
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Lost and not found 02.04.16

            I have prolifically explained that lost items are always in the last place you look. I have also explained that continuing to look for a lost item after you find it would indicate a mental problem.
            I have lost something and have not found it. I have tried to stop looking but the search begins almost automatically. What is this thing that I can no longer find? My glasses.
I being retired, and on a fixed income, have, or I mean had, only one pair of glasses. If I could afford two pair, I would not be continually looking for my glasses. I could again use this wonderful brain of mine, to compose a literary jewel, for your edification, if I were not looking for those darn glasses.
            No, I am not writing this wonderful article in braille. My glasses are a single vision and for distance only. I have had the same pair since I had the cataracts removed, possibly 3 years ago. I do have to remove the glasses to read.
            If I am required to get new glasses, I would need an eye exam and who knows how much that would cost. My wife would be working overtime collecting the aluminum cans from the highways. I have thought about asking the grand kids to stay at our house over the weekend, they could help my wife pick up cans! We would tell them it is a game and they might win a prize for finding the most cans. 
            Being on a fixed income, if I don’t fine them, I may need to go to Good Will and see if I can get another pair. Do you think Good Will has used glasses?
            I don’t seem to be able to stop thinking about when I last saw the glasses, and that would be day before yesterday. Who knows, the glasses may be anywhere.
            Do you think it is legal for me to walk on the streets without my glasses? I assume it is ok for me to drive without them if I don’t text while driving.
            Vision that is considered normal is 20 / 20 and when I was young I had an eye exam and my vision was 20 / 15. I remember asking what that meant and was told my vision was better than most people. Heck now that I think about it, I was above average even as a kid.
What? I knew it! I knew you were going to interrupt me again! You want to know what my vision is without glasses! The last few times they checked, and I get checked every 6 months, without the glasses I had 20 / 30 vision.
You may wonder why I wear the glasses. At a distance the glasses make things a little clearer and they have a tendency to provide me with a more intellectual look, or possibly I make the glasses look good!
            Good news, I just checked the calendar and I have an eye doctor appointment next week. That way Medicare will pay for the exam. They do a bunch of exams, so going to the eye doctor isn’t fun, but at least I will be able to get a prescription for glasses.  

Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel!

Don Ford

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