
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Are they done 10.23.18

            I would be happy to say, “They are done”! What would be better than having everything finished and we no longer need to be here when contractors arrive. They are not done, they are getting closer.
            They did get the dishwasher installed yesterday, we haven’t tried it yet, maybe it will work.
            I did tell one of the workers, we are now on “our schedule. That means they can come and work on things when we are here, we will not be here at their request. This is not a complaint from me, it is just the way it will be. Work when we are here, and we will not schedule our time to meet their needs.

            Different subject; I was on the Wally world web site and I saw DIB items listed. That is not supposed to happen. If you go to the Wally world site and type in spackling compound then go down the list you will see DIB items. I guess I should send a note to the home office.

            I will update you on what I did yesterday. I took Gabi to school, I started cutting the limbs and placing them on the trailer, I stopped working on the downed limbs and watched the contractor as he worked on installing the dish washer. I ate lunch. I went back to cutting up the limbs, I stopped again as the contractor worker returned to attempt to finish the dish washer install. Contractor got the dish washer in place and left, I went and picked up Alex at school. I went back to the big limb and finished cutting it, I put my saw away…
            In the above photo we see Charlie on a tree stump. Tres had been bothering him so he got up there to get away from the Tres. Note, the trailer has limbs on it but it was not full yet.
            IN the photo below (sorry it is not a good photo) we can almost see the Tres taking smaller limbs that I cut and playing with them.

            I have scheduled a visit to the car dealer to get the Ford’s Chevy looked at. It has been running a little rough at an idle, and it needs an oil change.
            Our youngest son is off work today so he is taking the Gabi to school, I have the morning off.

May your day be as good as mine!

Senior retired person; Don Ford

                                                             I am watching!

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1 comment:

John Snider said...

Was that last photo of Harrison Ford in Raiders of Lost Ark?