
Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring? 03.21.16

                It is supposed to be the second day of spring, key word here is, “supposed”. We have had temperatures in the upper 80s in the past couple weeks, but when spring starts the temperature drops down to below freezing. Yes it is reported to be 31 in Waco this morning.
            My tomatoes are hiding under flower pots in an attempt to keep the cold weather away.
            We might as well live in one of those cold northern states if it is going to be cold all spring. I feel very depressed sitting here attempting to impart some valuable information to that one blog worm, (blog worm is a takeaway from book worm, and no I am not going to explain what a book worm is, for that one, uninformed reader) due to this cold northern weather. I may stay inside and take naps all day because it is just too cold to go outside.

            The weather can be so cruel to us Naturalized Texans.

            I guess there is nothing more to say, with a tear falling down my cheek, I bid you farewell.

Enjoy the winter like start to spring!

Don Ford

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