
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Technology 05.31.17

                What does that word mean? I checked the definition of technology and there were several well worded sentences. Let me attempt to define it in an understandable and concise manner.

                Technology, “Technical knowledge”! For those of you who do not know what those two words mean, you should stop reading now.

                Why have I brought this word up, I will be happy to explain? As I walked this morning, I was thinking about school ending this week, and I wondered what students, now days, are actually learning.

                Hear in the great state of Texas kids are not taught how to write! These students are however taught how to print and enter data (in the olden days it was known as typing).

                As I sit here considering this, I began to wonder if a person needs to know how to write. In the olden days, people would write letters and instructions. Writing in cursive form took less time when compared to printing. Also in the olden days, we had writing classes and were graded on proper cursive writing. I scribbled and never made a good grade in writing class. Heck I still scribble even today.

            In what situation now days, would a person need to be able to read and write in cursive? One thought is, “a person needs to write their signature in cursive. Is that a true statement? Could a person’s signature be printed? Why not? In the olden days, on the old TV shows (and we know those TV shows were factual) a cowboy couldn’t write, so they made their mark.

            Which is easier to read, the cursive or the print?

                Another thing I have considered, do students learn things and store them in their memory, or do they learn how to look up subjects. One can look anything up in just a few seconds, so why would they need to remember? Everyone has a computer, or a tablet, and or a smart phone. Why do we need to know anything as long as we know how to find it on the internet?

                I push a button on my somewhat smart phone, say a word and the phone’s voice tells me the definition. I don’t even need to read the definition. Heck after I get done writing this wonderful article, my computer reads it out loud to me so I can find errors.


Print, or write, do you really care?


Don Ford

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What's new 05.30.17

                No snap crackle or pop, just crash.
                I was on the other side of the Ford’s trailer uncovering the Ford’s old riding mower when this scary event occurred. I had known the limb was broken, but I assumed it would not fall without help from me. Why would I assume (when you ass/u/me you make an ass out of you and me) the limb would not fall when another limb had fell in that same spot a week earlier. The other limb was dead and is on top the Ford’s trailer. No it is not strapped down yet. Yes the other limbs are professionally strapped down. Click to enlarge.
                Glad it didn’t wait and fall on me later in the day when I had planned to mow!
                The wind was blowing excessively, the flower had to be held in order to get the photo.
                I found the clouds an interesting back drop for the flag. As you can see, sitting in the Ford’s old rocker can be interesting, well at least I find it interesting. click to enlarge. 

Be aware of what is around you!

