
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Who got it backwards 05.07.17

Who got it backwards    05.07.17
                In today’s lesson to all my students, I will attempt to point out what seems to be a slight error! I, being a highly trained and world renowned observer, will point out what could be seen as a slightly backwards numbering system that you the untrained and possibly uninformed observer, would likely never notice.
                The following photo is of a bridge over the Mississippi river at Cape Girardeau, Mo. Please click to enlarge the photo and you would likely be able to see the possible backwardness exposed. I must give credit to my sister Becky for texting me this photo.
                Later I learned that the numbers were put there as an aid to those who were going to jump off the bridge. You see, if you jump off the bridge you can look at the numbers which indicate how far you have fell. As an example, if one jumped off the bridge the day this photo was taken, they would fall 50 feet before they hit the water.
                I did not look this up but I do assume that the numbering is for the boats going up and down the river. The numbers indicate the distance from the water to the bridge much like the signs on overpasses on the highway, not how deep the river is!
                The Mississippi is supposed to crest at 46 feet today at Cape. I have a photo courtesy of The Southeast Missourian News Paper which shows how high the water is on the down town flood wall.
            The old down town portion of Cape is literally on the banks of the Mississippi. When I was a kid there was no flood wall and when the river flooded, it flooded down town. Please enlarge the photo, it is interesting. Yes I worked at the Southeast Missourian News Paper many years ago. 
            I took a photo from my vehicle Saturday, (I was sitting still at a stop light, not distracted driving, it was distracted stopping) of weeds along the road way. Everyone knows things are bigger in Texas, and now you know our weeds are prettier in Texas! These weeds are known by the locals as, “Indian Paint Brush”.
May your day be filled with information!

Don Ford

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