Thursday, August 29, 2013
Friends... 08/29/13
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Who speaks for the cat?
“Who cares, it is just a cat.” In some situations that statement can get you hurt or at least you will get “the look”. You know the look I am speaking of, it is the same look that women have successfully used to put children and men in their place for thousands of years. It is the look that is described as, “If looks could kill”.
Why would anyone need to speak for a cat? In our situation, Molly T has a very small voice; to be truthful she can hardly be heard. Now she does have a way to get attention but it is not with her voice. Molly T will run through the house quickly jumping on and off furniture and occasionally jumping on and off Tejas.
Tejas on the other hand has been a vocal dog since he was a puppy. Tejas often make winning noises for no reason at all. Tejas seemingly has now taken on the responsibility of speaking for Molly T. Tejas may occasionally speak for Molly T just to get her out of the way.
As some of you know, I occasionally sit outside in my rocker observing the grass grow. Ok, it is not occasionally, it is every day. Yesterday afternoon as I was observing the grass in my yard not growing due to the extremely hot and dry conditions, I was more or less in a trance when I heard Tejas whining. I turned to see what his complaint might be; he was lying on the floor of the garage stretched out and apparently comfortable.
He whimpered a second time and that is when I noticed he was attempting to “speak for the cat”. Molly T was sitting in front of the back door wanting to go inside. I was able to get up from my comfortable old rocker and let the cat into the house.
During this time Tejas continues to lay on the floor relaxing. Why didn’t I install a cat and dog door then I would not need to get up.
The prognosticators are calling for a 50% chance of rain today; we hope they are correct.
As My wife of 44 years and I sat outside this morning enjoying our morning coffee and tea it began to rain “lightly”. Note that I did specify, “Lightly”, when referring to the rain.
In the real world this rain would be described as a sprinkle. I will go a little further in describing the rain as ¾ inch rain. On the drive way the drops of rain were about ¾ inch apart, thus a ¾ inch rain.
On a totally diffident subject:
This morning as I was kinda watching the so called, “morning news”, I began considering the spelling of a word. The news was speaking of “bombs” and it occurred to me that the word bomb is spelled wrong. If mom is “m o m” then why isn’t bomb spelled, “b o m”. It just makes since Mom and Bom. I don’t know who decides how words are spelled but they should have come to me first.
I should point out that you are now being monitored by the NSA and other government agencies, due to the fact that you have just opened and read an article that included the word “bomb”. You are probably now on a terrorist watch list.
On a different subject:
We drained the grandkid’s swimming pool yesterday after they enjoyed one last swim for this summer. With school starting today, it was decided to drain the pool allowing the water to be siphoned off toward plants that needed some moisture.
Hope you have a quiet and restful day.
Don Ford
Monday, August 26, 2013
Good morning to you, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. Mine was boring and the hot weather didn’t help. Mine was excellent with several fun adventures…
First I would like to state that I am not now nor have I ever been a snake person. These reptiles are able to co-exist with me due to the fact that they stay hidden most of the time. Occasionally I will venture outside my home and stroll around the property with my trusted companion and confidant Tejas. During these outside adventures we have intermittently seem the elusive and rare “Rattle Head Copper Moccasin”. (Additional information about this snake can be found in the March 14, 2013 posting)
This particular reptile is thought to be extinct everywhere except on the Ford Homestead in Hewitt, Texas. That makes this snake an “endangered species” which means if your government found out that they exist on The Ford Homestead, the government would likely take the Homestead away from us in an effort to protect this reptile.
We had thought about having the History Channel do a story about the snake but decided against it for two reasons. First, the Government would know of the snake and secondly people from all over the world would want to come and see the rare reptile. There is too much traffic on our street avenue now and if the world knew we would never have any piece and quite.
Back to my original reason for bring this almost extinct reptile up; Last week Alex had one of these, “Rattle Head Copper Moccasin” in his hand. He brought it to show me and even though it was small (a baby possibly 3 inches long) I could tell it was a deadly viper. Gabi, being a big sister and wanting to see that her brother was safe, also handled the serpent.
After some discussion we convinced “The Alex” to put the snake back into the flower bed. No human was injured during this transaction and none of the almost extinct serpents were injured.