Don Ford

Monday, May 29, 2017

What's going on 05.29.17

                As I see it, the question proposed by the title of this soon to be, “brilliantly written” article is, “What has been happening in the world of the Ford Homestead” or, “Why hasn’t the Donald been posting”?
                True, some of you may have thought I was giving you a vacation by not posting, while others possibly thought I was on vacation. Nope, neither are correct.
                I find it interesting that only one person (aka reader) noticed that I had not been posting. I guess that says a lot for my brilliantly written and equally boring articles. But, as you can see that does not stop this, “Artists of words” from writing and posting. J
                The residence of the Ford Homestead have been busy lately. As an example, Friday May 19th we went to Gabi’s field day. The kids have all kinds of events from about 9:00 to almost noon. Then on May 24th, my first wife went to the local water park as Gabi’s class and many other classes had a day of splashing in the water. This past Friday we went to Alex’s field day, which lasted from 9:00 to noon.
                My first wife invoked her father on me saying, “Dad would roll over in his grave if he could see the weeds in this garden”. She had a point, her dad did have one of the nicest gardens, and there were no weeds in it. With that in mind, I properly prepared a portion of this, “weed infested garden” for some new onions. I spend time on my hands and knees removing weeds and loosening the earth. We could not find any onion sets this late in the season. We used onion seeds for this planting. These seeds were on a biodegradable paper tape, something that I have not tried before.
                I now have several chiggers in places we will not discuss. One of those chiggers has located himself on the top of my left foot under the area where the shoe string is tied. Why that would be important, one might ask, allow me to explain. When I walk I irritate the chigger and it itches!
                I was required by the COO here at the homestead to level some cement flower pots that were leaning slightly. Not being one to go into great detail let’s just say, the cement flower pot sets on a cement table top which sits on a cement column which sits on a square cement block. All had to be removed by this senior citizen, dirt had to be brought in, the block replaced and a level used to determine if the block was indeed level. When the cement block was found to be level this old senior citizen was forced to replace the cement column, the cement table top and then the cement flower pot.
                There were two of these Flower pots. I didn’t even mention that it was 94 degrees and100% humidity, or that I had to fight ants that were claiming one of the flower pots.
                Those are just a few of the activities that have been occurring here at the ford homestead. I have been able to get a few naps in now and then during these exhausting times!
                I did walk this morning and I found it quite peaceful. Today is Memorial Day! Many people are off work and the schools are closed today. There was not one vehicle seen as I walked today, do you know how nice that is. I only seen one human during the morning walk and it was one of the retired seniors who live on our street retrieving his so called morning newspaper.
                The morning was overcast which I assume helped dampen the sounds. There was a slight mist in the air that helped dampen me. In truth, the only sounds I heard were the birds and one annoying squirrel. The birds were singing and fluttering around looking for a morning breakfast of bugs. That darn squirrel was barking at me in a manner which seemed to indicate that he thought I should go to well, somewhere else. What he didn’t know was, if it was legal I would have exterminated him, long ago!
                During this morning walk I also experienced one less than desirable encounter. When I say one, I mean one category of event, which occurred several times over. What category, you ask! It was that smell of rotting garbage coming from each trash container sitting on the street. I do not normally notice this disgusting smell as there is usually a breeze, but today's calm allowed the distasteful order to hang heavily around each receptacle. Rotting garbage did take away from the morning walk but one should always expect some distraction in their lives.
                We did have some rain storms go through last night, and luckily we received mostly rain and no real storms. When I checked the rain gage this morning we had ¾ of an inch of rain last night, but there was no standing water. Yep, the ground has soaked up the water.

May all your walks be free of squirrels and garbage!

Don Ford

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Happy Hour 05.23.17

                We, here at the Ford Homestead believe, that everyone should be allowed to have a happy hour each and every day. We recently learned that two residents here at the Ford Homestead have found their own way to have happy hour.
                In the following two professionally composed photos, one will see the effects of happy hour, as celebrated at the Ford Homestead.
                It doesn’t get much better than this!
Molly is napping on the Ford’s Mini Van.
 Charlie is napping on the recycle bin.
Enjoy happy hour each and every day!
Don Ford

Monday, May 22, 2017

Bird food 05.22.17

                As I sit here cookie in hand, I consider dunking the cookie in my cup of coffee. Me, eating this well prepared cookie that my first wife prepared, cause me to think back about the birds that I observed this morning, as I prepared for, and later observed during my morning walk.

                Today is trash pickup day (AKA garbage day) so I was required to move the Fords Trash container to the curb. Prior to this move, I had decided to take the trash bag from the Homestead and place it into the Trash container. As I walked toward the container I noticed several birds on, and around the trash container. Then I saw the reason for the gathering of our feathered friends. There were some white larva, also known as “Maggots”.

                These little white maggots would, if left alone, soon become flies. Just what we need more of, flies. I opened the trash receptacle and deposited the trash bag, noticing more maggots inside the container. The birds watched me as I moved their breakfast out to the curb.

                Naturally I walked back to the Homestead and used some hand sanitizer prior to the morning walk.

                I did notice that there were several birds at each trash container along the street, I assume they were also getting breakfast.

                Have you noticed how close the words Maggot and Magnet sound? Even though the two are very different, they both seem to have some of the same traits.

                We received an inch of rain Friday night through Saturday morning. We also had more rain last night where we received another half inch of rain. I should say the ground has soaked all the rain in, there is no standing water. 

                We have harvested a bunch of black berries the last two days.

                What? That should be obvious! The traits which they have can be explained in one word, Attraction”!

