TX.
               Short break taken, we were back on the road again. The temp was now in the 60s and I found that I did have too many shirts on. As usual I was riding behind the group but I was actually staying fairly close to the group. There were 6 bikes in front of me (that means there were 7 bikes total) we were out in the country as all the bike passed over a bridge. I was the last to cross this country bridge when, there was a gunshot!  I quickly told another biker (via CB) that I heard a gunshot as I crossed the bridge.
               Yes I know what a gunshot sounds like. I believed the shot came from a shot gun as the sound was loud and distinct. I have no idea why the shot was fired and I assume it was not fired at me. If it was at me, they were a bad shot.
               As I think about it, I wonder if the perpetrator was shooting at something and did not know we were passing, or if this perp saw us passing and wanted to scare the last rider. Before anyone asks, I did not go back to see who and why. Momma raised an ugly boy, but she didn’t raise a fool!
               At 11:20 we stopped in Hico, TX for gas, and that is when I told the leader, I would start back to the house as I needed to be home in time to get the Alex from school. Hico is a little over an hour ride back to Hewitt if you stay on the main highway. Two of the other riders decided to head back with me, while the others decided to have lunch in Hico, TX.
               I suggested to the two who were going back with me, that we could stop at the Bunk House in Clifton TX for a quick lunch, they both agreed.
               As usual, lunch was good at the Bunk House, and the lady that takes our orders said, “Not you again”! She and I aggravate each other every time I go in there. If you can’t have fun don’t do it!
               After the meal, I had to shed some shirts prior to the rest of the ride home as the temp was now in the low 70s!
               I made it home in time to get ready to pick up Alex from school.

All in all it was a nice day for a ride!

Don Ford

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