All is well at “The Ford Homestead of Hewitt, Texas”.
We hope you have a comfortable day without serpents.
Don Ford
Friday, August 23, 2013
Summer continues 08/22/13
It is still hot and dry at The Ford Homestead. I asked the neighbor lady to do the rain dance this time and she replied, “you made it rain last time you should do it again”. Have you noticed when you do something nice for others (such as the rain dance) they always expect more. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so nice.
We topped of the grandkids tree house/fort with a tarp serving as a roof. It isn’t real pretty but it may keep most of the bird poop off the floor.
Gabi doesn’t look too enthusiastic in this photo; she may be saving her energy for the opening day of school next week. The summer school break seemed to have passed very quickly.
I have noticed that the days are getting shorter and the sun is more to the south reducing my shade when I sit in my rocker in the afternoon.
Above is a photo of the desk project which now has a chair. The chair appears to be the same color as the desk until you take a photo with a flash, then you can see it is somewhat lighter. Since we are not continually taking photos, the color difference of the chair does not matter. My present wife purchased the chair, it had no seat. In other words the chair when purchased could have been used like a toilet seat.
I made the wooden seat and attached it to the chair the my spouse added the padding and covered the chair.
I need to look through the draws of the desk; I do not believe I have removed all my tools and other items from the project.
My poor yard needs rain and I need to mow. I would rather mow after a nice rain but if I wait for the rain the neighbors will likely begin to talk. I picked up toys from the back yard yesterday and need to do it again today. I don’t have any idea how those toys get spread throughout the back yard.
I hope you have a cool and rainy day.
Don Ford
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Like a needle in a hay stack.
As I searched, I began to think about hunting for a needle in a hay stack. Looking for a needle in a hay stack could be a daunting task but in one way it could be easier than what I was searching for.
If I were searching for a needle I could be on my hands and knees and I might find the needle when it penetrated my hand or other part of my body. Being on my hands and knees in my yard would not be a good idea. I will probably find it when I mow this week and that will be too late as the mower blade will have eaten the piece of plastic.
I guess it is better that it is plastic rather than glass, if it were glass and the mower shattered it someone could be hurt walking barefoot. With all the acorns that fall it is very uncomfortable to walk bare footed in our yard, so I guess it will not be a problem.
As I searched the yard for the second time it occurred to me that rather than clear, if it was tented I might have a chance to find it.
No luck, I need to get a quick shower and head for town to purchase another. I think they should put lock tight on the screws and that just might keep losses to a minimum.
Why was I searching the yard? I felt something fall as I was moving the lawn sprinkler but I did not see anything so I did not stop at that moment. Later when I put my glasses on and realized I could not read anything I thought, something is wrong. I looked at the glasses and saw I was missing a lens.
Replacing the lens cost more than I wanted to pay but I needed to be able to see.
Different subject;
We are going to have the foundation people out to re-level the Ford House. The re-leveling is warrantee work but there is other work that will cost a small fortune. Donations will be accepted with a minimum suggested donation of $100.00.
Hope you have a very nice day!
Don Ford
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday ride 8-17-13
The morning started as so many mornings do, Tejas came to the side of the bed at 5:00am and woke me up. He has a habit of waking me at this time every morning. Sometimes he is just letting me know that he is there for me and other times, (like this morning) he wants to go outside. When he goes out he checks the perimeter of the Ford Homestead for killers, thieves, cats and rabbits. Sometimes he waters the flowers.
I return to bed as soon as Tejas finished his reconnaissance of the area. I actually rolled out of bed about 7:00am Saturday morning and put the coffee on. I made my usual bowl of cereal and headed for my easy chair. After eating the cereal and drinking my 3 cups of coffee I made a stunning observation, it was cool outside. By cool I mean the outside temp was about 64 degrees. That is a perfect temp for starting a motorcycle trip.
Where would I go? I wasn’t sure of a destination but I wanted to ride while it was cool. I put some bottled water in a small cooler with ice and secured it to the back seat of my bike. I thought I might ride down to San Antonio for lunch at a sea food restaurant but that is 3.5 hours if you ride on the interstate. I decided I would ride out to Lampasas, TX and if I still wanted to go the San Antonio I would head south from there avoiding the interstate altogether.
