
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tell the story 03.30.16

            Have I been writing? That seems like a silly question, but as I tell the grand kids, “I am silly, and I like to be silly”! Yes I have been writing, some of which is for fun, and some is required by your government.
            Income tax forms have been completed, the check written, and I have mailed the envelope.
            I have been writing a story just for the fun of it. I find it enjoyable and not as expected. I had a thought in my head and that is what started the story. When I sit down at the computer I start thinking about what I have written and what should be next. Often I find that I go a different direction than what my original thought was. I have no idea how this endeavor will culminate but I am enjoying getting there.
            I have 16 pages written and I haven’t gotten away from the first idea.
            Don’t worry, I have no intentions of posting it on this Blog. Heck it may never be completed. I wish I could type better than I do, I would be able to get my ideas into the story more quickly.
            I find it odd that I like to write things when I don’t enjoy reading, as I am dyslexic. Sometimes when I am reading, I read a sentence and it may not make since to me, so I read it again, maybe several times before I see the correct meaning. Some words, especially small words, like “was”, will often go into my head backwards as, “saw”, or vice versa. That may be the first time I have written vice versa. 
            Most people when looking at an alphabetical listing, will start at the top and go down. I almost always start at the bottom and go up. I do the same when looking at highway signs, if there is more than one row of words, I read the bottom line first.
            I learn by listening and seeing rather than reading. If we buy something that has to be put together and it has instructions, I can read them, but they do not stick in my head. I am glad I am mechanically inclined, I can often put things together without the instructions.
            One more thing and then I will shut up. I have a program that reads text to me. When I finish writing anything I have the program read the text to me and I will find almost all the errors.
“If I read what I have written, I have a tendency to read it, as I think I have written it, not as I wrote it, which means I will miss the errors.” Did you understand that statement? I am not sure I did!
Odd, yes I am odd, or as I tell the grandees, I am silly!
            Enough of that, I do enjoy writing things, even if they are silly.
Different subject:
            Yesterday I found that I can move fairly quickly when necessary. I had been cutting some limbs that were about 25 feet above the ground, using my new saw. The limb was about 5 inches in diameter and cut about half way through. I decided to move the 8 foot step ladder back to get a different angle on the cut. I was also concerned as to where this limb was going to fall, when it started down.
I had my back to the limb as I laid the saw down and was going to move the ladder when I heard a loud crack. There was no doubt in my mind the limb was coming down! I did not take the time to turn and look to see where it was going, I was now moving like, “The Flash”. I ran about 20 feet and then stopped and turned to see the limb hit the ground. I would have been ok if I had not moved, but instinct moved me.
            I remember thinking after the incident, even though I am ancient, I can still react when I have to.      

            Enough of that, I will close now.

May all your actions and reactions be appropriate!

Don Ford

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