Yes, I thought February was over, then I hear we are in a leap year. Is a leap year like leap frog, does it jump over other years. Can you believe, many years ago someone decided to make a calendar where most years have 365 days, but once in a while, we have one with, “366 days”. How dumb is that.
Everyone should write their calendar makers and demand that this be fixed!
I may have been a:
How did this story start, I haven’t a clue! It was an unusually quite Friday evening about 7:00pm, I was sitting at my desk thinking about nothing in particular, I guess you could say my gargantuan brain, was in neutral.
I, for some unknown reason, maybe I had a senior moment, looked in a drawer next to my desk for an item, and before you ask, I do not remember what the item was, but it has nothing to do with this story.
Slowly I pulled the drawer open, more or less as if I were expecting something to jump out at me. As usual, I was surprised at all the junk, I mean interesting paraphernalia that I had saved over the years.
There were many wonderful items from the past resting in the drawer. My focus locked onto a blue vinyl pouch. I wasn’t sure what was inside this blue pouch, I carefully extricated it from the drawer. What was the item that has been residing in the drawer for several years? Would it be some forgotten artifact that will bring me fortune and happiness? Will it bring back memories, of an almost forgotten happy time, when I was younger and more hansom? Could I have really been more hansom than I am now?
I carefully opened the container and there they were, “binoculars”, which I just had to have, many years ago. These binoculars have a camera built in, so one could view things at a distance and also take a photo. That sounded like a good idea before everyone had a camera in their phones. After a couple hours of searching for the USB wire to connect the binoculars to the computer, I found it. Yes, I have many wires from many devices from the past and present.
I was able to connect the camera to the computer. The computer would not recognize the camera, so I looked through my vast software library, but to no avail, I do not have the software. I went on line but could not find any software for this unit. There were manuals to be down loaded but not software.
The following photo is of the binoculars / camera.
I now wonder if I was a nerd, or possibly a pre-nerd, back many years ago. It seems as if I use to buy all the new electronic items. I had one of the early digital cameras. Heck, I had a computer in my office at work several years before the company issued computers to the managers.
Can you believe it, I may have been a pre-nerd, or nerd, without knowing it!
Changing the topic somewhat, as I was sitting in my vehicle Sunday morning listening to the XM radio, waiting on my spouse of 46 years to get ready to go for brunch, Molly decided to get in with me and look around. Yes, she is on the dash in this photo. She later investigated the entire cab of the truck, then she went out the back window to check out the exterior of the truck, eventually sliding down the windshield onto the hood. Crazy cats do crazy things.
Changing the channel (aka subject), I have picked up all the limbs that I had cut down yesterday. You probably need to know that I, was practicing being a wood butcher in the back 40 yesterday. I was removing limbs that were over the fence and I did not want to damage the fence. Being a fair wood butcher, the fence did not get damaged. I had planned to put the tarp over the trailer but can’t now, until the limbs are hauled away.
Now that the work is done, I am here on the front porch, with my computer on my lap, typing away, preparing this wonderful article for your consumption. By the way, this entire article has 0 calories, so you may consume it, without any weight gain, but you may have just gained some knowledge.
Have a wonderful week!
Don Ford