I had ridden as for as Gatesville, TX when I observed a dodge dealer. I decided to pull in and look at a white Durango they had. It did not have the accessories we wanted so I checked out some other vehicles. There was a white Town and Country van on the show room floor that seemed to have everything we wanted in a new vehicle. I tried to call my wife of 44 years but the phone was busy. After several attempts at calling I decided to ride home and see if she would want to go to Gatesville to see the van.
40 minutes later I was home and my present wife was cleaning the front room. If I was to tell you the house was a mess I would not be exaggerating. My spouse was willing to stop what she was doing to go look at a new van and I also promised her lunch.
As she was changing her clothes I took a quick shower and jumped into some clean jeans and shirt. The phone rang and it was my son Dave. He and Claire had just purchased a new washer and dryer and wanted me to bring the pickup to the store to transport the washer and dryer to their home. I explained to my spouse that I would go help them get their purchase home and she could take her time getting ready.
The store employees were able to get both the washer and dryer in my pickup even though I have a cover on the bed. I delivered the units to their home, where we unloaded them and I went home.
My spouse was ready to go so we headed west.
Arriving at Gatesville we went directly to the Steak House for lunch. It was already 1:30 and we were famished. They have a nice salad bar and the baked potato was good but I have had better and less expensive shrimp.
We arrived at the dealer and reviewed the Town and Country van. It was a 2013 and nice but the one thing that we did not like was the leather seats. Those seats seemed to be very hard. We decided to look at the dodge vans and found a 2014 with all the same options but it has cloth seats which were more comfortable. We are not driving any vehicles until we determine a couple that we are truly interested in.
That is what my Saturday ride was like.
Have a super nice day.
Don Ford
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Prayers answered
The weather people had indicated a high possibility for rain yesterday afternoon. About 3:30 it had not rained so I checked the weather radar. (I assume you noticed that radar is spelled the same forward and backwards. I wonder how many words are spelled the same both ways.) All the activity was south of us so I decided to take matters into my own hands and water the flower beds in the front yard.
I completed watering the two beds about 4:30 and went outside to assume my rightful position in my rocking chair near the garage door. It was hot as usual and I properly positioned a fan near the foot of my throne rocking chair directing the air toward my upper body and face.
As I sat on my rocking chair considering many world problems and remembering that I am now a year older (my 33rd birthday for the 33rd time), I could feel a slight change in the air temperature. My initial thought was “I could be hallucinating”.
Tejas, my constant companion and trusted confidant, was at my side and he was verifying that the temp had dropped a little. Tejas does not like thunder and he had noted thunder was occurring in the distance.
There were repeated comments from Tejas about the thunder becoming more frequent and getting much closer. He gets a little nervous when thunder is in the area and he had come to me several times for reassurance. The back door opened and my first wife stepped outside to get something from the freezer. When my first wife went back into the house, Tejas my not so constant companion went inside with her.
Can you believe Tejas would abandon me and go inside due to a little thunder? Ok, there was a lot of thunder and shortly after he went into the house it began to rain.
Fearing that I might melt if I were to get wet, I also went inside. I did not stay inside because I wanted to observe and enjoy the rain. I went to the front porch and stood there watching nature re-watering all the plants I had watered earlier.
Later when the rain stopped, I checked the rain gage. We had received nine tenths of an inch of beautiful rain.
This morning as I enjoyed the somewhat cooler weather while sitting in my rocker, Tejas commented that the yard already looked better due to yesterday’s rain. He continued saying, “the grass has greened up overnight and it will need to be mowed soon”. He also noted, “The spots I normally lay in would be too tall for comfortable lounging in a day or so”.
I have noticed that some people and some dogs are never satisfied. One day it is too dry and the grass is not comfortable, the next day the grass is too tall and not comfortable.
Thanks to everyone who called and emailed me on my birthday.
Belated gifts may be sent to “The Ford Homestead Foundation of Hewitt, TX, birthday fund for the elderly Ford”.
Have a nice cool day.
Don Ford
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Can't always tell.
I was informed by my wife of 44 years, “not everyone understands when I am joking”. She most often tells me this when we are at restaurants and I am kidding with the wait staff or the managers when they occasionally stop by our table.
