
Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, the 13th 06.13.14


It all seems to have started about 1 minute after midnight, Friday 13th, 2014. My first wife came to bed about 12:02 and woke me as she got into bed. She noted that it had been raining, “like pouring it out of a boot”. This caused me to listen and there was much loud thunder indicating lightening in the area. I reached for the remote and turned the TV on to see what the storm situation was. The storms had appeared to be south of us when I went to sleep, earlier that night.

                The TV weather indicated a large storm with lots of lightening covering Waco Hewitt and other surrounding towns. I decided to get up and look outside. The back yard looked like a pond (tank in Texas vernacular). I went to the front door and the street appeared to be a river at flood stage.

                About 12:30 the lightning was subsiding, that is when, “the power went off”. I got a flash light and worked my way into the garage where I keep a battery powered lantern. I had not charged it in over a year. I was pleasantly surprised, the lantern worked. I set it up in the bed room as a night light and I crawled back into bed.

                At some point during the night I thought about not knowing what time it was. I retrieved my cell phone, set the alarm to go off at 6:00am just in case I was to over sleep. The phone was placed by the bed.

                I woke before the phone alarm went off and rolled out of bed. Knowing the power had been off for 6 hours. I decided to get the generator from the shed and power the fridge and deep freeze.

                What was the first thing I saw when I walked out into the dark world? It was a,                  “Full Moon”


Think of this; a full moon, Friday the 13th, major storm, 4.5 inches of rain, and a power outage. Was it a coincidence or does Friday the 13th have something to do with it?

                The ground was very wet and somewhat difficult to pull the 100 pound generator through the grass. Once the generator was on the driveway, I started the generator and ran a couple extension cords to the fridge and deepfreeze.

                My spouse and I sat outside waiting for the power to come back on. One thing the power outage accomplished, it got several of the neighbors outside talking to each other.


I hope your Friday the 13th is    


Don Ford

I would have finished the last line but I was negatively influenced by Friday 13th.

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