
Monday, August 28, 2017

Back and forth 08.28.17

                We here at the Ford Homestead have not been effected by the Hurricane, at least not to any bad extent. We have received 2 inches of rain since last Thursday night, and we needed it. There is not standing water around the Hewitt area. Unfortunately, too many have not been as lucky as we have. Do what you can to help the victims, and they are victims. 

                On a different subject;

                This morning, I decided to take my morning walk earlier than usual, as my spouse of 48 years has to get her eyes measured this morning. Before you ask, she gets her eyes measured so they can decide which size lens that she will need when she gets the cataract removed. After the visit to the doctor’s office we will go to the hospital where a friend is having surgery today.

                As I walked in the dark this morning, I had my special walking stick in one hand and a flash light in the other. You may wonder what a special walking stick is, let me try to explain. This walking stick is very similar to the batons we used in the olden days, when we were training in riot control. Yes it is basically a club. Our neighborhood is normally very safe, but it doesn’t mean that a bad person can’t be there, and it is best to be prepared.

                I had completed two and a half laps when I discovered I did not have my two way communicator with me. Odd I thought, I usually carry that with me.             What? You want to know what a lap is. A lap is takes an average of 7.5 minutes. I walk 4 laps which equal 30 minutes of walking. I did not see any bad people.

                It is odd how much we rely on these two way communicators. What did we do before we had them? Why do we feel somewhat naked without them? Even those of us who don’t sit around looking at them all the time, almost feel lost without them. The two way communicator can be a life saver in certain situations. I like mine with me in case this old person was to fall or get hurt and need help.


May your two way communicator always be with you, and charged! 


Don Ford

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