
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mo rain 03.31.16

            The title Mo rain is in reference to yesterday’s rain.  
For a while yesterday, I sat on the front porch watching it rain. It was so relaxing thus the title, “Mo rain”. I would like to clarify one thing for that one blog worm that always has odd questions. When I stated, “I sat on the front porch watching it rain”, I meant, I sat in a rocking chair on the front porch watching it rain.
I knew I had to clear up that statement, or that one blog worm would not understand.
Possibly, I should also clear up something else in this soon to be well written article.
            The title, “Mo rain” is not referring to, “More rain”, it is referring to, “Missouri rain”. The rain yesterday was a slow steady rain, like those I remember in the olden days, back in Missouri.
            F Y I, this is the last day of March, I hope you know what tomorrow is. If you don’t know what tomorrow is, I give up trying...

Enjoy the day, even if it rains.

Don Ford

A photo is worth a thousand words, so I did not comment on the photo.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tell the story 03.30.16

            Have I been writing? That seems like a silly question, but as I tell the grand kids, “I am silly, and I like to be silly”! Yes I have been writing, some of which is for fun, and some is required by your government.
            Income tax forms have been completed, the check written, and I have mailed the envelope.
            I have been writing a story just for the fun of it. I find it enjoyable and not as expected. I had a thought in my head and that is what started the story. When I sit down at the computer I start thinking about what I have written and what should be next. Often I find that I go a different direction than what my original thought was. I have no idea how this endeavor will culminate but I am enjoying getting there.
            I have 16 pages written and I haven’t gotten away from the first idea.
            Don’t worry, I have no intentions of posting it on this Blog. Heck it may never be completed. I wish I could type better than I do, I would be able to get my ideas into the story more quickly.
            I find it odd that I like to write things when I don’t enjoy reading, as I am dyslexic. Sometimes when I am reading, I read a sentence and it may not make since to me, so I read it again, maybe several times before I see the correct meaning. Some words, especially small words, like “was”, will often go into my head backwards as, “saw”, or vice versa. That may be the first time I have written vice versa. 
            Most people when looking at an alphabetical listing, will start at the top and go down. I almost always start at the bottom and go up. I do the same when looking at highway signs, if there is more than one row of words, I read the bottom line first.
            I learn by listening and seeing rather than reading. If we buy something that has to be put together and it has instructions, I can read them, but they do not stick in my head. I am glad I am mechanically inclined, I can often put things together without the instructions.
            One more thing and then I will shut up. I have a program that reads text to me. When I finish writing anything I have the program read the text to me and I will find almost all the errors.
“If I read what I have written, I have a tendency to read it, as I think I have written it, not as I wrote it, which means I will miss the errors.” Did you understand that statement? I am not sure I did!
Odd, yes I am odd, or as I tell the grandees, I am silly!
            Enough of that, I do enjoy writing things, even if they are silly.
Different subject:
            Yesterday I found that I can move fairly quickly when necessary. I had been cutting some limbs that were about 25 feet above the ground, using my new saw. The limb was about 5 inches in diameter and cut about half way through. I decided to move the 8 foot step ladder back to get a different angle on the cut. I was also concerned as to where this limb was going to fall, when it started down.
I had my back to the limb as I laid the saw down and was going to move the ladder when I heard a loud crack. There was no doubt in my mind the limb was coming down! I did not take the time to turn and look to see where it was going, I was now moving like, “The Flash”. I ran about 20 feet and then stopped and turned to see the limb hit the ground. I would have been ok if I had not moved, but instinct moved me.
            I remember thinking after the incident, even though I am ancient, I can still react when I have to.      

            Enough of that, I will close now.

May all your actions and reactions be appropriate!

Don Ford

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday 03.27.16

Good food and family, made this Sunday a real blessing! What more can one ask for.
“The Fords”
Last Saturday we took photos of the kids in the blue bonnets. The following photo is proof.
Granny, Gabi and the Alex, photo by yours truly, me!      

Hope you had a very nice weekend with family and or friends.

