
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It is done 11.29.17

                Do you like it well done, or possibly medium well? I like it medium, but just because I like it medium, doesn’t mean you should. Done on the outside and a little pink on the inside to me is right, but I don’t like there to be blood when I cut through it.
                I don’t know why I have even started this conversation, could I be hungry this morning? This post has nothing to do with food, although, I guess it does have a little to do with chewing. If you read the post from yesterday, you would have seen the poor quality photo taken by the Ford’s Photographer. Our photographer occasionally takes good photos, but as you saw in yesterday’s post he is not perfect. He works for very little pay, so we just put up with his occasional, shall we say, less then professional photos.
                Our photographer took a couple photos this morning, using the early morning sun light, which usually provides excellent lighting for photos. We have chosen one of the photos to present to the reading public, showing Tres’ finished pen or pencil holder. I understand that no one is interested in our team effort (Tres and I) to create these one of a kind pencil holders. That’s ok, my feelings do get hurt often, the tears flow from my senior eyes, but I will be ok!
                Please review the pen / pencil holder, which was designed for your personal desk. Yes we know that no one even knows how to write, now that they have computers, but we think the pen / pencil holders, which are all, “One of a kind”, are interesting, and a good conversation starter. It started me writing this article.            I heard that!    You wish I would stop writing!   That is hurtful!   You are off my Christmas list, don’t get me anything!
                There is also a second item in the forthcoming photo, which I find interesting, amusing, relaxing and able to help find needed answers, where once there were no answers. This new device is named,
                                                                                “I don’t know”!
                The, “I don’t know” has three parts. There is a base, a body and a dowel. The base is not attached to the body and the dowel is not attached to anything. There are eight holes in the body. One can select any of six holes and the dowel will go completely through the body, while two of the holes do not go completely through. These eight holes allow a person the opportunity to insert the dowel and then twirl the body while holding the dowel in one or both hands. The base is just for looks when sitting on one’s desk.
                Using this device will relax the user, allowing for new ideas to enter their thought process. The new ideas will often provide the person with and answer, so they,
                                                                                “Now know”! 

                What do you think? The Ford’s old photographer did better on this photo using the early morning sun light. The background Texas image, was purposely placed in this photo, (it is known as composition of photo) just as a reminder that some of us live in the great state of Texas! We know some readers live in the, “Show me State”, so we showed you!
                We have not yet set a price on any of the above items (patents pending), you may review these and other items on our website,  if we had one!

May your desk be decorated with a one of a kind item!

Don Ford

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

One of a kind 11.28.17

You are correct!     I am, “one of a kind!     Thank you for believing that I am, “one of a kind”!
                Being, “one of a kind”, is a very pleasant feeling, and a very true statement, when referring to me! All that said, the title line has nothing to do with me being, “One of a kind”! It has to do with an object that I have a photo of, and this object is truly, “One of a kind”. 
                Yesterday, I took a short walk through the back 40 looking for dog poo. I have a, “Dog poo picker upper”. With the poo picker upper in hand, I strolled through the open areas and then in between the trees, ever vigilant for a pile of dog droppings (aka Poo).
                During these missions, I also see items that Tres has removed from flower beds and or brought up from the back of the property. It does not matter what these items are made of, he will carry anything such as rocks and sticks, to flower pots.
                Tres has become a creator of items that I find in the yard. I have brought several of these to the Ford’s old garage for enhancement. Yesterday, I found one of these items and I have begun to do the finish work. Tres had brought this small piece of tree limb from the wood pile near the back of the property. He then removed the bark from the small piece of a tree limb (chewed the bark off).
                Tres creates these one of a kind items so humans can have them for their desks. I have drilled a hole in the small limb and when it is finished (a clear sealer applied) it can be use to secure a writing instrument in place on one’s desk.
                I have created a couple of these without the help of Tres, and they are nice, but not as nice as those the Tres creates. The following photo is of a soon to be, one of a kind, desk top pen or pencil holder.

                The lighting could have been much better, as the photo was taken on a cloudy afternoon. We will provide another photo when the item is completed. Photos of the other desk top ornaments can be seen on our website.

