
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Like a needle in a hay stack.

               As I searched, I began to think about hunting for a needle in a hay stack. Looking for a needle in a hay stack could be a daunting task but in one way it could be easier than what I was searching for.

               If I were searching for a needle I could be on my hands and knees and I might find the needle when it penetrated my hand or other part of my body. Being on my hands and knees in my yard would not be a good idea. I will probably find it when I mow this week and that will be too late as the mower blade will have eaten the piece of plastic.

               I guess it is better that it is plastic rather than glass, if it were glass and the mower shattered it someone could be hurt walking barefoot. With all the acorns that fall it is very uncomfortable to walk bare footed in our yard, so I guess it will not be a problem.

               As I searched the yard for the second time it occurred to me that rather than clear, if it was tented I might have a chance to find it.

               No luck, I need to get a quick shower and head for town to purchase another. I think they should put lock tight on the screws and that just might keep losses to a minimum.

               Why was I searching the yard? I felt something fall as I was moving the lawn sprinkler but I did not see anything so I did not stop at that moment. Later when I put my glasses on and realized I could not read anything I thought, something is wrong. I looked at the glasses and saw I was missing a lens.

               Replacing the lens cost more than I wanted to pay but I needed to be able to see.


Different subject;

               We are going to have the foundation people out to re-level the Ford House. The re-leveling is warrantee work but there is other work that will cost a small fortune. Donations will be accepted with a minimum suggested donation of $100.00.


               Hope you have a very nice day!

Don Ford


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