Don Ford

Friday, March 25, 2016

Riding or not 03.25.16

            It was a day like many here in the state of wind, we had a steady breeze of about 60 mph, with gusts slightly higher, in the range of 82 mph. The temp was a chilling 40 at 5:00am and only warmed up to 63 by days end.
            I had thought about riding my Wing out to the Bunk House for lunch, yes, even with these harsh conditions. I had walked to the garage and stood in the sun light out of the wind, thinking it wasn’t too bad and maybe I should get out and enjoy the day.
I then walked out into the yard away from the safety of the house’s wind blocking effects. It was too windy, and colder than a well diggers shovel. I quickly decided against a ride to the bunkhouse, even though they have discounts on Thursday for older people.
We had received ¾ inch of rain the night before, I guess that help get the fertilizer for the grass into the ground.
The rest of the day was rather non-eventful. K         Until, I received a text message wanting to know if I was going to ride with the Honda bunch tonight.
I had to give some thought to this possible ride. The group will leave the Honda shop at 6:30 and ride to a restaurant, usually taking about an hour. That part would not be too bad, I thought, and eating some food would not be too bad.
What about the ride home? It would be a ride of about an hour, in freezing cold temperatures as low as 52 degrees. But worse of all, I would be riding in the dark, and everyone knows there are bogymen in the dark.
What to do?    Should I stay or should I go?             Get it, like the TV commercial. What, am I the only person that has seen the TV commercial that uses the, “Should I stay or should I go”, comment?  Why do I even try?
I went. The ride to West was nice, mostly uneventful except for the blinding sun shining in our eyes several times. Even with the sun glasses and the visor to help block the sun there were a few short periods of times that I, in all honesty, could not have seen something on the road in front of me. In those situations, I followed the bike in front of me and hoped he could see.
At the restaurant, the pizza place in West Texas, (West, Texas is the name of a town and not a direction) there was two riders, myself and Jason, along with the rest of the group who were all Honda employees. I suggested that they could temporarily hire us as consultants and then this would be a business meeting.
I don’t think we were hired but we did get our meal free. J
The ride home was good as I had a wind breaker over my coat, my winter gloves and the handle grips on my bike are heated.
That 75 mph speed limit on the interstate is somewhat daunting, when your speedometer is showing 80 and the cars and trucks are passing you.
Home safe and sound, I drifted off to a good night’s sleep.

Have a nice Easter!

Don Ford

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March wind 03.23.16

            The old saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”, is not true this year. The wind was 20 to 30 mph yesterday, gusting to 40, and it is doing the same thing again today. This year I think March came in like a Tiger and is going out like a Lion (bad to worse for the uninformed person).
                I, not wanting to be the only home in the neighborhood with an un-mowed yard, mowed yesterday. I think it stinks when home owners all around me, get out and mow. I think they had a meeting and did not invite me. Even the yard next to me was mowed, unbelievable!
            Did I need to mow? Well, yes I did need to mow but the other homeowners should have followed my example, rather than take the lead.
            The yard does look very nice, if I do say so myself, but I had to take several Grass Showers to accomplish this task. Yes, I will explain, “Grass Shower”. This occurs when the riding mower is discharging grass at an enormous rate, while at the same time the wind is blowing the grass back at the mower and rider, me, at 30 mph, “Grass Shower”.
            You may think that is all the work I have performed this week but you would be wrong. On Monday I clean my office area. Before that one person asks, yes it needed it. There was dust on everything and there is a lot of everything in the office.
            I had to remove almost everything from the office to the garage. I used a damp cloth to wipe everything down, getting the dust out of the office, then I cleaned each of the items and replaced them into the office. This was about a 3 hour job.
I have a stack of things from the office, that I need to go through, and hopefully I can throw some of it away.
            If you are thinking, “The Don works all the time”, you are right!
            After mowing was complete, my spouse of 47 years (effective April 5th) suggested that I could have supper if I were to water all the flowers, in both the front and back yard.
            It was 60 here this morning (Wed) at 5:00am and is supposed to get up to 82 this afternoon. Tomorrow, which is the day for the senior discount at the Bunkhouse, the predicted high is supposed to be 60. That is kind of cool for a motorcycle ride.
            The birds have thought spring was here for well over a month now. As I sat in my “senior’s rocking chair” contemplating many things, including whether I should take another nap, I observed this robin fly into my pecan tree, several times. Finally I understood, he either wanted me to take his photo, or leave the area so he could get some nice bugs from the flower bed near where I am sitting.
            The background tree has all its leaves, the pecan has none. It seems to me that trees do their pollinating and sprouting leaves, one group at a time. This allows for a mess on the ground and vehicles over a longer period of time. 
            This Friday is Good Friday, I hope you have the day off, I do! This year on Easter, please let the kids hunt the eggs and you stand back. It was a little embarrassing last year when you got more eggs then the kids did.