                I have purchased a new walk behind lawn mower, even though I do not like the front wheel drive version, that was all we could afford being on a fixed income. I put the mower together, then I read the instructions, just to be sure I was correct. I added the oil and put some gas in it. I then thought I would pull the starter rope very slow in an effort to get the oil moved around inside the motor before I actually attempted to start the motor. To my surprise, the motor started.

I was not trying to start it, but it started. I shut it off. I then tried to pull the rope gently again and it started! Truthfully, I believe my seven year old grandson could easily start this mower.  WOW, cheap but good!

                What? You don’t understand Attraction? Why do I always have to explain everything? Maggots attract the birds, Magnets attract other metals. Think about what I teach you and you will be…

Attract not or you will be attractive! (Words of wisdom from the Ford)

Don Ford 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Memory 05.17.17


                What is the drawing of? It is the layout of my grandparents’ home. Is my most excellent drawing accurate, it is the way I remember it. This memory is from about 60 years ago. The old house is no longer there, as a matter of fact all the houses in this area which was known as, “Smelter Ville”, have been demolished. Most of the area was flood prone. 
                This house had running water, but no bathroom, no indoor toilet. Yes, it had an outhouse in the back yard. I never thought of this before but, the outhouse was next to the back fence which was as far from the house as possible. On the other side of the fence was another house, but I can’t remember how close it was to the outhouse.
                There was a large cottonwood tree in the back yard and they had a fence around the yard.
                I have very few memories of my grandmother. I never met any of my grandparents on my dad’s side of the family.
                Grandpa lived several years longer than Grandma and I have two basic memories of grandpa. One is that he always seemed to be sitting in his rocking chair which was located next to the wood burning stove. The other memory is, every Sunday morning we would go pick him up to take him to church with us. Dad drove the car, I often sit in the front seat next to dad, and Grandpa would get in the car’s front seat passenger side. In those days all men wore hats, and almost every time grandpa would get in the car he would knock his hat off. Grandpa had hair growing out of his ears, and I mean lots of hair.
                Grandpa was, the “Reverend Bede Wyatt”, I have no memories of him preaching. 
                They basically lived in two rooms. The so called living room had a couple chairs, their bed, a Wardrobe, or it may have been a Chiffarobe (look it up if you aren’t sure what that is). I know they had the wood burning stove, actually it was probably coal burning in that room. I assume they had a radio but I can’t remember that.
                The kitchen had a wood burning stove which later may have been converted into gas, a table, a sink with running water. I do not remember a refrigerator or ice box, but I am sure they had one or the other. There was an old copper cup that sat on the sink and it was there as a drinking cup for everyone to use. I do not remember seeing any other cups used for drinking.
                That memory came up when I was walking this morning, which was cut short due to some sprinkles of rain. The memory I had was of my mom and sister trying to talk me into giving up the bottle (not a bottle of booze, a baby bottle). As I remember I was between the bed and the wall and they were telling me that my nephew Paul, who is three months younger than me, did not take the bottle and I should stop. I don’t know how old I was but I couldn’t have been more than 8 or 9 years old (that was supposed to be a joke).
May all your memories be good!

