
Monday, May 26, 2014

It's raining! 05.27.14

                This morning the temperature was kinda hot with about 700% humidity. I was outside doing my manly errands for a while, then I needed to take a break. I brought my tablet outside for some R&R and positioned myself in my rocker. The tablet will receive satellite radio and I like to listen to the 50s or 60s music. I was just getting comfortable when it began to sprinkle. It did not sprinkle much so I continued the R&R (rest and reflection) I am not allowed to relax until night time, it is my spouse of 45 years rule.
                The rain sprinkles came back, so I decided that I would leave my favorite rocker and move to one of the rockers on the front porch. I was able to enjoy my oldies music and several games of solitaire. My stats are 10.987% wins. I am not sure if that is good or bad but I will consider it as acceptable for me.
                About 12:30 I was getting sleepy so I headed indoors for a short nap. When I say short that is what I mean. My naps are usually 10 to 15 minutes in length, I am sometimes able to continue napping after the initial short nap but they are just short spurts.
                It was raining while I was napping and there was a very loud clap of thunder, which help wake me from my nap. I remember that the garage door was open and the family cat was outside. Since molly doesn’t like rain I assumed (correctly) that she was in the garage.
                I was able to drag my body out of the recliner and staggered walked through “The Homestead” to the garage. As I suspected Molly was ready to come inside and I closed the garage door.
                Noting that the temperature was probably 20 degrees cooler that it had been (I guess about 65 degrees) I made a cup of coffee and proceeded to the front porch.
                The rain was study to heavy at times, but there was not an appreciable amount of water running down the street, indicating the ground was soaking it up. I sat on the Church Pew since there is a flower pot in front of it which keeps the water that is dripping off the house from splashing on my feet.
                I enjoyed the cool weather as I indulged in the cup of coffee. As I sit here, I noticed that even though it has been raining for the last couple hours, and there is a slight breeze causing the rain to blow a little from right to left (south to the north) there are still dry areas on the trees. For some reason I find that interesting.
                I decided to bring my computer out to the front porch and start this article. As I was typing I remembered that I was on the security camera and I decided to attempt to attach a photo of me doing my thing.
 Yes I realize that it is not the best photo I have ever taken but it shows where I am sitting on the porch.
                I am fairly sure that some of the neighbors who see me outside with a computer are shocked. They probably think that retired people just sit around and occasionally read the newspaper. I do get newspaper articles on my computer from the newspaper in my home town back in Missouri.  
                Something smells; as I sit here typing I was suddenly aware of the smell of a cigarette. For those of us who do not use tobacco the smell of a cigarette will be noticed even a couple hundred feet away. Our neighbor’s, daughter’s, boyfriend is in the front yard smoking and I can smell it.
                Another neighbor is in his yard with his mower. It has stopped raining for now so this neighbor is scalping a portion of his yard. He has modified an old mower blade and it basically removes all the grass down to the top soil. I guess the rain has made the process easier.
                My spouse has just informed me that it is time to eat and I am ready. 
                I am back and supper was good.
                My first wife asked me to call David and tell them we have a watermelon on ice and they are welcome to come over.
The watermelon was here at the house most of last week. Alex has rolled it through the house several times wanting someone to cut it. He was also sitting on it like it was a horse. At one point I had left the house for a quick trip to town. Alex told Granny, “Papa said if I eat all my lunch you should cut the watermelon for me”. I did not tell him that.
On my way beck home I met Donna and Alex as they were heading to town, we stopped to talk and Alex wanted to go back home with me.
When Alex and I arrived home, Alex informed me, “Granny said I should cut the water melon for him”. I asked, are you sure she said that, he replied, “yes”. I asked Alex if he wanted me to call his Granny to be sure she had said that, he said “no”.
4 years old and he has learned to exaggerate situations (tell fibs). He didn’t learn that from me.
The temperature warmed up after the rain stopped and Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex came over for watermelon. We all enjoyed the fresh watermelon and Gabi had the juice all over her face and the front of her shirt was wet.
My spouse of 45 years purchased a used bike for Gabi to ride when she is here at “The Ford Homestead”. As I am sure you know, we are on a fixed income so we had to purchase a used bike. Donna had to pick up aluminum cans along HWY 84 and HWY 77 for over three weeks, just to get enough money to pay for the used bike. Gabi rode it and she liked it.
I guess that is all for now, we hope your holiday was good.
Don Ford

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