
Monday, December 5, 2016

Winter 12.05.16

            OK, as you know I am a very patient person, who enjoys change and many new things. I am that one person who never complains about anything, never! I personally see complaining as a childish type act perpetrated by uninformed people.
            When one complains, they show their inability to consider all aspects of a given situation. Politically correct people complain all the time, but being politically correct individuals (usually a liberal) they don’t understand real life and how to approach situations, believing that they are not in a complaining mode. 
            Let’s get back to me! I am, “Not Always Right But Never Left”! I just felt as if I needed to toss that statement in this soon to be wonderfully executed, and informative narrative about my thoughts. Again I want to restate, “I never complain about anything”! I have on occasion commented about situations, providing you with my opinion on a situation, but that isn’t complaining, that is just being informative. What better way for you to learn than to hear from someone at The Ford Homestead!
            I am not complaining about this ridiculously cold winter weather, even though I had to wear a jacket when I went out for Brunch Sunday morning. Can you believe it was no higher than 51 all day Sunday? I had to stay inside all day due to the cold winter weather and the rain! I almost felt as if we were in one of those northern states do to the cold weather, that was, until I called a friend who lives in Dixon IL.
            I had seen on the TV weather that Illinois, was going to get a couple inches of snow Sunday, so I decided to call my friend Lonnie, yes, before you make that comment, I do have a friend! I was going to kid Lonnie about the couple inches of snow, and I was going to tell him it was 80 degrees here in Texas. No that is not a lie, it is a naturalized Texan exaggerating some information to a naturalized Illinoisan.
            Lonnie surprised me by telling me they had more than 6 inches of the white stuff, Snow. Lonnie went on to explain that he had his spouse outside digging the two vehicles out of the snow. I have to say, “Way to go Lonnie, having the wife dig the vehicles out of the snow is a good idea”! Photo of the snow to follow.
            Lonnie ventured out into the cold snow to take this photo of the work his wife had completed. Lonnie went on record giving his wife credit for all the work she had done.
It is difficult to see, but their home faces a park. Yep, my friend Lonnie is a rich, retired person.

May you always have someone to clear the snow!

Don Ford

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