
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Forgetful 02.16.17

                Who could this soon to be, “well written article”, be about? Well, if you continue to read this article, you may learn the subject of this article.
                First let’s consider the word, “forgetful”. I have checked the big book of, “Word Definitions”, and I find that forgetful simply means, “full of forget”. That seems a little odd to me. I have been full of many things, such as food and well, let’s just say full of it! How can anyone be full of forget? As I have said many times in the past, why don’t they check with me before they make these words?
                I have two puters going right now (some people call them computers but I like to save time by shortening the word) along with a two meter ham radio, and the TV is on. Now I do occasionally get distracted from what I am doing by something that occurs on another device. That isn’t forgetfulness, it is just a distraction. Unfortunately I have always had a short attention span, but that doesn’t’ mean I forgot what I was doing I just changed focus and began doing something else.
                As an example, let’s say someone was going to clean off and straighten up their work bench. Let’s also say that there was a Goldwing motorcycle parked in front of the bench. If the person moves the motorcycle away from the bench and then notices that there are leaves on the floor, so he decided to sweep the leaves up, that isn’t being forgetful, it is just changing ones focus. 
                I just looked at the non-cellular phone on my desk and I see that there is a flashing number, indicating a message is waiting. Now you see, I did not stop writing to check the message, so I do have the ability to focus when necessary. 
                Ok, I will tell you what a non-cellular phone is. It is a phone that is basically tied to the home, it does not work wirelessly, and it use to be something that everyone had in their home. I find it odd to think that some young people may have never lived in a home that had a home phone. Who knows what a party line was?
                Yesterday I pulled weeds from the flower bed near the Ford’s Old Rocker. Yes I was on my knees where anyone driving by could see me. It was difficult as I was working with some ferns that had both dead and live branches. I was removing the dead branches along with the leaves and acorns, while leaving the live ferns. As I worked on this project I began to round the corner and that is when I felt the blusterous north wind. That was the end of the work.
                I put the tools away and checked the time. It was close to time to get the grand kids at school. I gathered up my tablet, a drink and a peanut bar and headed for the Ford’s Chevy. My first wife was not at home, so I did not need to sign out before leaving.
                When I go to pick up the grandees I prepare to wait about 30 minutes. I do this so I will not be last in line. The line of cars picking up the kids is about a half mile long and that is just the front of the school, the same thing happens behind the school.
                I played solitaire on the tablet until the kids got out. As I pulled up to get the grandees the kids and the teacher noted that there was another vehicle that they thought was there to pick up the kids.
                Now we are at the forgetful part of this article. I had been told that I would not need to get the grandees yesterday, as their mother would be off work celebrating her 21st birthday and she would pick them up. I guess you might say I forgot!
                In truth, it is my first wife’s fault! Had she have been home I would have had to sign out before leaving the homestead and she would have reminded me that I did not need to retrieve the grandees from school.
                Wives, they are never there when you need them.

May you remember the good things!

Don Ford  

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