
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Snap Crackle Pop 05.03.17

                I hope that title does not apply to my dental visit later this morning. I am scheduled for a cleaning and hopefully they do not find anything else to charge me for.
                The title might bring the thought of a kid’s cereal to some of you. I remember one part of the advertisement from the olden days stated, “The best is missed unless pops around”. It seems as if many people do not believe that statement these days.
                Crack, Snap, Pop would be a better title for this wonderful posting. I have photos that will provide most of the information. This posting is about the broken tree limb that was hanging from the tree at the Ford’s Homestead. 
First, we review the photo of the limb hanging from the tree.              
The limb was too high to reach with my pole saw, so I added 30 inches to the handle. The extra length did allow me to get to the needed height but I could not get to the broken portion due to other limbs in the way.
                I then decided to attempt to get a rope into the branches of the broken limb and see if I could pull it down. Using a large crescent wrench tied to a rope I would toss the wrench into the branches in hopes it would get tangled. I was successful several times using the rope but after a couple hours of pulling I became tired and I took a break. About an hour later I again approached the task with renewed energy. 
                At one point the limb seemed very loose, I then, holding on to the rope began walking in large circles. This caused the limb to twist at the break and the limb finally fell!
                 Click to enlarge!
Snap, Crappel, Pop it is down! (Crappel is a new word, it means more than one crap)

Patience, hard work and inventiveness will get you there!

May your day not be filled with Crappel!  

Don Ford

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