
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dream is in the name of 10.13.18

               Note: I had to tie the Tres up to a tree in the front yard to keep him from going out onto the street unexpectedly to greet people. He is big and looks aggressive which causes citizens to panic as he runs at them. Photo to follow, click on the photo to become a believer!
            Today is Saturday, I wrote this article on Friday. I want you to have a proper time line.
            The contracting company doing the work here at the Ford Homestead has the word Dream in their name. This soon to be wonderful posting, has nothing to do with the contractor, instead it has to do with a dream I had last night. Yes, even elderly senior persons are allowed to dream.
            In my dream I saw a truck loaded with what appeared to be particle board. There were pallets properly stacked on top of pallets on the bed of the truck. The truck had the colorful logo of the company I use to work for, displayed prominently. In my dream the truck was leaving a building, but it was not a company store or a company owned building. I woke up, and that was the end of the dream. I have odd dreams almost every night.
            This morning I had dropped Gabi off at school, and had decided to go to the teller machine at our bank to see if I could with draw a couple dollars. As I left the bank I looked over at the parking lot of the company where I use to work, when I observed a truck loaded with pallets of what appeared to be particle board. Suddenly the dream came to mind. There is a truck loaded with pallets which looked like the load of pallets in my dream.
            As I was looking at the truck, a thought came to mind. Had I actually dreamed it, was it just a coincidence that I now see it in real life, or, was it not a dream but a premonition given to me instead. Is this a way of telling me that I should remember my dreams, as they may foretell the future?
            You might be interested to know, I believe there is a place between being awake, and sleeping. This in between area is where some people can receive information allowing them to formulate new hypotheses, or receive predictions of things to come. Many of the geniuses have said they get some of their information while relaxing, more or less in a trance like state. Those who have seen into the future have often used a state of relaxation, to get into a mental trance. Albert Einstein would sit in a trance like state, sometimes for hours at a time, receiving and formulating new ideas. 
            As for me, I have, while trying to take a nap, seen things that were totally clear as if I were there, while I was still aware of things around me. I knew I was not awake and was not asleep. I haven’t stayed in that state for long periods of time, and I seldom remember much of what I have seen. It is as if I was somewhere and then pulled away.
            Kind of weird, isn’t it. What else do senior citizens have to do other than sit, ponder, imagine, formulate, and then some of us like to write about it. 
            Now to the promised photo of the Tres.
            Since we have had to spend all our funding on the remodel project, we have had to cut back on the Tres’ food. He is somewhat thinner than in previous photos. Click the photo to enhance.

            Just in case anyone is reading this, and if that one person has a question;
They have some cabinets installed,
The floor is installed,
They are supposed to install the counter tops next Monday,
They found a live wire in the wall that was not connected to anything, the wire has been there since the house was built 40 years ago,
They are supposed to be done but Friday.

May your dreams all be sweet and lovely!

Dreamer extraordinary;          Don Ford


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