
Friday, October 6, 2017

Horses butts 10.06.17

                This informative article is about people (male and female) who are either definitely careless, possibly stupid, or they just like to do things to irritate me!

                As I have stated over four thousand times, we should be allowed to run over anyone who walks out in front of a vehicle without looking in both directions. Everyone should look both ways in an effort to be sure, that the citizen operating said vehicle, sees them.

                My story begins on a nice Thursday morning, as I was driving my favorite granddaughter to school. Yes, she is my only granddaughter but that don’t mean she can’t be my favorite granddaughter. I do have a favorite grandson too!

                We were in the drop off line near the school door, Gabi had just exited the vehicle and I had started moving forward when this male person, who appeared to be late 20s or early 30s, who had a tool belt on, loaded with tools, walked out in front of me without looking in either direction. Heck, even the kids know to look both directions before crossing a street.

                He assumed (ass/u/me) I had saw him, and that I was going to stop and allow him to cross, which I did, but it still irritates me that these idiots, assume a driver sees them.

                Now let’s get to another annoyance that occurred a couple times this week. A female person, pushing a baby stroller with an infant in the seat, and another child of school age walking with her, was observed walking on the sidewalk toward the grade school. That to me seemed proper. It was when I observed her on the return trip which tripped my trigger. This female was walking in the bike lane on the street, with all the heavy school traffic to her back, instead of walking safely on the side walk which was about 6 feet away. With her back to the traffic, she could not see if someone was getting too close to her and the baby.

                Think safety when crossing streets and drives, even if there is a cross walk, the person driving might be texting and run over you.

                I feel better now that I have unloaded this burdensome thought on to you.


Look both ways before crossing!    


                The same lady was walking on the side walk this morning pushing the baby stroller. I can only assume that somehow she learned that I was irritated and she did not want me to be upset, or, possibly she decided it was safer to walk on sidewalks!

Don Ford

                                                No, I don’t really think we should be able to run over idiots, I mean people who don’t look before crossing. 

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