
Monday, October 22, 2018

Sunday exposed 10.22.18

            Today is Monday and I may be presenting info from Sunday and today. Today is supposed to be almost rain free. The back yard, although not totally dry, it is dry enough for me to get out there and cut up those limbs. You are right, I am always looking for something to do.
            I was forced, I mean I was allowed to work in the bathroom his weekend. First I was allowed to put spackling on the wall, then the next day I was allowed to apply paint to the wall. I should also note that my present spouse did paint some of the trim. Give credit where credit is due! Two photos to compare,
Photo on the left is spackled, photo on the right same area is painted. We can’t afford wall plates for the outlets, donations would be accepted.
            Even though the rain has been suspended for a few days here in Hewitt, we are facing a fast moving storm heading our way this Wednesday. This will be the remains of a hurricane from the Pacific Ocean. As I sat on the Ford’s ole rocker, I noticed some clouds that are preceding the coming storm. I was surprised to see the clouds were mimicking the waves that were in the ocean. View the photo on the left and you will see the waves in the sky. View the photo on the right and see if you can see anything interesting in the clouds. 
            The second photo might be seen by some as a cross, while other may see a bird or airplane. Whatever you see, it is still interesting.
            The photos were taken as I was attempting to relax after being forced I mean allowed to work all weekend!

Relax, look up occasionally, and enjoy the day!

Very hard volunteer worker; Don Ford


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