
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Who knew 10.31.18

            As we drove to school I had made a comment about fall coming. I noted that one of the trees we had seen during the drive was losing its leaves. Gabi commented that the name fall came from the leaves falling from threes, thus the season is named fall. I assume the name spring is due to the leaves springing forth from the tree limbs. The name summer came from the sun. A person was commenting on the sun, and saying that it is sunnier than usual. The word sunnier was blurred into summer. How did the word winter originate? Someone noted that the nice weather of fall had went away, where had the nice weather gone? The cold air is not a winner, which was later changed to winterThat is all true, google it if you don’t believe me.
            The other day as I set in the Ford’s Chevy on our ole drive way waiting on my present wife, I observed a couple buzzards circling around. Now before you comment that seeing buzzards circling overhead is nothing unusual, and they were probably smelling me, a stinky old senior, please allow me to continue with my comment. These buzzards were circling about 10 feet above the house which is three houses down the street from ours, weaving in and out of the trees. There must have been something dead around that house, to have brought those birds down that close. I can’t say if they landed, and enjoyed a free meal, or if they flew away, but I no longer saw them circling.
            I was mowing the back yard yesterday and as I drove past an old rose bush, I saw a new bud. It is very small, maybe ¾ inch across. Then I also saw another flower that was blooming. Click to enjoy.

            As the nice weather begins to end, there are still a few pretty things to look at!

            I did vote early. I voted for some candidates, but mostly I voted against candidates. There are candidates that I voted for, but I would have voted for someone else, if there were an additional choice. In other words, there are politicians that need to go away and allow non-politicians to get into office. Do I believe in term limits, YES! I also believe the politicians should not get better benefits than you or I!
Now for, “the bad news”. Yes, I saved, “the bad news” for the last comment. A few of you may already know this, but I am sure some of you do not, so allow me to be the presenter of, “THE BAD NEWS”! This weekend there is a time change coming. You should move the clocks back one hour. For that one person who is not informed, you do not need to do anything to your smart phones and computers, they will change automatically.

Look around and enjoy nature!

Flowerologists extraordinaire;           Don Ford                         what’s spelled wrong?


Monday, October 29, 2018

Almost back to normal 10.29.18

            What the heck is normal? My spouse of almost 5 decades has been working tirelessly, putting items back where they were, or now, were they will be. Not everything goes where it was, and I am having trouble finding things. I have a few photos of some of the new cabinets. Click to enlarge.          In the first photo, we see cabinets where the old oven was located.  
The upper cabinet goes all the way to the ceiling for a little extra storage. The back splash looks like bricks. The second photo shows more cabinets, the kitchen sink along with the dish washer. Notice these cabinets do not go to the ceiling, allowing my present spouse to place some of her displayable items up there. Do you see the “New ceiling fan”? Yes, I was able to find a way to safely install this fan, without my ole body having to crawl around in the 2 foot of insulation that is up in the attic. The third photo shows the area where the stove has now been installed. We do have a coffee maker on the cabinet and that is my old coffee cup sitting there. The towel hanging on the new stove is my dish drying towel, yes I am a dish washer.

            Different subject; my present spouse and I went to the restaurant with cracker in its name, Sunday for brunch. As we entered the doors I looked up at the TV screen that had a video of me. I walked over to the young lady (girl) who was taking everyone’s names and I said, “I have a complaint”. She looked me in the eye and asked with a smile, “What is your complaint”? I stated, “The camera makes me look fatter that I really am”! This young lady, still with a smile on her face looked at me and said, “No it don’t”. We all had a good laugh.

Different subject; over the weekend I installed a couple switches and Ground Fault receptacles, to more or less finish the bath room work. I found a couple interesting things. A switch and a receptacle were not screwed into their box. Whether you know anything about wiring outlets and switches or not, you should know that there are two screw holes that are there to hold the switch or outlet in place. For some reason they just pushed the outlet and receptacle into the box but did not install the screws. When you buy an outlet or switch the screws are already in each item. Someone took the screws out and then pushed the outlet and switch into the box.       DUMB!  

            You can see one of the new ground fault receptacles installed in the wall near the mirror. There was another odd thing I found, one of the outlets had two sets of wires going into the outlet. Normally when you see this, the outlet is just acting as a method of passing the electric on to another switch or outlet. NOPE, not this one. For some reason both sets of wires (each having a hot, neutral and ground) were hot! Both set of wires were on the same breaker, so we didn’t have 220 volts. I have no idea what they were thinking when they installed this wiring.

