
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Forced labor 05.20.14

                Retired people who are on a fixed income can’t afford to hire people to do work around their homestead, so they must attempt the work themselves. I am such a person, as such have been on my knees in the front yard of, “The Ford Homestead” attempting to remove weeds from the lawn. 
                My neighbor more or less started this by pulling this same type weeds from his yard. Not wanting my yard to be over ran with these weeds I too began the weed eviction process.
I do not know what the name of this weed is but I still do not want it around. I found the larger weeds to be very tough, almost like wire and I could get the roots of the tough plant. The smaller weeds were not as tough and they sometimes broke when I pulled on them. 
                It took parts of two days to get the entire front yard completed. At one point Alex was helping. He actually knew which weed to pull. He also got on my back wanting a horsey back ride.
                My hands and knees are sore and my body is tired.
I hope your day is weed free.
Don Ford

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