One could easily have titled this posting, “A well trained Human”.
Most mornings, I venture into what was my office area when I was not on a fixed income, now known as the computer room, where I turn on the TV along with the computer. Most often I tune the TV to the outside cameras, as I am so tired of hearing about the president elect. I was tired of hearing about the election prior to the election and now I am tired of hearing about it after. Please understand, I am happy with the outcome of the election, but I am just tired of hearing about it or the participants.
The above statement is an introduction to the morning world of, “Preacher Ford”. Notice I did not say minister or reverend but, “Preacher Ford”. I do not usually minister to others, but I do have a tendency to preach at times. Possibly due to an upbringing in a Pentecostal Church, where, in my opinion, they had mostly preachers and few ministers.
Wow, I have somehow gotten off the subject! The subject is not Preaching or Church although it possibly should be!
The subject is the training I have gone through, and the computer room where I sit in solitude, developing these magnificent one of a kind messages for the masses! Each morning as I ponder various ideas in hopes that one will inspire you, or even me, to do something positive, there interruptions which take away from my constipation I mean concentration.
These distractions are caused by the Ford’s cats. It should be known that both Molly and Charlie have taught me to open the door for them. There is a door to my left which leads into the Ford’s garage. Each morning the cats go outside for a walk. They check their territories to be sure there are no smells from outside cats, entering their territory!
Charlie and Molly have taught me to open the door for them, and at times they abuse the privilege. These two cats have different ways of telling me to open the door, one scratches on the door while the other meows. I drop what I am doing and open the door. This happens multiple times each morning. Yes, I am a well-trained human!
Different subject:
When was the last time you saw a half dollar? Unless you are a collector, I would say it has been a long time. You can look it up and learn what I already know!
2 bits, 4 bits, 6 bits a dollar, the word bits used with a number probably has no meaning to most people.
Different subject:
For that person who questioned the senior nerd, I have one more photo, seen below. Ask not lest ye receive!
You can click on the photo to make it larger. Yes there is a napkin on the desk, which is where the coffee cup sits. Occasionally I have a snack and my first wife strongly suggests that I eat at my desk! Yes there is a microphone in the photo, do you have to see everything? Did you see the band aid?
Have a great day, and weekend!
Don Ford
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