I like to BS with people and sometimes the younger people find it difficult to distinguish between my BS and when I am serious.
I recently posted an article in which I stated that my neighbor was inconsiderate because he trimmed tree limbs and now the sun was shining on me in the mornings. I also stated, “The problem is our neighbor did not take into consideration that the sun would be shining directly in our eyes when we were sitting outside. I have spoken to them about our needs and as of now they have not offered any sanctuary from the harmful light of the sun. In addition, they are planning on making it even worse by trimming the second tree which will likely cause serious eye injuries to my spouse and I.”
I assumed that everyone reading the article would understand that I was joking. My spouse of 44 years said not everyone who read it took it as a joke.
I would like to apologize to anyone who thought I was serious. My neighbor and I are best friends. If we had a concern with one another we would address it directly and not through a blog posting.
I will attempt to be more thoughtful in the future when I am joking.
Have a fantastic day!
Don Ford
This day in History August 13th 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Hello from “The Ford Homestead”, we are all doing well and hope you are also. The weather has been hot and dry so the forecast of possible rain over the next 3 days gives us cause to be hopeful. A few days of rain would be the answer to many prayers.
Each morning a little after 7:00am, my wife of 44 years and I venture out of the house to await the arrival of our grandchildren. We habitually sit in chairs just outside the garage door. I most often have a cup of coffee while my present wife has a cup of tea. For the last two mornings the sun has been in our eyes more than usual. Yes it is the time of day when the sun rises and we do somewhat face the east when sitting in our chairs on the drive way.
This morning I noticed in the yard of the house up the street there was old furniture and assorted junk. When my spouse came outside I jokingly said, “There is some furniture in the yard up the street and there may be something you need”. The next thing I knew she was walking up the street to see what was in the yard. This activity was embarrassing to me, my first wife going through someone’s junk hoping to find something to bring home.
Luckily she was unable to find anything that she needed. She returned home empty handed and somewhat discouraged. As she came into the driveway a trash truck pulled up to the house to pick up the junk.
I digress; I was going to comment on people who have no consideration for their retired neighbors who are living on a fixed income when I was side tracked bot the spouse and junk story.
Our neighbor across the street has been in the process of trimming one of the two large trees in their front yard. The tree did need to be trimmed and I must say it does look better. The problem is our neighbor did not take into consideration that the sun would be shining directly in our eyes when we were sitting outside. I have spoken to them about our needs and as of now they have not offered any sanctuary from the harmful light of the sun. In addition, they are planning on making it even worse by trimming the second tree which will likely cause serious eye injuries to my spouse and I.
On a different subject; my spouse of 44 years and I have been looking at new vehicles and have found that retired people on a fixed income basically can’t afford to have a new SUV. We could possibly afford a small car with no options but my wife insists she needs a lot of room and she does not want to get down into a car and then back up and out of a car.
We have looked at several vehicles but have refused to drive any until we can narrow the list down to just a couple. I explained to one of the sales men that my first house with a full basement and an attached garage cost $27,000.00. I didn’t say that I thought $51,000.00 was a ridiculous amount to pay for a new Ford Expedition or a Buick Enclave, but it is.
We need to decide on which vehicles we want to consider (possibly afford) and then go drive them.
If you want to make a donation to “the new vehicle for the Ford Homestead” please do so by sending cash or checks to “The vehicle for the wife fund”, with a suggested minimum amount of $100.00 or more (donations are not tax deductible).
On a different subject, I am acquiring the needed supplies to add a top to the tree house/fort. It will be built using some PVC pipe and a tarp. Hopefully I can build and install said top without any injuries to me.
We hope you have a week filled with wonder and fun.
Take a couple naps; they do wonders for my attitude.
Don Ford
Friday, August 9, 2013
How did he do that?
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
From the top down.
I have been working hard today in an effort to clean and straighten the garage before it became too hot. Each day lately has been 100 plus and it is not very enjoyable. I needed to see that all tools had been replaced now that my projects are done and the area cleaned.
Yes, I have been successful in the cleaning process. I was also successful at taking a short nap after eating a light lunch.
The tree house or fort as it is also know has been enjoyed by both of the grandkids. I took a couple photos of the kids as they were doing their initial survey of the facility.
