
Friday, February 5, 2016

Nope 02.05.16

            Nope, is in reference to the fact that my glasses have not magically reappeared. I appreciate all the suggestions and I have tried them all.
It was suggested that I feel the top of my head to see if they were there, they aren’t.
There was a suggestion to check around the recliner where I take naps, I have, nothing found.
A suggestion was to recheck all the usual places where I normally place them, I have and nothing found.
There was even a suggestion that I check around the top of the shower or in the window at the shower. I did, and again, nothing.
It was suggested I check in the waste paper basket next to my desk, I have checked it several times and you know what I found, waste paper, but no glasses. 
I have even followed the suggestion to check the garden that I have recently tilled. No I did not re-till it, I just looked around it, nothing found.
I did walk our back yard and also part of the neighbor’s yard, you know the part I walk through when I go over to Glen’s man cave for Happy hour. Yes Glen checked the man cave and nothing found.
It was suggested that I re-read my past few postings and then check those areas, nothing found!
One suggestion was to ask my present wife, which I did, she hasn’t seen them.
I have taken the garbage out and I have thought about checking the garbage can but…
Donations will be accepted for the purchase of glasses, for The Donald. Send all non-tax deductible donations to my web site and mark them as donation for, “four eyes”.

One person told me a story that is supposed to be true, and I doubt if they wanted it repeated, but it is so good I must tell the story. This person had gone to town, arriving at the store parking lot, this person looked for their cell phone. It wasn’t in the holder where it is normally kept. This person then looked in the adjoining seat, on the floor, on the dash and other places. I did not mention that she looked in her purse as I did not want you to know this person was a woman. This person then said out loud, “Dang it, where can my phone be?” that is when the voice on the other end of the phone (her husband) said, “Are you serious?”  He was on the phone, they had been talking and she was now looking for an item that she had in her hand.

Losing my glasses don’t sound so bad now, does it?

Don Ford

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