Enjoy Family and Friends.

Don Ford

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring? 03.21.16

                It is supposed to be the second day of spring, key word here is, “supposed”. We have had temperatures in the upper 80s in the past couple weeks, but when spring starts the temperature drops down to below freezing. Yes it is reported to be 31 in Waco this morning.
            My tomatoes are hiding under flower pots in an attempt to keep the cold weather away.
            We might as well live in one of those cold northern states if it is going to be cold all spring. I feel very depressed sitting here attempting to impart some valuable information to that one blog worm, (blog worm is a takeaway from book worm, and no I am not going to explain what a book worm is, for that one, uninformed reader) due to this cold northern weather. I may stay inside and take naps all day because it is just too cold to go outside.

            The weather can be so cruel to us Naturalized Texans.

            I guess there is nothing more to say, with a tear falling down my cheek, I bid you farewell.

Enjoy the winter like start to spring!

Don Ford

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Massive 03.17.16

The massive garden at the Ford Homestead has started. As previously stated, the tomatoes had been planted. Today we followed up with pepper plants.

            We kept the Jalapeno pepper away from the Bell peppers, as they might, you know, cross breed. At this point we have one lonely jalapeno, but we will purchase more. My spouse has some other things to plant when she gets in the mood.

We still have the Wise Old Owl, guarding the garden.

            I want to say thanks to one of my northern critics for her comment. It was suggested that I should not trim roses while they are in full bloom. I agree. The photo of the rose in bloom was taken in January. I failed to take a photo before starting the pruning, so I used an old photo.
            Thanks to all my critics, you keep me going!
            I doubt that anyone will notice that we have volunteer potatoes growing in the old mulch bed (near the corner of the fence) where I occasionally toss scraps of vegetables.

New subject:
There have been times when neighbors and or myself, have wanted to remove old shrubs from around the House. The way I have found to make this easier, (it is very difficult to try and dig these shrubs out), is to wrap a towing strap around a tree, wrap a chain around the base of the shrub, connect a come along between the strap and chain and then pull the shrub out. Even using The Ford Technique it is not easy.

            Yesterday, as I sat on The Ford Homestead Rocker, observing the neighborhood I saw the people up the street trying to remove a shrub from the front of their home. 
They attached a rope (possibly 50 foot long) to the Shrub and then to the pickup truck that was parked in the neighbors drive way, then drove the pickup down the drive. Of course the rope broke, the shrub did not come out!
I seriously considered going up and telling him how to do it.
Remembering the only greeting that I've ever had with that, “North end of a southbound horse”, I decided to stay in my chair and just watch.
He probably would not accept my intelligent advice.

Grandpa was driving the pickup, he left the scene after the rope broke, returning in about 10 minutes with chains. Grandpa brought two chains. They attached the chain to the bush and to the trailer hitch on the truck. The Truck starts to pool, it stops and backs up, their slack in a chain in the truck pulls forward again with a big jerk, but the shrub did not move. The truck backs up and tries again, nothing.
Newsflash, they didn't give up, the north end of a southbound horse (young man) got into the company truck and backed it in the neighbor’s driveway. I'm sure he's allowed to use the company truck to do this kind of work. They connect the chain to the truck and to the bush, amazingly it came out without any trouble this time using the company truck.
What company owned the truck, “Darr Equipment”?

Well, I guess that is it from the Ford Homestead.

May you find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!

