
Friday, October 5, 2018

Near miss 10.05.18

               Possibly the title should have been, “Near Hit”!
            As a reader of my blog, you should know that I do pick up the grandson after school each week day. Normally the drive out and back from school are uneventful other than some interesting conversations with the Alex. Yesterday was the exception.
            I had driven to the school and was in the center turning lane. That is when some idiot came across the line dividing the center lane, and the drive lane that the oncoming vehicles should be in. This vehicle must have been driving at 50 mph, I was moving at maybe a couple miles per hour.
            The idiot driver of the other pick up missed hitting my vehicle by a couple inches. I will attempt to post a short video from my vehicle camera.

            On a different subject, senior citizen schedules are very comforting. In other words, we like it when things are as expected. My first wife and I would like to have a day or two in which things follow the normal schedule. It would be nice to not have any contractors show up at our door, to have lunch at the usual time, and very important, “have ones nap at the usual time”! That is our hope for the next couple days.

May you be on schedule, all weekend!

Time manager; Don Ford 


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