Hope your day is full of happiness and friends!

Senior electrician and problem solver; Don Ford


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Alex in a play 10.27.18

            Alex was in a play at school the other evening. It was all about old time rock and roll songs. Photos to follow, Alex is the boy in the second row down from the top.
It was a very nice play and I not only enjoyed watching Alex and his classmates, the music brought back some old time memories.

Enjoy the young, it may help you feel youthful!

Professor; Don Ford 


Friday, October 26, 2018

Did they finish 10.26.18



                        It is Done!


It is Friday!


Happy home owner; Don Ford



Thursday, October 25, 2018

Intelligent beyond his age 10.25.18

           Yesterday afternoon it was raining when I picked up the grandson after school. There is nothing unusual about that, it has rained for many days and I pick the Alex up almost every afternoon. The interesting part of that afternoon was our discussion on the way home. Alex has joined the cub scouts. I was asking him how he liked it. He said he does like it and he noted that his dad was also in the scouts. When his dad was in the scouts they met at the same church where Alex meets.
            I added to the conversation that I had been a cub scout and later a boy scout. That is when 8 year old Alex explained, it is a tradition! All of us being in the scouts is a tradition. Wow, I am a part of a tradition now! When I was 8 years old, I never even thought of the word tradition, and probably didn’t know what it meant.   

            We are still in a drought according to the TV weather people. We only had 6 inches of rain here at the Ford Homestead during the past few days, heck we had 1.25 inch yesterday. We are scheduled for some nice weather for the next few days and we are supposed to get back up to 80 this weekend.

            The Tres has a chew toy that he plays with and we have a photo of him with it. The photo isn’t very clear but you can see what he is doing.

            Sorry the photo isn’t clear, it should have been taken with a flash but my inexpensive, somewhat smart phone, takes too long when the flash is deployed, and you miss all the good shots. Did you notice that he has big teeth?

            Well they are supposed to get everything completed today. One fellow is here now and another is supposed to be here before lunch. I wonder if he meant his lunch time or my lunch time. There is an hour difference in lunch times. When one gets up at 5:00am they have a tendency to eat a little earlier than normal people. My first wife eats at 11:00 am, this allows her to watch her soap operas and eat a light lunch at the same time. Do they still call them soap operas?
            I watch a little Fox as I eat lunch (about 15 minutes) and then head for the Ford’s ole recliner to participate in a short nap. If taking a nap was an Olympic event, I believe I could win a metal in “Short Napping”!

            I had commented on needing to get into the attic prior to installing a new ceiling fan. I have learned that my 71 year old body will not negotiate the attic any more. Where the fan is presently installed the roof is about 18 inches above the cross beams. 20 or so years ago I could get into those tight spaces, but not any longer!
            The problem is the Romex wire is not below the ceiling. That means, the wire nuts that attach the Romex and the fan wires are above the ceiling, I need then to be below the ceiling. I will need to hire someone to go up in the attic, enlarge the hole, and push the wires through the hole, or I will need to enlarge the hole in the ceiling and attempt to pull then through.
            Being on a fixed income means, I will likely try to enlarge the hole myself. Old people have it really tough.

            I will be installing a new light that my spouse of almost 5 decades purchased. I have decided to get up to code with ground fault outlets near the water, along with a couple new switches in the bath room. Hopefully those tasks will be routine, with no unusual situations arising. I can handle routine!

            Alex’ class is having a play at school this evening, those are always fun.

I have a few chores to go do so I will get off here so you can do something interesting.

May all your projects be completed on schedule!

Non-Attic crawler; Don Ford


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What the heck is it 10.24.18

            What the heck is it, I will try to explain. I was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker trying to meditate quietly, and I had a beverage on the table next to me. I was sitting there watching a squirrel eating the pecans from the Ford’s pecan tree. I was considering getting my sling shot and a hand full of BBs in an attempt to discourage the squirrel (kill the rascal) from eating our cons.
            As usual, the doves in the neighbor’s tree all took off at once, so I looked up. I did not see the hawk but I know he / she was there. I did see an unusual sight in the sky. These high clouds are preceding the storm, with heavy rains predicted to be a couple inches or more. In the cloud there was a very small rainbow effect. It wasn’t a real rainbow, just a small area of moister that the sun was hitting in a manner allowing me to see it. I thought I should get a photo for the world to see, or may be just those who read these postings.

