
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fast draw, the true story 05.13.14

Fast draw, the true story 05.13.14
It is well known throughout the state of Texas that I, “The Reverend Don Ford” am a, “Thought filled person”. Filled with thoughts can be fun at times, but also seem like a curse other times.
My brain is on 24 hours a day, which is evident but the colorful dreams I have (read article dated 051214).
This morning after pondering many of the world’s problems, I reviewed the rain fall amount from last night’s *munificent rain. The 4 inches we received last night raises the five day total to 6 inches here at, “The Ford Homestead of Hewitt” and there is a prediction of additional quantities of rain possibly another 1.5 inches today.
After clearing my enormous intellect of the worldly thoughts, I began to consider less demanding situations, such as the, “cowboy gun fights” we have all seen on TV or at the Movies.
I began to wonder if these movies were misleading. If you remember, the sheriff or marshal would be going about his business (usually having a drink in a bar) and the bad guy would challenge the sheriff or marshal to a gun fight. Even my childhood hero, “Marshall Dillon” of the TV show, “Gun Smoke” was often seen in a bar with “Miss Kitty”.
As a side note; the TV show, “Gun Smoke” which was seen on TV every Saturday night, would start with Marshall Dillon drawing against a bad guy. I would strap on my play gun and holster and I could draw my gun faster than, “Marshall Dillon”.
One would think that an officer of the law would be in his office or on the streets and not the local saloon. After considering this I have concluded, the movie people positioned the law officers in the saloon because they could show women attempting to seduce or at least take all the cowboys money.
Back to the gun fight;
At a predetermined time the officer of the law and the bad guy would walk into the street and face each other, one waiting for the other to, “make his move”.
This is the part that I have trouble believing. If I were the law officer and the bad guy challenged me I would rather not stand face to face ready to shoot each other, instead I would have taken a deputy or two and caught the bad guy off guard, either arrest him or shoot him.
Obviously, the gun fight would seem more exciting to the movie viewer and that is the reason so many movies had gun fights in them.
I hope you have learned something from this fascinating journey into my mind. 
I’m hoping your day will be filled with fascinating thoughts.
Don Ford
* Munificent; meaning generous or bountiful.

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