Bids will be accepted on our website!

Don Ford

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sky High 11.27.17

                This was one of those moments that seemed unbelievable, but it happened.

                It was Sunday morning, about 10:30 when I ventured out of the Homestead walking to the Ford’s Chevy. It was a pleasant morning, somewhat warmer than I had expected, there was no noticeable wind, and the sky was a beautiful blue as I first looked to the east. I thought, what a day, as I looked to the south. Not a cloud to be seen as I thought, what a blessing to have a day start this nice. I looked to the west and still no clouds, then I turned to the north. I observed what I thought was a shiny white jet, flying at a very high speed across the sky, there was no sound coming from this plane.

                I then was surprised to see 3 additional jets, flying in the opposite direction. I for just a couple seconds thought, possibly these are alien space ships. I have never seen a real UFO but I do believe they are real. Then I noticed these jets were changing directions, and even flying in a circle. I then noticed additional jets, no not jets, they were birds of some type. I took my sun glasses off and looked up but I could not see any of the white birds. I then put the sun glasses back on and could again see them again.

                These birds, of unknown variety, were floating very quickly without flapping their wings, and they were very high. The polarized lens of my sunglasses, allowed me to see the wonderful birds. What would it be like to be able to fly like those birds? It would be heavenly! 


Different subject:

                The Gabi along with her dad and brother occasionally go to a game store in Waco, where they play games. I asked Gabi how she did with the games yesterday. She had a big smile on her face as she explained, “I beat a boy that had never been beaten before”.  I asked, did he cry? Gabi said, no, but he would not shake hands with me after the game. I assume it is difficult for some people to be good sports after losing.  Way to go Gabi!


Enjoy today!


Don Ford

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Mother to be 11.24.17

                I was not sure how to title this article. My first thought was to title it as, “Nice Ass”, but then I decided that some of my students would not understand what the title was referring to. Possibly some of the students would think I was referring to a part of the female anatomy, but that would be wrong!
                In fact I am referring to a female who lives out in the country, here in Texas. She is one good looking female but, she has a big belly. I have a tendency to overlook the enlarged abdomen area, as her face is that of an angel. No I don’t know how old she is, it is difficult to tell by just looking at her.
                In case you have not yet guessed, she is going to have a baby! Don’t ask if I know whether it will be a boy or girl, how would I know that, I don’t even know her name. No, she doesn’t live close to us, I told you she lives out in the country. I have a photo which I will post, if I can find it.
                Do you think those who live in the country have better lives than those of us who live in towns? I don’t think it really has anything to do with the location of their home place, it is what each of us make of the lives we have. Family has a lot to do with our lives regardless of where we live.
                On a slightly different subject, it is cold outside. Yes, it got down to 30 degrees here last night. I turned the heat lamp on in the Ford’s old hot house in an effort to protect those flowers.
                My spouse of 48 years had informed me, that some of the Christmas decoration lights were coming on unexpectedly at night, so we might as well set all the timers. The timers were set and at 5:59pm I went to the door to observe. At 6:00pm the first lights that come on were to my left, then to the right, then to the far right, then the lights on the house were last to illuminate. All the lights came on with in one minute, my first spouse was satisfied.
                Ok, I found the photo of the soon to be mother. Tell me if she isn’t one fine looking expecting mother. Take some time to look at the photo, the living conditions in the country can be, shall we say, “A sticky situation”!  Click to enlarge!

                Isn’t she a cutie? Can you see the belly bulge? I sure hope she don’t have the baby in all that cactus!
May you stay out of those, sticky situations!
Don Ford

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanks 11.22.17

                There is a day coming in the future (tomorrow), that is considered a holiday by most. It is a day that was originally set aside to give thanks.

                Knowing that some of you have not had the time to consider what you should be thankful for, we here at, “The Ford Homestead Institute for the Preservation of Thanksgiving”, have developed a list of item you could be thankful for. The list is not all inclusive, but it could get you started down the “Thankful Path”!

                Your Family: some may not be with you any longer, but they were, be thankful!