Don Ford                 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Donald 03.16.16

            This posting is in response to questions from my countless followers (you can’t count what you don’t have). The question that was posed to me is, “how hard could it be to trim a few roses”.
            I thought about this and decided to respond with a couple photos, and we all know each photo is worth many words. First I will present you with a before photo.
As you may be able to see there are red and pink roses in the flower bed.
Now let’s see what happened after I did my magic with the shears.
It may be difficult to see the slight difference between the two photos, but there is less volume to the rose bushes now than before.
I also found a bush on the north end of the Homestead that will provide my first wife and me some food. Finally, things are going our way, my spouse will not have to go out looking for road kill.
I am not sure what they are but they taste good. I think my present wife should be able to make a pie with them.
It was 89 on Monday, 87 Tuesday and a big cool down coming today, it is supposed to be only 80 today. I will put the fertilizer out today as it is supposed to rain a little over the next few days. I may even mow that patch in the back yard that was too wet on Monday.

Do something nice for someone today.
Call or visit a friend that you haven’t seen in a while.

Don Ford

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Texas Sky 03.15.16

            It was about 2:30pm as I was traveling south on Hewitt dr. heading for school. Yes, I know, I need a lot of school, but this was not school for me, it was to pick up the grandson after school.
I should explain for those who do not live in central Texas, it was 89 degrees yesterday afternoon. 89 was a little warm even for Texas in March. 
            I had agreed to trim the rose bushes yesterday, so I started kind of early, hoping to get some of the trimmings in the trash container before they picked it up. I received instructions as to how much to remove from individual plants.
            1.5 hours later, and only a couple thorn sticks in my arms, I had completed the process. I am happy to announce that I was able to get all the trimmings (5 wagons full) in the trash container. After lunch I decided to mow the front yard. I did not want to bag the grass trimmings so I removed the grass catcher.
After I completed the mowing, I looked at the yard and was not happy with what I saw. I decided to put the grass catcher on the mower and re-mow the front yard (vacuum the ugly leaves that were still there). That did make it look nicer.
I didn’t have the time to mow the back yard as I needed to pick the grandson up from school.
I showered and rested for about 15 minutes before heading out.
Now you know what lead up to the view of the big sky.  As I stated earlier, I was driving south on Hewitt drive when it became obvious to me that I had an exceptional view of something that many people never look at, “The Texas sky”.
Along this road there are no buildings, no large trees, nothing to block my view. In other words I was in the open and it seemed as if I could see forever. I thought to myself, this blue cloudless sky, seemed extra-large. I am sure the summer like temperatures were adding to my positive outlook. 
Later in the afternoon I got the riding mower out and mowed most of the back yard, part of the back yard is still too wet to mow.
What a nice day Monday was, and today is supposed to be a carbon copy of yesterday. 
I just used the term “carbon copy”, does anyone still use carbon paper. If carbon paper is no longer used, how long will it take for the term, “carbon copy” to go away?

            Later in the day my present spouse checked the roses for proper trimming. Even though I did an excellent job of trimming, there was not a single word of appreciation. My first wife noted that I had missed two small rose bushes in a flower bed that is away from the others.
            Wounded from the rose thorns, and from the lack of appreciation, I struggled to get my poor, elderly, overworked body into the rocking chair, near the garage door.
Diet coke in hand I attempted to enjoy some peanuts as the occasional tear fell from my eye.

I hope your sky is blue with fluffy white clouds.

Don Ford

Monday, March 14, 2016

Sorry 03.14.16

                The title says it all. I have nothing to write about today.
I understand, the idea of not having a posting, makes that one reader very happy! That subscriber will think, “The Don”, will not be sending out an email saying there is another one of those wonderful posting.
Nothing happened yesterday, my spouse of almost 47 years and I went to brunch. I took a nap. Then I sat on the front porch for an hour or so with my tablet, listening to XM radio and playing solitaire. Then I went for a short ride of about 60 miles on the wing. It was 80 degrees, I had to go for a ride. Then I sat on my rocker and had a diet coke and peanuts. My spouse came out and sat with me for a while, in her own chair. A good friend came by and we all sat outside and talked.
As you can see there was nothing going on at the ford Homestead on Sunday!

Sorry I could not provide you with a story.

Enjoy the Day light saving time!

