In the olden days, when some of us were kids, the only battery powered lights were flash lights. If memory serves me, the batteries did not last too long. As a kid, if I could get a hold of a flash light I thought I had something special. Now days, many things are battery powered. As an example, in the Ford’s Homestead there is about 2,000 battery powered candles. Most I mean all of the candles have a timer, and work automatically until the battery needs to be replaced. The budget for batteries far exceeds the budget for food here at the Homestead!
Oddly enough this article is not about batteries nor candles. (Do you like the word nor instead of or?) This soon to be well written and informative article is about a neighbor lady. As my one reader knows, I take old limbs that Tres carries around and convert them into pieces of art work, which only I like. If you had read my posting of 03.29.18, you would have seen a part of the subject matter that will be in the article.
I finished the item that the neighbor lady had asked for, and when we presented it to her the other day she commented, “Only one?” I asked, “Did you need more than one”, to which she replied, “I need six candles for the celebration”. She explained what the celebration was but I don’t remember what it was, I think it was some type of religious celebration. My spouse of 49 years asked her, “Do the two need to look alike”, the neighbor lady’s response was, “No I just need 6 candles”.
I guess that is what you get for attempting to be a nice person, there is always something more that you will need to do. How do you like that, I am a nice person. What? No I am not bragging! I am just stating the truth! If no one else blows your horn, you are allowed to blow it yourself.
I went to the back yard and found a part of the limb that the first candle holder was made from. Yes, Tres had been carrying it around but it was not in two bad of a condition. I also went to the fire wood pile and found an additional piece of wood. To make a short story long, I was able to create a second holder that closely matched the first for the neighbor lady. I also made a couple more candle holders for the fun of it.
The photo I took was not real good but is shows a couple of the silly candle holders. I have no use for these, but like my pencil holders I like to make them. Click to exaggerate these useless wonderful works of art.
The tops of the candles appear black but they were not in real life. Before my one reader asks, I sand the bottom of the limb flat, which causes them to stand up.
Battery powered candles are safer, not prettier!
Don Ford
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