Don Ford

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017

Saturday ride 05.15.17

                Yes there was a ride this past Saturday in which I participated. The plan was to meet at a certain point at 6:45am to prepare for the ride with such necessities as, coffee and gasoline, leaving promptly at 7:00am.
                There were five participants, whom will be referred to as bikers in the rest of this exciting article. First I should say that all the bikes were gold wings of varying age. The first leg of the ride took two hours as we were heading southwest. The temperature of 55 degrees was perfect, if you were sitting still on the porch having a cup of coffee. 55 degrees at 70 mph is much cooler and I was happy that I had a coat on, but I wished I had the liner in it.
                At the end of two hours we took a break at a service station where some of the bikers needed to drain their bladder. After a short break we continued our venture in the same direction. The ride took us onto some small farm roads where there were open pastures. We crossed several cattle guards and the road was basically one lane. This part of the ride was rather slow and easy going. There was some nice scenery but we did not stop to enjoy or take any photos. Our lead biker likes to stay on schedule and he likes to arrive at the location where we will have lunch prior to or at 11:00. This is so we get seated early and don’t have to wait on others to get our food.
                As a kid I have stepped into cow manure many times, but this may have been the first time I have ridden my motorcycle through cow manure. My poor tires!
                As we rode this one lane farm road we came to a low water crossing. The crossing was cement and only had about one inch of water running across it. Riding slow each bike crossed one at a time, I was the last rider in the group, as I have the reputation of not always keeping up with the bike in front of me. The biker in front of me made a little error when crossing this low water area. Instead of riding in the tire tracks of vehicles that had crossed previously, he rode through the middle, between the tire marks. Nearing the other side his bikes back wheel began spinning and first went to the left causing him to attempt to correct. His attempt at correcting cause the bike to them slide violently to the right and hitting the dry pavement totally sideways the bike went down.
                The photo is of the crossing where the accident occurred. We had already up righted the bike and moved it away from the crossing, click to enlarge.
                The good news is the bike was not damaged in the wreck! Oh, the rider received a few scrapes and cuts but he was ok. I eased across the low water area after seeing this incident. A band aid and some water to drink, that tough biker was ready to continue the ride.
                I took a photo of a weed that is kind of pretty for a weed. It would have been better if I had moved the bike which would have removed the shadow. Click to enlarge.
                We arrived in Fredericksburg about 10:45am and we went to the German restaurant where we had to wait for it to open. Their prices were a little high, ok they were a lot high, and so I along with three of the bikers had hamburgers that cost $9.99 each. It was so dark inside the restaurant that we used our cell phone lights to read the menu. Our eyes did adjust after several minutes.
                The rest of the ride was much warmer, as a matter of fact it was hot riding with the long sleeved shirts and helmets on. Our ride towards home was at time very interesting but the group did not stop to enjoy any of the scenery. I saw several areas that I would have liked to taken a photo or two from but I did not want to be left too far behind so I didn’t stop.
                At one point I did stop and take a quick photo and then hurried to catch the group.
                Consider what it must have been like for the first settlers in this area. How would you like to try to make a living out here? Click to enlarge.
                We were about 35 miles from home as we rode through Gatesville TX. It was 4:20pm and we had been on the ride for 9 hours and 20 minutes, and on the bikes for 8 hours and 20 minutes. Have you ever sit on a motorcycle seat for more than 8 hours, it makes your behind hurt.
                I was tired so I decided that if they turned to take any road other than the one leading back to Waco, I was not turning with them. I was ready to get home and hope the other bikers were also. I wanted to be home by 5:00pm. Well, they turned and I didn’t. Once out of the city limits, I set the cruise control on 75 mph and headed home. I stopped for gas in Hewitt and made it home at 5:00.
                A good ride, but not enough breaks. It may be that I am getting older, or maybe I just do not enjoy continues riding events were the goal is, sitting on a moving bike. Possibly future rides will be of my choosing or maybe I should just sell the bike!
Take time to see the sites and smell the wild flowers!

Don Ford

Thursday, May 11, 2017

What? 05.12.17

                It is finally raining, a little. We are hoping for enough to get all the yards and gardens wet and happy but no storms. Thursday morning at the beginning of my walk I happened to look up and see this.
                I thought the cloud formation was unusual and interesting. Click to enlarge.
A couple mornings ago, I took other photos of clouds, and I will post one of them.
                Would you believe there was a brush fire burning out of control that was providing the light through the trees?  I wouldn’t either, just wondered if you would.
                I can’t sit in the Ford’s old rocker this afternoon, I will sit in one of the rockers on the front porch, out of the rain. You don’t want me to melt, do you?
                I had considered putting a photo of me in this posting, but then I thought that might go against my ending line.

May your day be filled with beauty!

