
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Who speaks for the cat?

               “Who cares, it is just a cat.” In some situations that statement can get you hurt or at least you will get “the look”. You know the look I am speaking of, it is the same look that women have successfully used to put children and men in their place for thousands of years. It is the look that is described as, “If looks could kill”. 

               Why would anyone need to speak for a cat? In our situation, Molly T has a very small voice; to be truthful she can hardly be heard. Now she does have a way to get attention but it is not with her voice. Molly T will run through the house quickly jumping on and off furniture and occasionally jumping on and off Tejas.

               Tejas on the other hand has been a vocal dog since he was a puppy. Tejas often make winning noises for no reason at all. Tejas seemingly has now taken on the responsibility of speaking for Molly T. Tejas may occasionally speak for Molly T just to get her out of the way.

               As some of you know, I occasionally sit outside in my rocker observing the grass grow. Ok, it is not occasionally, it is every day. Yesterday afternoon as I was observing the grass in my yard not growing due to the extremely hot and dry conditions, I was more or less in a trance when I heard Tejas whining. I turned to see what his complaint might be; he was lying on the floor of the garage stretched out and apparently comfortable.

He whimpered a second time and that is when I noticed he was attempting to “speak for the cat”. Molly T was sitting in front of the back door wanting to go inside. I was able to get up from my comfortable old rocker and let the cat into the house.

During this time Tejas continues to lay on the floor relaxing. Why didn’t I install a cat and dog door then I would not need to get up.


               The prognosticators are calling for a 50% chance of rain today; we hope they are correct.

As My wife of 44 years and I sat outside this morning enjoying our morning coffee and tea it began to rain “lightly”. Note that I did specify, “Lightly”, when referring to the rain.

In the real world this rain would be described as a sprinkle. I will go a little further in describing the rain as ¾ inch rain. On the drive way the drops of rain were about ¾ inch apart, thus a ¾ inch rain.

               On a totally diffident subject:

This morning as I was kinda watching the so called, “morning news”, I began considering the spelling of a word. The news was speaking of “bombs” and it occurred to me that the word bomb is spelled wrong. If mom is “m o m” then why isn’t bomb spelled, “b o m”. It just makes since Mom and Bom. I don’t know who decides how words are spelled but they should have come to me first.

I should point out that you are now being monitored by the NSA and other government agencies, due to the fact that you have just opened and read an article that included the word “bomb. You are probably now on a terrorist watch list.


On a different subject:

We drained the grandkid’s swimming pool yesterday after they enjoyed one last swim for this summer. With school starting today, it was decided to drain the pool allowing the water to be siphoned off toward plants that needed some moisture.


Hope you have a quiet and restful day.

Don Ford


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