Don Ford

Friday, March 11, 2016

Listening with your eyes 103 by Don Ford

            In this lesson we will briefly discuss Body language. 
            Parents have used it, without putting a name to it, for years.
Body language is especially helpful if you interview applicants, if you are a police officer, and lawyers use it all the time.
            You can also use body language to influence others. 
            -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

There are several books on body language. You will need to study one or more and then practice to become proficient. You can use body language to know if someone is upset, lying, in disagreement, etc.  You may also be able to communicate more effectively when, “you”, use body language.
            Three quick examples, and there are many more;
Uno, Mom noticed that the top is off the cookie jar. Mom ask the child, “Did you get a cookie”? The child will not make eye contact with Mom, and most likely looks down saying, “no”. Mom instinctively knows, by their child’s body language, that they are not being truthful.
Dos, let’s say one is in a meeting with their manager. The manager is sitting across the table presenting a new process.
If one is leaning back in their chair during the presentation, they are indicating that they are not interested, or rejecting the idea.
If one moves their chair away from the table, looks at the ceiling, may smile; this would indicate disagreement.
If one leans forward with good eye contact, this indicates interest and possible acceptance of what is being presented. 

            Tres, let’s consider a person making a presentation to a group. Body language of those in the group should tell the presenter whether he / she has the attention of the group, and whether they are in agreement.
Also, the lecturer’s body language during the presentation will influence the audience’s attention level. Is the speaker reading word for word from notes or, is he / she making the presentation from the information that he / she has learned. Is the presenter holding on to the podium as if he / she were afraid or, moving around with an assertive posture (body language)?  

We have all used body language all of our lives, even though we may not have thought of it as a language.
Body language could help when interviewing applicants, investigating accidents and incidents, presentations and meetings, and general conversations. It can help to determine honest forthright responses. 

It can help in our dealing with staff in several ways.

First, we might be more apt to identify the truth or untruths. 

Second, we may be able to get our points across, and have others better receive our message, by using the correct body language.

Third, we might be able to defuse a potentially aggressive or hostile situation by observing and presenting proper body language.

Forth, and possibly the most important is, by observing a person’s body language and listening to what is being said, we will be focusing on the person more during a conversation. This can lead to better communications.

Remember this; anyone can learn to use body language, a person who understands body language might use it to influence (fool) you.
Body Language is something we have known all our life, but may not have seen in print or even thought about.  Body language can be a helpful tool, but do not assume it is always correct or that you can correctly use it all the time
Get a book on body language, read it several times. You should find it very interesting, and when you use the information, it will improve communications both ways. 


Thank You

Bare it 03.11.16

            No, I did not misspell the word! It is there in an effort to get your attention, in hopes that you read this soon to be, well written article. At this point in time, I have no idea what the subject of this article will be, but I did think the cat sleeping with the bears, was kind of cute.
Gabi and Alex were watching TV and had deposited the two bears on the floor. Charlie decided to take a nap with the bears. 
            Yesterday, Gabi and Alex took me out to Do it Best to have lunch with their dad. The odd part about this outing was, I had to pay for the lunches.
            Today is Friday and we are still expecting more rain here in Hewitt. The rain gage has indicated over 4 inches of the wet stuff this week thus far, and the prognosticator just stated that we could enjoy an additional inch today. They have implied that the rain will leave us tomorrow, and we should be in the 80s with sun shine on Sunday.
            They must have the sunshine for Sunday, due to the fact that daylight saving time will begin Sunday morning. Remember toforward and lose an hour of sleep this weekend.

Have a nice weekend!

