
Sunday, July 8, 2012


            It is possible that I have been cursed by the Peanut Genie.  

As I have stated in the past I have had two cans of peanut turn over in my pickup while I was driving. One time I had to make a quick stop and spilled half a can, the other time was when my GPS fell and pulled the can of nuts off spilling the entire can. Today was no exception.
Yesterday is rained here at the Ford Homestead. I was watering the yard when it started. We received 1/10 of an inch of rain according to my rain gage. That is not a lot of rain but we are thankful for any rain received this time of year.
               Dave worked on his remote controlled car all day yesterday. He even allowed me to review his work and offer advice.  My carburetor cleaner seemed to be very helpful when he removed the carburetor and found the throttle body was not turning inside the carb. When the throttle was working properly the car could be reassembled.  The car was driven up and down the street in front of the house.  Nice job Dave.
               I uncovered my trailer that I pull behind my motorcycle on trips.  The inside of the trailer was completely dry but the cooler that is mounted on the front of the trailer had a couple inches of water in it. I found that to be odd since it was also covered by a tarp.
               I am planning a three day two night trip at the end of this month so I wanted to check the trailer out and see if everything was in working order.  I had to add a little air to the tires but other than that it was in good order. Yes even the lights worked when I connected the trailer to the bike. I took the bike and trailer for a short shake down run and it was as if the trailer was not even behind me. You can see in the photo below the bike and trailer together after my short shake down run.
               When you pull a trailer on a trip one always takes too much stuff.  Since you have all that extra room you tend to just keep adding things. I need to look for a cooler that is closer to the color of the trailer or bike.
               On a different subject, I want to tell you about your federal government and how they take money from us retired people who live on a fixed incomeYour federal government sent me a letter saying that my little social security check will be even smaller next month.  As a birthday present your federal government has decided to take $99.00 out of my SS check each month just because I am turning 65.  Why they are doing that to a nice person like me, you ask. I will tell you why. They want me to pay more toward the Medicare that starts for me next month.         
               Then I will also need to have a prescription plan that I have to pay for and if I want an insurance company to pay some (not all) of the cost that Medicare don’t pay, it will cost me more. So to recap; when I have my 65th birthday your government and the insurance people take almost all your little SS check. Happy Birthday to me; @%#)^$&!
               If you think all that is bad, let’s get back to the peanuts. I was sitting in my front yard minding my own business, Alex and I was eating from my can of peanuts. My wife decided to get Alex his chair and sit him in front of me.  That seemed to work so I placed the can of peanuts on the chair by Alex. That was working ok until Alex decided to lean back and the chair tip over backwards spilling at least half the peanuts.  Alex was ok as the grass was about 5 inches deep and allowed him to land easily. Why was the grass so deep you ask, it was deep because I did not mow this week. It has been so dry I did not want to stress the grass by mowing it.

               It is now raining! Two days in a row, Hooray!

From the peanut sized mind of     Don Ford 
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.              


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