            That is not the sun peeking through a cloud, the sun was almost down below the horizon. What is seen there is a miniature rainbow. As you have undoubtedly noticed, the clouds are moving this way preceding tomorrow’s major rain event. Click to enjoy.
            I am sorry, I don’t think I understood that question! I have a photo of an unusual natural weather event, and all you can see is the squirrel on the utility pole! I am seriously considering taking your name off the mailing list. I do my best to inform, and occasionally educate the reading public, and I get questions like, Is that a squirrel on the utility pole”!
            I give up!
Maybe there will be a squirrel at your house.
Un-Respected author; Don Ford


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Are they done 10.23.18

            I would be happy to say, “They are done”! What would be better than having everything finished and we no longer need to be here when contractors arrive. They are not done, they are getting closer.
            They did get the dishwasher installed yesterday, we haven’t tried it yet, maybe it will work.
            I did tell one of the workers, we are now on “our schedule. That means they can come and work on things when we are here, we will not be here at their request. This is not a complaint from me, it is just the way it will be. Work when we are here, and we will not schedule our time to meet their needs.

            Different subject; I was on the Wally world web site and I saw DIB items listed. That is not supposed to happen. If you go to the Wally world site and type in spackling compound then go down the list you will see DIB items. I guess I should send a note to the home office.

            I will update you on what I did yesterday. I took Gabi to school, I started cutting the limbs and placing them on the trailer, I stopped working on the downed limbs and watched the contractor as he worked on installing the dish washer. I ate lunch. I went back to cutting up the limbs, I stopped again as the contractor worker returned to attempt to finish the dish washer install. Contractor got the dish washer in place and left, I went and picked up Alex at school. I went back to the big limb and finished cutting it, I put my saw away…
            In the above photo we see Charlie on a tree stump. Tres had been bothering him so he got up there to get away from the Tres. Note, the trailer has limbs on it but it was not full yet.
            IN the photo below (sorry it is not a good photo) we can almost see the Tres taking smaller limbs that I cut and playing with them.

            I have scheduled a visit to the car dealer to get the Ford’s Chevy looked at. It has been running a little rough at an idle, and it needs an oil change.
            Our youngest son is off work today so he is taking the Gabi to school, I have the morning off.

May your day be as good as mine!

Senior retired person; Don Ford

                                                             I am watching!

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Sunday exposed 10.22.18

            Today is Monday and I may be presenting info from Sunday and today. Today is supposed to be almost rain free. The back yard, although not totally dry, it is dry enough for me to get out there and cut up those limbs. You are right, I am always looking for something to do.
            I was forced, I mean I was allowed to work in the bathroom his weekend. First I was allowed to put spackling on the wall, then the next day I was allowed to apply paint to the wall. I should also note that my present spouse did paint some of the trim. Give credit where credit is due! Two photos to compare,
Photo on the left is spackled, photo on the right same area is painted. We can’t afford wall plates for the outlets, donations would be accepted.
            Even though the rain has been suspended for a few days here in Hewitt, we are facing a fast moving storm heading our way this Wednesday. This will be the remains of a hurricane from the Pacific Ocean. As I sat on the Ford’s ole rocker, I noticed some clouds that are preceding the coming storm. I was surprised to see the clouds were mimicking the waves that were in the ocean. View the photo on the left and you will see the waves in the sky. View the photo on the right and see if you can see anything interesting in the clouds. 
            The second photo might be seen by some as a cross, while other may see a bird or airplane. Whatever you see, it is still interesting.
            The photos were taken as I was attempting to relax after being forced I mean allowed to work all weekend!

Relax, look up occasionally, and enjoy the day!

