A true story as perceived by, Don Ford.
It was a quite morning in the neighborhood, I sat in my rocker near the garage door, enjoying the morning sun. Molly (our cat) was being her usual curious self, investigating everything that moved and some that did not.
She was especially interested in the birds as they flew in and out of our yard. Molly enjoys chasing birds and making them fly. She has often wondered, why the birds will not stay and play with her.
As I looked towards our neighbor’s house, I saw a black and white cat run across the Yard and then hide in the shrubs. This black and white cat’s name is, “Oscar”.
Oscar lives at our neighbor’s house with several other cat friends. One of his cat friends is Earl. Earl is orange and white and loves to play games.
When Oscar ran across the yard and hid in the shrubs, Earl ran to a tree in the yard and stopped. Both cats sat very still as if they were hiding.
All of a sudden Oscar came out of the shrubs and ran to the other tree in the yard, as Earl ran to the shrubs. Both cats stopped at the same time and watched each other.
Oscar, was at the bottom of the tree when all of a sudden he climbed the tree. As Oscar climbed the tree Earl ran from the shrubs and stopped at the bottom of the tree.
It seemed odd at first that both cats would run and then stop at the same time. Perhaps they were playing a game of, “follow the leader”. When Oscar would run, Earl would follow and when Oscar stopped, Earl would stop.
This running and stopping continued until the lady who lived in the house opened the door and called, “here kitty kitty” and both cats ran to the lady.
The End
I hope you get to play some today.
Don Ford
The above was not a true story, if you haven’t guessed. Although I did see the cats and they were following each other I doubt that they were playing follow the leader, but who knows what goes through a cat’s brain. The photo of the kitten at the bottom has nothing to do with the story, I just liked the photo.
Good morning; I was outside enjoying the crisp, should I say cold morning air while partaking in a cup of coffee. The outside temperature was 50, and I could see my breath. That seems a little unusual but after all, I am unusual.
On these cool mornings, I have noticed that some of the birds will fly to a high tree branch or a power line that is in the morning sun. Positioning themselves high and in the sun will allow them to receive the warm rays.
My present wife and one of her friends are having a garage sale today. They wanted to have the sale last week but they wisely postponed the sale until this week, expecting rain. I hope she makes a lot of money; being on a fixed income we don’t want to lose the income from her normal duties of picking up aluminum cans from the side of the road.
We received another 10th of an inch of rain last night and our yard is now officially wet. There is some standing water and mud. The little garden seems to have endured the rains by growing several inches.
I thought I would add color to this short posting. It seems as if the abundant rain showers have influenced the flowers to produce some very pretty colors. My first wife noticed inside each of the blooms, there was a single extension of the bloom. This is probably there to draw in the honey bees encouraging pollination.
Remember when you use to swing? I remember we would swing as high as we could, when we would get to the top on either side of the swing path, we would push the chains out as wide as possible. Alex does the same thing on this small back yard swing. It must be a natural reaction and not learned.
In this photo we can see Alex’s head above the tomato plants. Alex is 6 foot tall and we can just verily see him so you can guess how tall the plants are.
The Yucca plant behind the shed is full of orange blooms. Also attached to the fence is a ham radio radial from a beam antenna.
Have a very nice day.
Don Ford