Possibly one of the best photos was taken from the top down. Gabi is becoming an “excellent photographer’, due mostly to my tutelage.
The word tutelage is a neat word that is seldom used.
We hope your day is good and your week is even better.
Don Ford
Queen is finished
#13 at this time the hutch is nothing more than several boards and pieces of molding. I have stained them and have started the varnishing process.
# 14 in this photo the hutch is mostly assembled (except for the back and some molding). I will take it apart and glue some of the parts together others will be fastened with screws.
My wife of 44 years has taken the doors to the glass company to have glass cut and put into the doors.
As you can see the glass has been installed and I have reinstalled both doors with the door knobs. The unit has been moved into the house and is considered complete. I will place these notes in a space under one of the draws. Possibly after we are gone someone will find the notes and understand all the effort that was out into the project.
The following were involved in some way constructing of the unit.
D. Patrick Ford donated the unit
Donna Ford senior supervisor and head critic
Donald Ford lead construction worker
Tejas Ford senior advisor and confidant
Don Ford
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Queen what? continued part four
# 8 this photo is of the base, or what will be the base. You will notice that parts are stained. When I received the kit (AKA puzzle) there were a few parts that were stained. I assume that the first person who had this kit, started working on it and for some reason stopped (gave up).
# 9 In photo # 9 the base is assembled; it's all stained and is finished. The desk will be attached to the top of the base later and the hutch will be attached to the top of the desk.
#10 now we are starting to see what the unit may look like if I am able to finish it. The base and desk are starting to take shape. As you can see there are clamps holding the desk together and to the base. I will take it apart and then reassemble it with glue and other fasteners. The word “fasteners” sounds more professional than the words “screwed and glued”.
#11 in the above photo, the base and desk has been completed and are now ready for the hutch to be placed on the top.
#12 we see the unit with the desk door opened. There are three small draws and spaces for envelopes (aka pigeon holes).
Thank you for reviewing this posting; we hope you will have a very nice day.
Don Ford
Multitasking complete
Hello from, “The Ford Homestead of Hewitt, TX.” All is well here as we continue to update you on the tree house/fort.
I have worked on the structure alone for the last two days as David has been under the weather. Today is Saturday and Dave is feeling well enough to come over to help finish the structure. I have been able to complete the frame and we are now ready to install the floor. There are two floors, one is 4x4 foot and the other is 4x8 foot. Working together Dave and I installed the floor making them appear as if professionals had completed the task.
I have a couple photos for your edification.
In this photo we see Dave installing the last screw into the floor boards.
A little later my wife of 44 years arrived with some Bushes tea, as all good Texans know, “it would be hard to live without Bushes Tea”. You may notice that they have found resting areas somewhat in the shade.
In the photo below we see the completed product standing ready to be used. The grand kids have not yet seen this outstanding structure. We are hoping that they will enjoy it and not destroy it.
Thank you for reading this posting, we hope all goes well for you this week.
Don Ford
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Multitasking continued
Today is Thursday, August 01, 2013 and I have been working outside attempting to begin the erection of the tree house/fort. Dave had planned to come over today and we were going to work on the structure together. Dave and both kids had colds so they stay home today, possibly coming to help tomorrow.
I had taken the wood and tools to the back yard yesterday afternoon so I decided to do what I could, working alone. I will attach a photo of the progress later in the article.
You should know the temperature was predicted to hit 103 today so I knew I would not be outside working in the afternoon. I was able to assemble the front side but the problem I had was no one to keep it standing while I worked. Since I was in between to trees I decided to get a rope and tie it to one tree, then wrap the rope around the top board and tie the other end to the other tree. This would hold the one side in place so I could add to the structure.
The rope actually worked and I was able to work around the first side without it falling on me. I will not go into the things I have discovered that were incorrect but I will say it was less embarrassing to be working alone.
The structure will stand alone now but it is not nearly complete or strong enough to climb on.
I stopped working about 1:15 because it was getting too hot and there was no shade in the work area. The frame is two thirds complete and there is flooring that will be installed.
When I stopped working I came inside and took a nice shower followed by lunch and a nap. I am now going to get my hair cut.
Have a cool day.
Don Ford
Don Ford