                Health: yes I have some aches and pains, but look at all the years I didn’t, be thankful!

                You are older: be thankful!

                America: not perfect, but better than all others, yes, be thankful!

                My Blog: ok you don’t have to be thankful for my blog, it’s personal to me, I’m thankful!


Take some time to be thankful!


Don Ford

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Not done yet 11.21.17

                I have a photo of a small portion of the Fords Christmas display. I was sitting on the Fords old rocker, with a beverage in hand, as the sun went down. We had stopped working, cleaned up the area, and I was resting. The sun was shining on the area which caught my attention so I took a quick photo.

                NO, the decorations are not done, but we have started. They should all be done shortly after Thanksgiving.


Tired and resting, me!


Don Ford

Naps 11.21.17

                It has been discovered that naps are not just for the humans. We have studied this in detailed at, “The Ford Homestead for the Napping Enlightened”! 6.4 years of studies have provided us with napping information that may revolutionize the entire napping process.
                As in the selling of a house, there are three things that should be considered when preparing for a nap! Those three things are, “Location, Location and Location”!
                We have learned that the location of a nap varies, for diverse nappers! (Napper is defined as the one who will be taking a nap.)
                In the following photos, we will see various locations that our Nappers have used, and these nappers explained that they felt totally refreshed after the nap.
Charlie stated, “The blocks were cool which help him doze off quickly, and being outside allowed for the possibility of a quick meal of, fowl or squirrel.
On the opposite side of the napping spectrum, Tres likes to be on a carpeted floor, and he likes to block out the light and sounds that might disturb, “A peaceful nap.”
                We could go on and on with many other examples but we feel these two are a couple of the best.

Always, select your nap sight, wisely!

Don Ford       

Monday, November 20, 2017

Bah humbug 11.20.17

                Possibly, I should have titled this tale, “A Ford Homestead Tradition”. The Christmas Decoration Manager here at the Homestead is a Female, and we all know how demanding a “Female Manager” can be! In case you have not yet guessed, this Female Manager is my spouse of more than 20 years! When I say more than 20 years, I mean, way more than 20 years!
                The tradition I am speaking of is, the placing of the Christmas decorations outside the Homestead, the week of Thanksgiving. One of the most devastating things that happens on the day of installation, the temperature usually drops to a point of great irritation, and or the wind picks up to make it feel even colder. Today is that day and it is 33 degrees this morning!
                This past Saturday I was “ordered” to bring the decorations from the Ford’s old shed, to the Ford’s old garage, which I did. Knowing the huge number of trips I would need to make, if I used the Ford’s Old red wagon, I decided to use the Ford’s old black trailer. That decision meant, I needed to haul off the limbs that were already on the trailer, and I had a couple bags of leaves to take also. Since I was going to the dump, I decided to check with our youngest son to see if he had anything for the dump. He did, so I drove to their home and collected said articles and then headed for the dump site.
                After hours of driving, I was able to get rid of the limbs and trash and made it back home safely (it really took only about 20 minutes to get our limbs and trash along with Dave’s trash, and have everything dumped, and return home. It sounds as if I had to work harder if it took hours)!
                I, being an excellent Trailer Backer Upper, was able to back the trailer up to the door of the Ford’s Old Shed (it’s a skill)! I first had to remove several items to get to the Christmas Decorations. Then, being a well-trained trailer loader, I began the process. Several hours later, (about 30 minutes in real time) I had the trailer loaded and ready to move to the Garage. Photo below, click to enlarge.
                I then, without help, unloaded the trailer into the Garage. I segregated the items by type, and allowed for room to walk around, and between each area.
                The Christmas Decorations Manager, then began the task of putting the decorations together and checking to see if the lights all worked, they didn’t! The Christmas Decorations Manager was not as organized as I would have liked, (Photo to follow) but we are not reducing her wage.

