
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Queen what? continued part four

# 8

# 8      this photo is of the base, or what will be the base. You will notice that parts are stained. When I received the kit (AKA puzzle) there were a few parts that were stained. I assume that the first person who had this kit, started working on it and for some reason stopped (gave up).



# 9

# 9      In photo # 9 the base is assembled; it's all stained and is finished. The desk will be attached to the top of the base later and the hutch will be attached to the top of the desk.




#10     now we are starting to see what the unit may look like if I am able to finish it.  The base and desk are starting to take shape.  As you can see there are clamps holding the desk together and to the base.  I will take it apart and then reassemble it with glue and other fasteners. The word “fasteners” sounds more professional than the words “screwed and glued”.



#11     in the above photo, the base and desk has been completed and are now ready for the hutch to be placed on the top.



#12     we see the unit with the desk door opened. There are three small draws and spaces for envelopes (aka pigeon holes).


Thank you for reviewing this posting; we hope you will have a very nice day.


Don Ford


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