As my neighbors know, I do like to sit outside in the afternoons and wave at neighbors and others as they drive by. I believe my neighbors may consider me as the crazy senior citizen in the neighborhood. I know, they all know, that I do have a tendency to watch what is happening in the neighborhood and I will occasionally, what? Ok. I got to go!
It is now 3 hours later and I am back at the key board. My present wife informed me earlier that there was a leak under the sink in the kitchen. The good part is there was a plastic container with some candles in it that caught the water. I, being a master at many things, including plumbing, dashed to the kitchen and crawled in under the sink. Yep, there was a leak. I then went to the fords supply room to see if I had enough repair parts to replace the sink strainer. I did not, so I went back to the sink and removed the strainer. I placed all the parts in a bag to take with me.
I headed off to the nearest hardware store (Ace)L. I carried the parts with me just so I would not forget anything. $22.00 poorer, I returned home. I reviewed all the new parts, read the instructions, went to the sink, and then called my neighbor to see if he had any plumber’s putty. He did not.
I jumped back into the Ford’s Chevy and headed back to the store, were I addressed a young employee by saying, “why didn’t you tell me I needed plumber’s putty. He stuttered for a moment and I told him I was kidding. I then asked if I needed anything else for the job. He replied, nope. I then said, you should ask if I have the proper wrench to put this strainer in. He then asked if I had the wrench and I said yes, we both laughed and I paid another $3.00 for putty.
Arriving back home I put everything together and had my wife stand and observe. As I lay there I asked her to put water in the sink. She did, no leak! I then asked for more water in the sink, which she did and it leaked! L
I ate lunch.
I then went back and removed all the parts, cleaned them, and then made a new paper gasket. I assume the paper gasket is there to keep the metal locking ring from moving the rubber gasket during installation.
It is back together and I again ask my lovely present wife, if she would once again assist me by running some water into the sink. No leak! J I asked for more water, no leak! J
We left the water standing in the sink to see if it would hold for a while and it did! J
As I was saying, I like to sit outside, weather permitting. I think this may run in the family as both of my sisters and my brother have a tendency to sit outside, weather permitting. I will include a photo of one of my sisters sitting outside. Click to enlarge.
This is my sister, “Wilda”, sitting on her front porch up in Missouri. Yes she has the phone on the shelf behind her, just in case I call.
May your day be without leaks!
Don Ford
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