
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Christmas Party 12.20.16

            The annual Christmas party was held this past Saturday evening. It was good seeing some old friends and there were many new faces at the party.
            This annual party was held on the coldest evening up to that date, for this year (it got down to 20 degrees overnight). The wind was 30 mph gusting to 45 mph. Even though it was very cold, I must say the party was very nice, there was good food and gifts given.
            Last year: My spouse of 47.5 years and I attended the DIB Christmas party and I won one of the many gifts that were given. I believe I won a heater, and another winner wanted to trade his gift for mine. Being a generous person, and not needing the heater, I accepted the trade. I ended up with a very nice chain saw! Winner! J
            In past years, although it may not have been required, as a manager, I would not enter any of the giveaways.  I believed it would not have looked good if the manager won, so I did not enter. Now that I am retired, I enter these contests and I have been very lucky and have won several times.
            This year I did not win a heater, but I did win, and I was very surprised at the gift. If you haven’t guessed what I won, I suggest you re-read the above.

Waiting… waiting… waiting… waiting… waiting…   Or continue reading below.

            Some would say that winning a gift at a company party is just luck and not a blessing. I see winning as one of many continuing blessings in life. 

            I was blessed with great parents, brothers and sisters.
            I am now blessed with a great wife and family.
            We are blessed with many friends.
            My life hasn’t been perfect, but it has for the most part  
            been very good, due to many blessings.

            It is better to give than to receive, but receiving is pretty good too.

            Below is a photo of what I won this year. It is the same type item I traded for last year.

            Why is the saw sitting on the old nerd’s desk? It is there because it is too cold to be outside! I told you it is cold here, don’t you listen!

May you be blessed and a winner!

Don Ford

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