
Friday, July 6, 2012

Dreams are unusual

            My dreams are almost always “out of the ordinary”.  But then again, I am not ordinary.

               I guess I am “over the hill”, my dreams no longer include a good looking lady. Although there was that one dream, I digress.
               My dreams are for the most part, nice and kind of enjoyable. I seldom have a night mayor. My dream last night was kind of sad.
               Speaking of sad, the holiday is over and we all must get back to work. Ok, some of you must get back to work those of us that are “retired” work continually. A good friend of mine recently had back surgery and was unable to do much of anything for several days. He commented that he was “bored out of his mind”.  I then explained that he was experiencing retirement. I went on the say, only retire if you have another job or something that you want to do.
               Our holiday was kind of uneventful. We didn’t go anywhere opting to stay at home. We had an excellent dinner after which I washed the dishes. Yes, washing dishes is another skill that I am continually cultivating. The grandkids had a few fireworks to pop in the drive way. Our 4th was safe and uneventful.
               I have been looking at the yard which needs to be watered. The wife told me it is going to rain in the next few days so I have put the watering off. I don’t think I will mow until after the grass is watered either by rain or by sprinkler.
               A couple of my friends and I are considering a three day visit to the hill country. It would be a three day motorcycle trip that in total would be about 1000 miles. That reminds me I need to get the bike inspected this month and I will also need to change the oil before the trip. Darn, it is getting too expensive for a person on a fixed income. (Donation will be accepted until July 21st.)
               Back to my dream, it was odd as usual but said. There was this container that was made of glass. The glass walls were about 6 foot high, the end was approx. 10 feet wide and the sides were about 50 feet long. Inside the container (which did not have a top) was a creature the looked like a large flower bloom attached to the inside of the glass. Around the glass were several of these large blooms and although they were not connected they were part of one presence. This presence was supposed to get married but the blooms were dying. Each time I walked around the container there were less large blooms. The blooms when they were dying would just fade away. When I was awakened by Tejas I remember thinking; that dream is sad and I don’t want to continue it.
               My dreams most often continue throughout the night. If I want to stop a dream I must completely wake up and clear my mind of the dream. There is a problem with this process and it is once I am completely awake it is difficult for me to get back to sleep.

            On another topic, my schedule has changed and I do not get as much time at the computer as I did in the past.

               I am not complaining just saying that I am working on a different schedule. My morning at the PC now includes Alex. He most often eats my cereal (but he don’t like the raisins) and then we either play cars on my desk or we play with the key board and mouse. Alex hasn’t started drinking my coffee yet.
               We did get a new swing for the kids yesterday. No, not a swing set just a single swing that we attached to the frame that use to have a porch swing on it. Now Alex and Gabi can swing side by side.

From the dreamy mind of              Don Ford

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