Very hard volunteer worker; Don Ford


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saturday 10.20.18

            It is Saturday, what did they get done Friday? Well, they got a lot of it done, but it is not finished. We were told, “It will be done Friday, October 19, 2018”. It is not! We have now been told, “We will be back some time Monday, October 22, 2018”. They did bring our dish washer back, but it isn’t installed. They have a slight leak at the shutoff valve for the dish washer, which they will try to fix on Monday. 
            I should say, most of what they have done has been done well. They said they would replace the ceiling fan in the kitchen if I would get a new one. We had to order the fan which will be here Monday. I told one of the workers they could take the old fan down as it was in his way. He started to remove it and he found that the wires were evidently connected in the attic. I had put the fan up many years ago and have no memory of how I connected it. Now I will need to get into the attic, move about two feet of insulation while finding the wires, see how I had connected it. Then un-connect it, cap the wires remove the old fan run any new wires install the new fan. Lots of work for a senior citizen. Can I still climb into the attic? We will see!
            Our first meal cooked on the new stove was chili. It was very cool and rainy outside, so chili seems to be a good choice for the first meal cooked. Photo of the new stove to follow.

            Click to smell the chili, WOW, it smells so good!
            As stated in a previous posting, we have a lot of my first wife’s things, to bring back into the house. She wants to wash all the dishes, glasses etc. prior to placing them in a cabinet.
I assume I will be washing and drying lots of stuff this weekend. Help would be accepted!
            I have been spackling the walls in the bath room today in an effort to make my spouse of almost 5 decades happy. I had never spackled before, I purchased a large container of joint compound. The joint compound goes a long ways, I should have purchased a smaller quantity. 
            Now the room needs to be painted. And we need more paint, underfunded and still needing to purchase items, this senior on a fixed income needs to win the lottery. Problem, one needs money to purchase lottery tickets. I am hoping for a few nice donations! J
            We have noticed that the cats and dog seem to be a little out of sorts today. My present spouse suggested that they were having withdrawals due to the numerous people not being in the house today. It is considerably quieter here at the Ford Homestead today.
            The garage is somewhat less full, now that the contractor has removed their items. Now if we weren’t tired senior citizens, we would be out there working. As you can see, I am sitting here writing, and my first wife is resting in the ole recliner.
            Speaking if the wife, she just informed me that we can get started in the garage. L

When you win the lottery, we could use a few million!

Poor, tired, but hansom; Don Ford


Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday 10.19.18

            Does honesty pay? I do not remember ever cheating anyone out of anything. If I have it was without knowing. I remember one time I was selling a pickup truck and I wanted $2,000 for the truck. The young fellow came to look at, and drive the vehicle. I asked $2,500 so I could come down and make the buyer feel as if they got a good deal. The young man drove the truck and he spoke to his mother, who was driving their vehicle, and he came to me and said he would take it, without asking me to reduce the price. I then told him I would take $2,000 for the truck. Needless to say that made him happy. I got my price and he got a truck.

          I could have taken the $2,500 for the truck and not cheated the young man, but I would have felt bad about taking advantage of him.

          I have even received and extra $20.00 bill at the teller machine two times at the bank I use, and both times I have returned the $20.00, both times they looked at me like I was some kind of odd ball, but they did say thank you.

          I gave you all that history as a prelude to this soon to be story of, possibly being over honest. I went to the chicken place and bought some stuff. I should have received $11.00 and change. When I took the time later to put the paper money in my money clip, I found I had three $5 and one $1.    I should have had two $5s and one $1.        I received $5.00 to much.

          Today I took the $5.00 dollar bill back and told the lady what had happen. I gave her the $5.00 and she looked at me like I was odd and said, “Ok”. I would have liked to have received a smile and a thank you.


          And now, things that irritate me! You may be correct, possibly most things irritate me, but there are things that especially have an irritating value. I am still getting multiple emails daily from various people’s names and the subjects are political. I have not read any of these, and I will not read any of them. I will say this, if I were to read one of them and found that it was from some politician that I would have voted for, I would no longer vote for them.

            Also, I have the TV on when I get up and keep it on during my coffee and sitting around time usually one to one and a half hours. They have the same political commercials time and time again. If these commercials were about someone I would have voted for, I would no longer vote for them.


            They are supposed to finish up here at the Homestead today. The kitchen sink has a faucet but the spray nozzle is not installed. It has a garbage disposal which is connected to the drain, the other side of the sink is not connected to a drain. The cabinets are all installed, there is a couple things that need to be addressed on the cabinets. The light over the sink has not been installed yet. The dish washer has not yet been returned.

            We will be very happy when they finish and remove all their tools and supplies from the garage, so we can put my first wife’s items back into the house. I, along with our cats, would like to see the garage back to its normal congested, but not massively congested, condition.