                Saturday, I had planned to clean up the front yard and use the mower to vacuum up the leaves. The wind was blowing like crazy, I mean real crazy, 35 to 40 mph gusts! No yard work other than picking up the limbs as they fell. Also, I had previously raked up acorns from to areas of the yard which equaled about half the yard, those areas are again covered with millions of acorns and acorn hats, and I am not exaggerating.
                I have an idea for an acorn rake, the normal rakes I have, just don’t work, but I haven’t yet propose the idea to the rake maker!
                Sunday came, and after a trip to the Cracker Barrel, then a trip to the pet supply store, and then to the harbor freight, we returned home. I wanted to get started on mowing the front yard. I brought the mower along with other tools to the front, I raked the leaves away from the flower beds, making them easier to shred and vacuum up. I started mowing, when I discovered something I had joked about in a previous posting, was actually true. I had stated that I needed to vacuum the dust from the grass before I mowed, it was very dusty and made mowing, not so fun!
                All went well for a while, but then the neighbors came out. Mom and the three kids were in their drive way right next to where I needed to mow. No way will I mow when there are kids around. I was able to mow the biggest portion of the yard, but not that portion next to their drive.
                I mowed all I could, then what can I do. I could use the weed eater and edge a large portion of the yard again not the portion next to their drive way. Trimming complete, what to do now? I had some leaves and acorns in the street, so I got a broom and started sweeping them up. As I was sweeping the street the neighbor and her children went for a walk up the street.
                I grabbed the mower and finished mowing. I was not able to finish edging, as they returned from their walk too soon. After sweeping the street, I grabbed the leaf blower and blew our drive, the street and our side walk. Some edging went undone, but the yard looked good, see photo below!

                Not bad for a senior retired person. I would like to note, as soon as I had completed my work the neighbor lady and her children went inside. Do you think she likes to watch an old senior person, work?
                I took a few minutes and sat on the Ford’s old rocker with a beverage. I noticed that there was absolutely no wind, not a leaf was moving on any tree, and there was no noise, it was totally quiet! It was so nice to sit in the quiet and rest, what a wonderful way to end a day!
Today is Monday, we are supposed to start installing the decorations in the front of the homestead. L

May your neighbors be more observant!

Don Ford

Friday, November 17, 2017

Helper 11.17.17

                I wanted to go riding yesterday, the reason for the ride was to have lunch with a friend. I told Wayne I would go if I could be back early. I then went out and looked at the Ford’s old Gold Wing. I knew I should check the oil and tires prior to a ride, even for a short ride of 80 miles. I knew I had a few items safely stacked on the bike, but I was surprised when I actually looked at the bike. Photo below

                I found towels, wash cloths, a shirt, a sheet, two boards, and an old bed spread on or against the bike, with a tool box against the back wheel.
                After hours of removing these items, I was able to get the bike outside. I checked the tires and they both needed air. I checked the oil and it was ok. I did take one of those towels and wipe some of the dust off the bike.
                Tres knew I was wanting to go for a ride, so he offered to help by watering the plants in the back yard. Photo below.

                Now if we can get him to pick up the toys and sticks that he has carried all over the yard, that would be a big help. Naps run in the family, Tres was tired after watering all the plants so he took a well-deserved nap. Photo below, click to enlarge.

                My allergies were killing me after the ride, I guess I over loaded on cedar and rag weed.
May all things be good for you today!
Don Ford

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Survival 11.16.17

            As usual, I have been thinking about many things, and one of those things is, “Can America Survive”.  The answer is, “no”, at least not as we have known it in previous decades.

As civilization advances, “We the people”, allow the so called leaders (career politicians and many others in various so called leadership positions) attempt to have all things politically correct. These same leaders put various programs into effect and they are able to get many of us to go along with them by saying, we are helping the needy and unfortunate

There is a big difference between helping, “The needy”, and, “Allowing someone to live on welfare, food stamps, free housing, free lunches and other giveaways”.

One should not receive any thing that they, or their employer, did not contribute to.

Where should the needy get help from? They should get help from a family member or friend, a church or other non-governmental charity! Good people donate to, good charities and there churches.

Unfortunately, governments are necessary, and all governments eventually get into the personal lives of those who are governed. Governments that have the same career politicians in office term after term, end up with a, “too large bureaucracy”. These career politicians must take care of their donors. Also, these same career politicians understand that the more government workers there are, the more votes they will have.   