Don Ford

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Rain, rain 03.10.16

            Rain, rain go away, come again some other day, the Donald wants to play!
            Wouldn’t you know it, I put a sprinkler system in at the garden and then it rains every day since the final installation. In the last two days we have accumulated 4 inches of rain and, it is still raining. I can’t be sure but when I look out the back window, it appears that the tomato plants all have life jackets on.
            This week is spring break, the kids are here at The Ford Homestead and can’t go outside. It has also turned off rather cool with temperatures down in the upper 50s. I put shorts and a T shirt on this morning, assuming that it would be as warm today, as it has been the last few days. My spouse of almost 47 years will not allow me to change into warmer pants and a long sleeved shirt, saying she did not want to wash additional clothing do to my poor choices.
            The grandees are watching cartoons in the front room, and I can’t find anything that I want to watch on my TV, so I am watching the weather channel.
            Spring break would be more fun, if the weather would be warm and dry.
            I took the wife’s van in yesterday for a recall, I was there almost 5 minutes and they said it was fixed and I should get lost. Best service I have ever had!
            I am taking the Ford’s Chevy in today for its first warrantee work. Can you believe I have had the vehicle only 5 months and one of the license plate lights is burnt out, or at least it don’t work? I guess all vehicles have problems.
            The dealership where I purchased the Colorado has changed its name. The name change kind of seemed odd to me, I think it is Auto Nation or something to that effect.
            I called the dealership and a female voice answered. I asked for service and was transferred to another female voice who, again asked, how may I direct your call. I again said, service please. I was transferred to their on hold message which I found annoying.
After about 2 minutes my call was put in to someone’s voice mail box, and it was a female voice which did not state whether she was in service or not. I hung up.
I called again and this time I asked, when did you all get a new name? It was effective Feb 1st was the reply. She asked how could she help me and I said this is my second call for service, her comment was hold please. Again, a second female voice answered, how may I direct your call? I again stated this is my second try for service, the reply was hold please and this time I was transferred to a live person.
I now have an appointment for Thursday morning 8:00am (I am writing this on Wednesday afternoon as I am bored with the rain and cool weather and have nothing productive to do). It would be nice if during my visit to the dealership, I could be lucky enough to speak to someone who cares about the customers that call in. I am always willing to help the low information business people, improve their operation.
Ok, I will tell you just a couple things that would help. Going through multiple operators would come to a complete halt, immediately! I am fairly sure that the first operator is located at their national headquarters, in an effort to keep track of the number of calls received for each of their dealerships and to which department these calls were for.
Next, I would make sure each voice mail box would not only have a name of the individual, but also a short message such as, “You have reached name-name, in the service department please leave your name and number and I will return your call, Thank You”.
What? Yes there is another problem that I want fixed.  I think I have a tire out of balance because when I was driving at 65 to 70 the other day there was a slight shimmy in the front end.
I also wanted to ask about the exhaust system. When I let the vehicle warm up on the drive way on cold morning there is water that drips out of the muffler. I was told by a friend it is probably supposed to do that but have it checked anyway. 
Different subject:
            I ordered some lawn fertilizer from the DIB. Yes you are correct, I should have put it down before this rain. One can’t be perfect all the time.
Different subject:
            Words that are contractions, two words made in to one, (if you happen to have forgotten) are not equal.               Are not / aren’t,    was not / wasn’t, these seem to be treated as equals. Let’s examine the word, “Cannot”, when contracted. Logic would dictate it be spelled “cann’t” but it isn’t. Why did they decide to leave the second “n” out of this contraction?  They should come to me before they decide these things. 

Be happy and healthy, you cann’t get much better than that!     