            Yes we are supposed to get more rain today, most of the area is under flash flood warnings.


May your Friday be lovely and your weekend safe!


Irritated and willing to tell you about it; Don Ford


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday 10.18.18

            Today is Thursday, and I have nothing to report today. I have a cup of coffee and some cookies to dunk, which I am enjoying. I will just stop writing and kick back for the rest of the day. I might watch whet the contractors are doing today. It was said that they should connect the water to the kitchen sink, refrigerator and dish washer today. There could be a problem in doing this, they have removed our dish washer several days back, and it has not been returned.

            Now you see I have nothing to talk about today. It has stopped raining for almost 12 hours now and we only received an inch of rain yesterday. They have predicted we will have more rain this afternoon. The back yard has now soaked up most of the rain water, but we have a lot of mud along the fence where the Tres runs up and down barking at the neighbors and their dogs. I am now considering some type of electric fence to keep him away from the fence.

            As you can see there is nothing to write about. We discovered yesterday that the two cabinet doors above the fridge will not open all the way. They had discussed raising all the cabinets 4 inches allowing the doors to open. I suggested that the have the doors open from the bottom up like the old doors did. That means instead of raising all the cabinets 4 inches, they could just change the hinges on the doors, and all would be good. I have not charged for my consulting, yet

            Nothing is happening here, so I will not write about anything today. The contractor has a 12 x 12 foot canopy that they are working under to keep the rain off, and I was observing the fellow trying to put it up by himself this morning. I, seeing that he had never put one up, went outside to help him. I showed him how to lock it in place, I had him get on the opposite corner and pull, which opened it up to its correct dimensions. I have not charged for that tutoring and excessive work, yet.

            Like I said nothing to write about. The garage is full of our stuff and the contractor has a lot of his stuff in the garage also. One cannot safely walk in most areas of the garage. I had our stuff arrange with path ways so we could get to our items, and then they put their junk, I mean stuff, in our path ways. I will be glad when it is over.

            If I just had a couple things to tell you about, but nothing comes to mind, so I will just drink another cup of coffee and do nothing. I was picking branches and clumps of leaves up from the front yard this morning, they were spread over the yard during the heavy wind that brought down the big limbs in the back yard. These are small dead wood branches and clumps of green leaves that just look awful in the yard. As I was cleaning the yard, I discovered that the subcontractor who had used my hose had not put it back as he should have. When I started to put it back I discovered that the water was still on. Now it wasn’t running as the nozzle was turned off, but the hose was under pressure. I don’t do that, and I don’t expect others to do that. Also, they had somehow move one of my stepping stones out of place and did not put it back. I guess I should have been managing this entire project.

            If I just had a couple things to write about I would not be so bored. My spouse of almost 5 decades has gone to the store, so I am left here all alone. The contractor just asked me a question about the cabinets and I gave them an answer. I hope it is what my first wife would have said, if not, I will lie and say, they did not ask me!

            Well as you can see there is nothing going on here and I am bored to death. I am going to get a cup of coffee and maybe take a nap.


May your day not be as boring as mine is!


Bored to tears with nothing to write about; Don Ford 


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday 10.17.18

            One two three, maybe that is all. I have reported on the large limb that fell along with a small limb. Later a third limb fell missing the Ford’s ole hot house by inches. All that wind, helped me not need to work as hard. Now if it ever dries up I will butcher the limbs and load them on the Ford’s ole trailer.
            Friends or just Friendly! Many years ago I learned when in a management position, one should be friendly with all employees, but a manager should not be friends with any of the employees. Now I can see that you are thinking, “The Ford is going to talk about the olden days at work. I am not, although, I as a senior person have much more knowledge about work situations than many of those who are working! I may be available as a consultant.
            My comment, “Friend or just Friendly” has to do with Charlie and Tres. My spouse of almost 5 decades recently captured a photo that I will share with you today. Click to believe.

            As one can see, the Tres and the Charlie were both on the Ford’s ole couch, and they were kind of sharing a pillow. Charlie is mostly under the pillow, while Tres is on top of the pillow. They are being friendly, although we are not sure if they are friends.

There is a difference between friendly and friends!

Retired manager extraordinaire; Don Ford


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday 10.16.18

               Let me begin with a comment about yesterday. It rained! Photo to follow.

