
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Olden days photo 02.09.16

The first photo has less equipment than the second photo, but is taken from the same prospective. The second photo shows a growing interest in Ham radio.
These photos are of my old ham radio station back in 1991. The photos are in order. I find it interesting that I had an old commodore computer and a 5.25 inch disk drive, and an old CRT monitor. There is also, what was at the time, a modern desk top computer which had the 5.25 drive and a 3 inch drive. And another CRT monitor, Wow!
The dot matrix printer is on the top shelf and below is the paper for the printer. In those days the paper was continuous, in other words it fed from below into the back of the printer, and after printing you would tear off the printed sheet/s leaving the blank paper loaded and ready for the next printing.
            There is a scanner so I could listen to lots of stations like the police.
            Did you notice the shelves that were man made, by me, for all my equipment. I basically made the shelf for the item that was going to be placed on it. I still use some of that same shelving today.
            Hidden between the blue shelf and the desk top computer there is a wall hung phone.
In the third photo there is more equipment including an HF radio and a new microphone. My wife at that time purchased the microphone for me, it was a birthday present. Do not look at the messy wires and cables.
            The fourth photo is of my first antenna system, located on a push up pole. There is a 2 meter antenna at the top and an inverted V wire antenna for HF radio, covering 10, 20, 40 and 80 meters. When speaking of a ham radio, one often describes the frequency he is working in (talking or other method of communication) as meters. 10 meters means the wave length of the radio signal is 10 meters long. 
            It has been fun looking through my old Ham folders and finding these photos of what was my radio room, later to become my office.
            Being on a fixed income, if I get active in the hobby of ham radio, I may need to get a job so I can purchase equipment, all my equipment is old.
WHAT?!         Who said I was older than my radio equipment?                     Someday I will find out who keeps interrupting my journalistic endeavors.  
Maybe I should take up a different hobby. I could make a hobby out of occasionally helping my first wife with her collection of aluminum cans, that is if it did not interfere with my nap time.

I hope your hobby is not too expensive,
but if it is, I hope you can afford, I mean, enjoy it!

Don Ford

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