
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

A Penny for your thoughts 05.02.17

                During my morning meditative stroll, I had many good thoughts about family and friends. I even thought of a biblical statement to send to a good friend.
                I was in the zone for the first three laps of the morning stroll, then during the last lap I became aware of things around me.
                During the last lap I found a penny laying on the road and it was heads up, although it was rather difficult to determine heads from tails. In the photo that follows, we see said penny and we are viewing the heads side.
I wonder how long this penny had been laying there, and how many times it has been run over. I may have walked over this coin hundreds of times during my morning strolls. Why did I find it today?
                My first wife and I, have since we were first married, received good luck each time we found a heads up penny. If you want to call that superstitious, it is ok with us!
                If one looks into this good luck after finding a penny phenomenon, they may find that it is in fact positive actions on the part of the finder. In short, if you believe something will happen, then you will probably act to cause those things to happen. If you like to call that good luck, it is ok with us.
                I am not sure what good luck this penny will bring us. I wonder if you only get one good luck award with one penny, or can you get several good lucks from one penny. I can think of several good lucks that would be nice. Should I make a list of the good lucks we need (privately) and then prioritize them? That way if we get more than one good luck award on a single penny, we would get the most needed first!

May your day be filled with good luck!

Don Ford

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