
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Olden days revisited 10.09.18

            I have no idea why this came to mind, but since it somehow got in there, I felt the need to remind a few people (older generation) and inform others (younger generation).
            In the olden days there was a very large catalog from Sears and Roebuck. In the olden days this catalog was the place to find and purchase almost anything. One could think of it as a paper Amazon.
            As a young boy, this catalog had several things that I liked to look at. First of all, it had ladies in their underwear, and I did like to review those photos. Second, there was always a toy section which I also reviewed. There was another area that I frequented often, possibly as much as the ladies in underwear, they had Shetland Ponies and Donkeys. I always wanted a Pony or a Donkey but I never got one.
            As I remember it, they had other live animals like rabbits and chickens. For some reason the animals came to mind so I thought I would share it with the reading public.

            Different subject; “I am P.Oed”! You may know what being P.Oed means, and that applies to me. I am Positively Outraged at these political horses’ butts who are sending emails to me about the upcoming election. I am an independent, I will vote for the person I think is best, or at least not as bad as the other candidate. I have made my mind up. All these, “North end of south bound horses” are doing, is making me P.Oed! Oh by the way, my computer is putting these emails in the junk file, so I just delete them without seeing or reading. J
            Another subject; did the contractor show up here at the Ford’s ole Kitchen Monday? Nope. They had to finish another job. When did they notify me that they were not coming? About 2:30 pm. Now they plan to be here tomorrow between 8:00 and 8:30. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, will that affect them?
            Speaking of rain, in the last three days we have had a combined total of an inch of rain. Possibly, with some continued rain we can be considered out of the drought.
            Our bug guy is scheduled to be here this morning, do bug guys work if it is raining? 
What kind of Monday did you have?

Patient and Outraged, as you can see, still P.Oed;   Don Ford 


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