            Government provided welfare, for people who are having problems, usually start with good intentions but, that changes with time as people learn to use and abuse the system.

Those who work in the government, administering welfare, want to keep their job, so they do all they can, to get and keep, more people on the welfare rolls.

            How do we get away from welfare, we can’t! It will continue, it will get bigger, it will bankrupt the country.

            What was your country, will be taken over by a, “World Organization!”  The World Organization will have solutions to the country’s problems. The leader of the World Organization is the greatest leader ever!

            This person is able to pull all the political parties together, not only in the United States, but several other countries! His name I don’t have, but he will be known at a later date as, “The Anti-Christ”. He will also be referred to as, “The Beast”, you should check the Bible. 


      Get involved as much as you can, at least open your mouth and be heard, Get rid of Career politicians, set term limits!

Don Ford

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

                Plans for the day often go astray, let us hope they do not go astray, today!
                Plans for the day are as follow:
                Take the Gabi to school.
                Go to the haircut place and get a haircut (I have a $4.00 off coupon).
                Return home and remove the hair that fell down my back.
                Change clothes.
                Drive the 2 miles to Do it Best Corp, sign in.
                Free Thanksgiving lunch at Do it Best Corp.
                Leave Do it Best Corp. and proceed to the Spring Valley school where I will have my
                second lunch with, the Alex (this one is not free)!
                Drive back to the Ford Homestead.
                Change clothes.
                Take a nap (naps are necessary after two turkey dinners).
                Drive back to the Spring Valley school to pick up the Alex.
                Drive back to the Ford Homestead. Seems like a lot of driving today.
                The rest of the day is not scheduled yet, but I do need to finish raking the acorns from the
We are planning on riding to the Bunkhouse for lunch tomorrow, so I will not get a lot of raking time on Thursday, and I do want to mow on Friday.
They say retirement is a time to rest and reflect, who the heck are they? One great thing about today is the free food, I can save the, “Roadkill Soup” I was going to have for lunch, for supper!
May your day have a lite schedule!

Don Ford

            Bad news, I have been informed that all the Christmas decorations will need to be brought to the Ford’s old garage on Saturday. My spouse of 48 years will begin putting them together on Sunday. I have been told that I will be allowed to install my portion on Monday, even if it is cold and rainy!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Believe in miracles 11.13.17

                It was a normal Saturday morning in November, I had opened the door from the Ford’s old office as I was going to go out and put the flag up. It was Veterans Day and I wanted to fly the flag. The family Pot Hound, (aka Tres) proceeded me outside. It took me about a minute to get out the door and what did I see? It was a miracle! On the Ford’s old drive way I saw, Molly the cat, and Tres the dog laying there about a foot apart. They appeared to almost be friends. It was a miracle!
Above is a photo of Texas, our first Sheppard here in Texas. We also had Sheppard’s in Missouri.
Above is Tejas our second Sheppard here in Texas.
Above is a photo of our present hound, Tres. 

Above is Tejas.                   Above is Tres. If the photos were equal quality, they would look alike.
On a different subject, on my drive home, after dropping The Gabi off at school, I observed an odd site.
                First, let’s consider the difference between the old time, “Baby buggy” and the todays, “Stroller”. The old baby buggy as I remember it, was on wheels, usually black in color, had a convertible top to keep the sun off the baby. The buggy was not pretty, it did have springs to make the ride smoother, it was kind of big, but you could put diapers and other supplies in the buggy.
                Do you remember cloth diapers? Let’s get off that subject!
                With that baby buggy in mind, I shall proceed to explain what I have seen. There was a male subject, he had what looked like a baby buggy but without the convertible top. The male subject had his gray sweat shirt (aka hoody) with the hood covering his head. The hood blocked most of the view to his face. The look alike baby buggy had what appeared to be, plastic bags in it. There was no baby or child in the buggy. This male subject was in a school zone, and walking in the bike lane, his back to the traffic, lots of traffic!
                There is no side walk on that side of the street, so he was pushing his buggy in the bike lane. He could have crossed the street and use the, “Side walk” but he did not.
                Was this male subject homeless? Why was he in the school zone? Why did he have a push cart that looked like a baby buggy? Why was his face mostly covered by the hood? Why do I care?

