
Thursday, February 2, 2017

How long will it be 02.02.17

                My first spouse allowed me to purchase an item from a local business here in Waco. I went on line and placed the order. I ordered one item that cost $19.99, and I received two free gifts. One gift was for a free $20.00 of service from Shutter Fly. The other gift is a $10.00 gift certificate from the business where I had placed the order. They give me a gift certificate worth $10.00 on a $20.00 purchase. They must have a lot of markup in their products.
                Another thing I find interesting, this business will sell this item for less than the manufacture. It would seem to me that the manufacture would have more income if they sold this item at the discounted price, rather than price it higher than the retailer.
                When I arrived at the store I used my phone so they could scan the bar code. I asked the fellow who was helping me how long did he think it would be before we can use our cell phones as our ID. We can have credit cards on the cell phones, so why not a photo ID like a driver’s license?
                In my all-knowing way, I know a comment would be, someone could steal your phone and put their photograph in place of yours and use it as their ID. To prevent that, when one has their driver’s license or other photo ID on a cell phone, they will need to have a chip implanted into their hand or into their forehead. When one is using the cell phone as a form of photo ID, the chip in their hand or forehead, would need to be scanned. Both the cell phone and chip would need to match. They put chips in dogs and cats now, it would be easy to put them in humans.
                This chip of course would be a part of the beginning of, “The Mark of The Beast”. Since this would be the beginning of “The Mark of The Beast”, it would not be long after this first step that everyone would be required to have the chip implanted. Without the chip one could not, “Buy or Sell”. (Biblical)
                Why would a person not be allowed to buy or sell? When the chip is enforced there will no longer be any money. How will we exist without money? Simple, everything will be credits and debits! If you work you would get credits placed into your account instead of money. If you sell something, you will not receive money, instead there will be a credit transferred from the purchaser’s account, into your account.
                Your government will provide these accounts, and as such, have total access to your account info. The neat thing about this, if there was anything neat about it, the government will debit your account, based on all deposits put into the account daily, for their share, you know, “Income Taxes”! You no longer have to file a tax form!
                Think how nice, “The Mark of The Beast”, will be. You go to a restaurant for supper and when you place your order they will scan your chip. When you finish eating you just get up and leave. The meal and tip have already been deducted from your account. What if you got bad service? It would be too much trouble to complain, so just grin and bear it!  At least the wait staff can’t cheat on their taxes by not reporting all their tips!               And you thought “The Mark of The Beast” wasn’t going to be a good thing.
                If you have any type of payment such as a house or car payment, it will be automatically deducted from your account. See how good that will be, you don’t have to do anything, they will just take it from your account.
                Yes, I know, “The Mark of The Beast”, is supposed to be a 666 on your hand or forehead, I will explain. What the six, six, six, means is, six digits (a digit can be a number or a letter) a space, six more digits and another space, then the last six digits. “The Mark of The Beast” is not written numbers, it will be digits that can be read through a scanner into the main computer which by the way, will be named, “The Beast”, because it is so huge.
                Don’t get me started on how this will be enforced by robots, but it will!                  
How long will it be? Not long!
Don Ford

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