Tired and dirty, I forced myself to put the tools away, and then being a determined male of the species, I drug my old senior citizens body into the house hoping that I would be able to have the needed strength to get my dirty clothes off and get into a shower.
What was the cause of all this fatigue to be placed upon one of the nicest senior citizens in Hewitt TX? The villains in this story are three trees. Yes there are three oak trees in the front of the Ford’s Homestead that, for some reason, have a total disliking for humans, especially Mr. Ford.
I have reported many times in the past, these trees throughout the summer months drop huge acorns on the ground at the Homestead. One cannot walk bare footed in the front yard due to these rock hard almost round nuts that are projected from these trees.
Yes, I said projected. These acorns do not simply fall to the earth, these trees hold onto them and any time a human enters the grounds, the acorns begin their assault on the human. The tree limbs do not protrude over the street, but there are acorns in the street, proof of the projection theory.
In the fall and early winter months these three trees hold on to their leaves, waiting for just the right moment in time, to begin the leaf assault. Other trees in the neighborhood have evacuated their leaves weeks earlier.
Christmas Eve, the assault began and overnight the trees deposited approx. one foot of leaves over the entire yard, including the flower beds. This amount of brown litter, and that is what leaves falling from a tree are, was not only going to be back breaking work, but almost an impossible task for an aged individual, who don’t like to work anyway.
The next day, Christmas day, we received an additional gift which was a nice wind out of the south. This wonderful wind removed at least half of the brown litter from our yard, sharing with others down the street. We now believe in sharing!
Yesterday, I began an effort to remove as much of the brown litter as possible. First I worked the flower beds raking and blowing as many leaves as possible from these areas (it would have been nice if I would have had a leaf blower, my cheeks now hurt). This of course piled brown litter up as much as two feet deep in places in the yard.
Then I brought the walk behind mower from the outbuilding to the front yard. I used the walk behind because my rider don’t have a grass catcher. My neighbors have grass catchers on their riding mowers, but that does not help me.
Basically, I worked from almost sunrise to almost sunset removing this litter (9:30am to 2:00pm). Tired and dirty, I force myself to put the tools away, and then being a determined male of the species, I drug my aged senior citizens body into the house hoping that I would be able to have the needed strength to get my dirty clothes off.
I, as usual, forgot to put my ankle brace on, which is very important for me when working long hours in the yard, without the brace it is difficult for me to get around the next day.
Foot note: when I was almost finished with the removal of the brown litter, a light wind began to blow causing these three villainous trees to start depositing more leaves on my clean yard! L
Story told, I am now tired again, I think I need a cup of coffee.
May all your toil be appreciated!
Don Ford
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