
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Pick-up sticks 04.14.18

               On our way to school Friday morning, Gabi and I were talking about board games they had been playing at school. That is when she asked, “They had board games in your day, didn’t they”? I had the feeling that my Granddaughter thought I was old. Anyway, I told her about the way we use to play monopoly and the game might take several days, you know an hour or so one day and continuing again the next day. She did not seem to be too interested.

               I do remember playing pick-up sticks as a kid. I don’t remember if I was good at it or not, but I remember sitting on the floor and playing.

               The most aggravating thing is, I am still playing pick-up sticks. The main difference is the sticks I am picking up or in my yard. We’ve been having very windy weather, and with the wind comes all the small dead sticks from the trees. It is odd that I see very few dead branches in the trees, but they still end up on the ground. I have picked up these small branches for the last three days and there are more there now.



               On a different subject:

               On the TV they were talking about two adults and several children who were killed when their vehicle ran off a cliff and fell about 100 feet. The authorities say the wreck was intentional. How do they know? They checked the software in the vehicles computer. Did you know they can spy on you in that way too!


Board games verses computers, which will win?


Don Ford


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