
Monday, February 15, 2016

Shed it... 02.15.16

            Ok, everyone knows that I, your non-political reporter, is one of the hardest working people in the state of Confusion! I may have noted in a previous posting, that I have been helping David build a shed in his backyard. I will include photos in an effort to help you, the reader, to understand what might be very technical jargon.
            In the first photo we see where the shed will ultimately be located. We have marked off the area and have decided where the corner blocks will be. After this photo was taken we also placed the other blocks used as the footing for the soon to be shed. I was amazed that the earth was easy to dig, it wasn’t too dry or wet. Here in the state of extremes, it is unusual that the dirt is just right. (Approx. 3 hours digging, setting, and leveling these footer blocks.)
            The next photo, taken with my almost smart phone camera, one can see the frame upon which the floor will be placed and later the building on top of that. Leveling and squaring the base frame is very important to the final assembly of the building.
            The third photo shows the floor installed on the frame, and we see Alex teaching his dad how to use a drill to attach the floor to the frame. Alex was very helpful throughout the construction process. (Approx. 2 hours construction and squaring the frame / floor.)
In the next professionally composed photograph we see, Dave pretending to be working on the partially constructed shed, ok he was really working and I was taking a photo. It was decided that we would start at 9:00am on that fateful Saturday morn, and work until we had finished.
            The task of putting the unit together seemed to be easy enough when we read the instructions. I should explain that we had built a similar shed at Dave and Claire’s home, when they lived in Dallas. The shed we built in Dallas was on mostly level ground, big difference.
We put in 9.5 hours Saturday. I must say we did stop one time for about 20 minutes to eat a, “What-a-burger, fries and a large cold drink”.  Food was purchased by my present wife. Other than that, we did not stop working and or reading the instructions until we finished.
            The last part of this project was to install the two sliding doors. We put the doors together and then entered the shed to hang them on the sliding hardware. If you can imagine, at 6:30 pm it was getting dark and we were inside the shed in the dark trying to work. That is when I remembered that my kinda smart phone was also a flash light. Finding the right app on the inexpensive windows phone, my light, “flashed to life”.  (Get it, Flashed to life and Flash light) We were then able to see what we were doing and completed the project. I should say, I did most of the holding and handing, while David did most of the physical labor.
Saturday 02/13/16, Dave and I completed the project (Thank goodness we are done).
We then put all the tools back in their proper location, and I headed for home. Being on my old feet for most of the 9.5 hours is tough. I was one tired puppy, ready for a night of rest and relaxation.

May all your projects be fun and complete!

Don Ford               

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