Don Ford

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Camo 03.09.16

            Camouflage isn’t only for the military or hunters, it works in the neighborhood setting too! I, being an innovator in many areas, have used camouflage here at The Ford Homestead. I use a camo tarp to cover the utility trailer and my riding mower, and these tarps seem to remove the object from view.
            No they don’t disappear, but they are much less noticeable to the passerby.
            I have brought this to your attention because I feel, I must do my part to educate the public in many areas not provided by your Liberal Government ran schools, and your liberal, so-called news media.
            As you should know, if you have read recent postings, I have manufactured a sprinkler system for the enormous garden here at The Ford Homestead. This system is made from a white colored PVC pipe and it is all one sees, when looking at the garden.
            I have experimented in camouflaging the system. There are three sprinklers that stand about 30inches high. I have applied Camo color to the upright parts of the system which has effectively provide a not visible effect. I have not yet applied camo to the pipe on the ground.
            I am thinking of using camo on all white things in the back yard. Do you think the shed would look good in Camo color?
Changing colors now, or you might say, new subject.
            I have found two penny’s over the last couple days and they were both heads up. Why is this important information, you ask? Since the beginning of our marriage, Donna and I have had good luck or something nice happening when we would find a heads up penny.
            The first of the two heads up pennies may have been there to help me with the opportunities during my mowing adventure.
            The second heads up penny may have been used yesterday. I have an air compressor and when I open the valve that allows air to the air hose, there is a leak, which will cause the compressor to kick on and off occasionally. I had purchased a new quick connect, assuming it was causing the leak. I was getting ready to remove the quick connect when I discovered the valve that connects to the quick connect was the problem.
            I decided to go to town and get a new valve at the world famous Harbor Freight Tool store. Arriving I walked directly to the location where the valve should be kept. The bin was empty. Yes they had other sizes but not the one I needed. I found a clerk and asked if he would check the computer. The computer indicated an inventory of 10 each. He went to the back to get me a valve.       They had none.
            This has happened to me several times in the past, where the computer indicated they had several of an item but they did not. This company would do well to hire an inventory control person.
            Heart broken, I drove home with the occasional tear in my eye.
            I decided to put the old parts back on the compressor which would help me not lose them. I carefully examined and cleaned each part of the valve (two plastic seats and one metal ball valve) and replaced them properly. As I did this I tighten the nut that kept the handle on.
            Everything reinstalled, I turned the compressor back on and tried the valve. It worked! Yeah, I am a great mechanic. The valve does not leak when fully on, or fully off, but it does leak when half way on, I still need a new valve but not immediately.
Different topic:
            The grand kids or on spring break and staying with us this week. Have you ever thought about why there is a spring break? We here at, “The Ford Foundation for Investigative Review of things that just don’t seem to have a reason”, have studied the phenomenon.
            In an effort to save time, I will try to get to the point rather than provide you with all the research details. The reason for spring break is simple, it is for the teachers!
            It is less expensive to give the teachers a week off, than it is to pay for their visits to the psychologist.             Kids drive teachers crazy!      People that want to be teachers, may be crazy before they get the job!
The grand kids rode their scooters to the end of the street. I don’t have a scooter and I had to stay home.

Spring forward this weekend!
Daylight savings time change

Don Ford

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Listening 102 by Don Ford

            Listening is not enough, if you do not get the complete information. You should understand, being in a leadership role you are dependent on subordinates to provide you with most information, regardless of where you are on the ladder.
                        Do you get reliable information?
                        Do you get complete information?
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            The most accurate information comes from the source. Your position may not allow you to always have access to the source. Thus, you must rely on subordinates to provide the information. This is where info may go astray.
            Let’s say you are a General Manager and one of your Department Managers came to you explaining, William has a concern.
The concern is presented to you, “William said, he was not happy with the placement of a new item, he says it is too difficult to reach”. You ask your Department Manager, “What is your opinion about the item placement”. The Manager says, “We didn’t have a lot of room and that location was open, you know William, he is always complaining about something”. With that information, you shrug your shoulders and take no action.

Here are some additional facts that you did not receive.
William, the worker in this story, does comment often about situations in the work area. These comments are often focused at making his work easier, faster and safer, which by the way is good for the company. 
The following is the complete statement that William presented to his Department Manager.        
William to the Manager, “did you see where they located the 50 pound box of nails? It is on the floor location, which makes it very difficult and unsafe, when we have to reach into the back of the location which is under the rack. It is heavy and should be moved to a location that will allow us to stand up when filling the order, making it easier and safer!
The reason for this story is to point out, people in positions of authority often receive modified input. Modified is defined as, an intentional or unintentional editing of a complete statement.

What reasons could influence this communication malfunction?
Poor listening technique.       Failed to ask questions.          Was in a hurry.
Had something else on their mind.    Believed the employee to be a complainer.
What can we take from the above story line?
            Had William and his Department Manager received adequate safety training, both would have emphasized safety, when discussing that item.  
            The department manager did not listen properly to the comments from William. Are there reasons for not listening properly? Yes there are reasons for not listening, none of which are acceptable.
            The General Manager was also at fault. The GM could have asked for more details, should have recognized some prejudice by the Department Manager when he commented, “William is always complaining about something”.

            Managers at all levels, should allot an amount of time from their busy work day to being in contact with, and communications with their subordinates. This would include in part, meetings with staff, walking through departments, thanking staff for safe work practices such as proper lifting etc., greeting staff, reviewing work flow, finding unsafe situations, security of property and staff.
All levels of management must rely on information from a team of subordinates. That makes it imperative they build, or rebuild, their team carefully! Review your team often! Gather information about your team and use it wisely.


Thank You