            We have not seen water standing in the back yard like this for a long time now. We received 2 inches of rain all in one day. Following the rain Monday, we received a little more rain over night. The total rain as of 8:00 this morning is 3.75 inches, and it hasn’t stopped raining. They say this rain will continue throughout the day. 
            The contractor was here yesterday and they installed one cabinet along with the counter tops. We now have a sink installed in the new counter top, but no faucet and no drains installed. We are running out of ice which makes it difficult to have a cold drink. We may need to purchase some ice today.
            I was able to get my flu shot yesterday, and I also purchased the licenses for the Ford’s Chevy. I got wet from all the rain when I was going from the vehicle to the stores. I thought I was going to melt from all the rain, everyone knows sugar melts, when it gets wet.
            The star coffee shop is still closed due to remodeling, so I decided to drop by the Mc coffee shop. The line of cars went all the way around the building, so I drove home discouraged and hurt, knowing I would need to drink a cup of coffee made at home. 
            The contractor is scheduled back here at the homestead this morning about 9:00. They still have two cabinets to install and one to replace. I am not sure when they are going to bring the dishwasher back, (they hauled it off thinking we were getting a new one, which we were not) and it would be nice if they were to finish the plumbing for the sink. If all the plumbing was done we could have water and ice from the fridge. They have suggested that we get a new fan for the kitchen. We had a light over the sink which has been removed. I have no idea how they plan to replace that light.

This too shall pass!
Professor: Don Ford      


Monday, October 15, 2018

Winter is here 10.15.18

               As we all know;
                                     Spring has sprung,
                                    Fall has fell,
                                    Winter is here,
                                    It is colder than,
                                    Well it’s cold!

            The high today is supposed to be in the upper 40s. Let me inform you, that is cold here in Texas! It was in the mid-80s yesterday, which is a 40 degree difference in the high for the day. The cold weather is supposed to be here all week. That means we may need to see if the furnace works. The air conditioner and furnace was another expense that we did not need here at the homestead, and we have not tried the furnace yet, will it work.
            I hope I have a coat left over from last year, which I can wear. Being on a fixed income, and having to pay for the remodeling project, we will not be able to purchase new coats. Donations will be accepted just identify them as coats for the cold Fords.
            The contractor is supposed to be here today at noon. They are supposed to be placing counter tops, installing the rest of the cabinets, getting the walls ready to paint, and to install the back splash. I may be able to get a flu shot this morning since they will not be here until noon, and I need to get the license for the Ford’s Chevy.

            Now let me change the subject:
            I may have in the past noted, that there is a broken limb in the tree over the Ford’s ole hot house. I have communicated with my son Dave about finding a way to get the limb down. I even purchased a rope in hopes that we could get the rope over and around the limb, then together we hopefully could pull it down. The main concern in getting this limb down was, not hitting the hot house. I have emptied the hot house and believe we could move it, then go after the limb.
            This morning, as I lay in bed, I could hear the wind blowing as the cold front was affecting our weather. It came to mind, what if that large tree with the broken limb were to blow over and not damage anything. I could then get the chain saw and cut it into small pieces. The problem would then be solved. 

            The tree did not blow over, and the problem is solved.

            This morning as I opened the back door to allow the Tres to go out, I saw what appeared to be a shadow on the front of the Ford’s ole shed. It was still dark so I could not see what was causing the shadow. I grabbed a flash light and again looked toward the shed. There was a large limb laying in front of the shed. This is the limb that we were going to try to pull down. Mother Nature or God (depending on how you look at it) brought the limb down for us, and did not damage anything.
            Yes, it is cold and raining. Click to enhance.

            For that person who actually reads these blurbs, I mean posts, if you were wondering, was it a coincidence that I was thinking of the tree falling but not damaging anything, and the fact that the limb fell without damaging anything, it was just a coincidence.
            I am so happy that the limb is down, I knew it was going to be a difficult task to get it down. A small limb has also fell not damaging anything, and there is another small limb which is too high for me to get to, swinging in the breeze. Unfortunately this other small limb could fall and hit the hot house. We are not out of the woods yet, so to speak. Get it? Woods, tree limbs. Why do I even try!  

May you be blessed as much as we are!

Preacher but not minister;      Don Ford 
