Got your attention, didn’t I. Well we have all heard of trailer trash and you may have heard of white trash but you probably have not heard of truck Trash.
As you know, here in Texas almost everyone owns or has owned a truck (pickup truck). Pickups are the national car of Texans.
If you read my previous article you may have noticed at the end I stated, “It is now raining! Two days in a row, Hooray!” Well, it rained 6/10s of an inch. That is enough to be helpful to the grass and other plants.
I will attempt to mow the front yard today, the rain along with some watering last week has perked it up and it is very tall. It was very wet this morning from the rain yesterday. I hope to be able to get it mowed sometime this morning before the predicted afternoon rains (70% chance).
I guess I should be outside now edging the yard, in preparation for the actual mowing.
We will get back to the Truck Trash in a moment but first I would like to address a language concern. Alex’s mother has been observing that Alex must be a Texan because of the way he says a couple words.
This may be difficult for some of you to follow so I will attempt to keep the explanation simple.
The word that comes to mind is swang (long a sound). Alex says, I want to swang”. His mother is correct; he is using the wrong word. The word he should use is swing, (I want to swing). I have explained to Claire and others that everyone knows, “you swing on a swang”. Swing, is the act of being on a swang. Swang is the thing one swings on. Even people from Missouri should understand that. If you can’t follow that explanation send me an email and I will explained it in more detail.
Truck trash is a term that Alex uses when talking about the trash truck or garbage truck. This morning Alex and I were sitting on the front porch discussing world events when we heard the sound of the trash truck, it was about a block away. We sat there motionless watching the trash truck come down the street stopping in front of each house. The big mechanical arm would reach out from the front of the vehicle and pick up the trash container lifting it over the hopper and dumping it. There is a loud noise during this process and we were spell bound as the trash truck driver ran his route. We especially enjoy the beeping sound the truck makes when it backs up. The driver waved at us as he passed in front of our house. We were somewhat sad as he continued up the street.
From the trash truck mind of Don Ford
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