
Monday, October 9, 2017

TV commercials 10.09.17

            There is a commercial about dogs or at least they have dogs in it. I really do not know what the commercial is about but today I heard these words, “If I were you, I would want to be me”!
I like it. There is something about the odd statement that caught my attention.

As I sit and ponder that statement, I believe it to be true, at least for me.

Knowing what you know, if you were suddenly someone else, would you want to be you?

Consider for a moment, if you were someone else, wouldn’t you still be you, even though you were someone else?

 Now, for the rest of the day, let’s take time to consider the statement!

 Your thoughts will be appreciated.          

If I were you, I would want to be me!
If I were you, would I want to be me!

Don Ford

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