                Thanks for putting up with my rants.

May your our dog listen ,and stop chewing everything.

Don Ford

Friday, November 10, 2017

New printer 11.10.17

                Did I need a new printer, nope! Does my present printer work properly, yep! Then why did I order a new printer? That is none of your business! Why would it be anything to you, I can just want a new printer. Did I say anything to you when you bought that bottle, nope!

                Even though it isn’t anyone’s business, other than mine, I will talk a little about my newly ordered printer. I do not like the idea that the ink for my present printer cost about $35.00 for a package with all the colors and black, and it seems to only last 2 or 3 months. The present printer prints and copies things very well. The old printer does some things that the new printer does not do, such as, two sided printing and faxing.  

                The new printer comes with enough ink to print 8,000 black and white or about 5,000 colored pages. This is considered to be about a 2 year supply of ink.

                The new printer is supposed to be delivered today and we will see how well it works. If it works as expected, the old printer will be available for purchase. The Ford Homestead auctioneer, has suggested that the starting bid for the present printer along with software should be $400.00. If you would like to bid, you can respond to this email with your bid!

                More to come after we receive The Ford Homestead’s new printer!


                Printer received and set up, it works! I still need to set up our phones, my tablet and other computers to be able to use the printer. I have printed a few documents and a couple photos. It seems to work well. J

                Old printer for sell, $400.00 or best offer over the asking price!

Different subject:

                Tres will set and stay, or down and stay, if I have a treat in my hand. Could it be true, he can learn new things, he isn’t an old dog, they say old dogs can’t learn new tricks. 


May your Friday be the beginning of a nice weekend!


Don Ford

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Rain 11.09.17

                Spring has sprung, fall has fell, winter is here and it is colder that a well diggers shovel.

The high Wednesday was 50, it has rained and we are glad, it is cold and we are sad! It is now 5:00pm on Wednesday afternoon as I am writing, and we have received a wonderful one inch of rain so far, and it is still raining, “Thanks to the man upstairs”!

                If it weren’t so cold, Texans would be happy. The Tres actually went into the dog house today, I think he knows it is dry inside, and he could get out of the rain. Tres is a 7 month old puppy who weighs 60 pounds. I went on line today and checked to see when a German shepherd becomes an adult. The results indicated a German shepherd may be considered an adult from 12 to 36 months. I have the feeling that Tres will take the entire 36 months. We would like to get some of the excitable, chewing puppy out of him. We left Tres in the garage yesterday when we went to get the grandees from school. It was the first time we have ever left him in the garage like that, he chewed on the foot to the wooden coat rack.

                We had a small pecan tree planted in the back yard, I had a metal bar on one side and a plastic pipe on the other, which offered protection from me and a mower, the pipe also allowed me to get water down to the roots. The other day my first wife made a comment, “Tres had not chewed the little pecan tree down!” A couple days later the tree was chewed down. Why did she have to say anything?

                We had tamale soup Tuesday night for supper and I had it again for lunch Wednesday. If you never had tamale soup you have missed some good soup! My spouse of 48 years makes tamales every year, a few weeks before Thanksgiving. She learned how to make then from some Spanish friends. They use to get together for an all-day gathering and make the tamales, now she makes them alone. She made 30 dozen last year. It is a several day process.

First, she gets all the needed supplies together.

Second, the meat is cooked.

Third, she sits at the table most of the day putting them together.

Fourth, while assembling the tamales, she cooks the assembled tamales in steam for 45 to 60 minutes.

Fifth, I get to test eat a tamale, sometimes more than one.

                No we don’t eat them all, my present spouse has a tendency to give some of them to friends.

Before anyone asks, yes the Tamale soup is much better than the Road Kill soup, much better!


May your day be filled with it!

                                                You can decide on what, “It” is.

Don Ford