
Monday, June 16, 2014

Does size matter? Yes. 06.16.14

The photo below may not be of a perfect Blackberry, (I am not writing about a smart phone) although it is one of a very few blackberries in the world that could be considered almost perfect.
It is well know that the fertile grounds of, “The Ford Homestead” produce many beautiful flowers and outstanding fruits or vegetables.
I should note that we have eaten the tomato that was featured in a previous posting and it was delicious.
I have placed a ruler next to the blackberry so you can get a sense of the size of the berry. Please ignore the diet coke with ice in the short glass behind the blackberry, it was placed there to hold the ruler in place.
The berry appears to be one and three eights inch from end to end (1 3/8”). There are many berries on the plants and although the birds are helping themselves to the berries, there are enough that both the human and bird population can share.
On a totally different subject: the following photo was taken with my flip phone and I was sitting in the Man Rocker while Molly, “the long tailed cat” lay dangerously close to the rocker’s rocker. Did that make sense?
Before you get upset and call the animal rights people, I did not rock on the cat’s tail.
We hope you have a Berry Nice Day.
Don Ford

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