Don Ford

Braille 05.11.17

                It was a normal morning walk, the weather prognosticators were saying it might rain, but they have been saying that for some time now. We could use some rain but not storms. Let me say that over the last few weeks there have been storms all around us, but they have missed Hewitt. We are happy that the storms missed us, but we would like to have some gentle rain.
                This morning I picked a different walking stick, just to have some variety in my life. Today’s walking stick is number 6 (F-VI). In the olden days when I made my walking sticks, I would identify them with an, “F” (for Ford) and a roman numeral.
                You might ask, why I need a walking stick. I like to have something in my hand as I walk. You know, it just gives you something to do as you walk. I guess you could consider it as a distraction from the action of walking. Also, I like the possibility that someone might comment on the unique walking stick that I have made. I do believe some of my walking sticks could be used as, self-defense weapons.  
                Think of it this way, walking is a lot like driving a car! You know, when you drive your car you must have something in your hands. Usually you have your phone in your hand, but if not the phone, you have a cup of coffee or some type of snack, possibly an order of French fry sitting either in your lap or next to you. Reaching for each fry allows you to have something in your hand, and having something in your hand is very comforting which takes your mind off the chore of driving.
                So now you see how a walking stick can keep your mind off walking and how it is like driving!
                As I walked, I allowed the stick to slide up and down through my hand. This rhythmic movement was somehow refreshing. As the stick moved through my fingers I began to feel something. At first I could feel something like small holes on the stick. As the stick moved I continued to consider what I was feeling on the stick. After the small holes I could feel something like a small straight line. I thought, this could not be something natural on the stick, not a straight line. Then it popped into my head, could there be a braille message on this walking stick.
                I finally decided to look at the stick and see what my fingers were feeling. I began to laugh when I saw what it was. There was a message on the stick. I remembered putting it there when I made the stick. The message is in mores code and it is, (dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit) which is, “SOS”. When I made this stick I noticed that it was a little larger than my other sticks and I thought, if it were ever used in a self-defense setting, the other person would need help. Click to enlarge the photo.
                Mistry solved, I continued my morning walk, a little happier and still distracted from the walking process.

Sometimes being distracted is better than reality!

Don Ford

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Positive or Negative 05.09.17

                Is it always good to be positive? The short answer is, “NO”! Can we say the same about being Negative?
                Are you positive, you should be! The other day I decided to set up a solar charger to keep the battery in the Gold Wing topped off. I had a regular trickle charger attached to the battery but it didn’t seem to be doing the job. I checked the voltage from the trickle charger and it was not charging, so I discarded it.
                I have two small solar chargers. I decided to attach them to a piece of wood so I could position them in the sun, which would provide a charge to the bike’s battery. I already have a plug on the bike that goes to the battery, so I needed to build a connecting wire that would connect to the two solar chargers, and into one plug to connect to the battery.
                I like to do my projects right the first time. I gathered up the necessary parts, set up a work table and retrieved the tools that I would need. I then made a drawing of how the wires would connect to each of the three plugs. I checked the positive and negative posts at each plug three times before I started the work.
                I had to cut some wires and then solder them back together making sure the polarity was correct. Basically, I had to bring the wires from two solar panels into one plug, which would then connect to the Bike’s battery.
                I am very proud of my work on this project and I followed a wood working rule, “Measure twice cut once”. I checked polarity several times and verified each on my drawing before connecting and soldering. Photo to follow.
                What? You want to know when it is not good to be positive. Come on, everyone knows that answer. Ok, a teaching moment is upon us. One example and then back to the story at hand. If you were going to do something and when you see the competition you say “I can’t do that”, then you are positive that you can’t, it is not good to be positive that you can’t. 
                Project completed, tools and table put away, it was time to connect the chargers and then connect to the battery. The solar chargers have blue lights indicating that they are charging. I connected them to the bike and set the panels in the sun. To my surprise the blue lights were not lit!
                Something was wrong, I disconnected the chargers from the battery and the lights came on. Odd, I thought. I then checked the polarity of the plug from the battery, it was what I had on the drawing. I checked the polarity from the chargers and the polarity was backwards!
                Somehow, as careful as I was, reading my drawing several times, I reversed the polarity. My drawing was correct, I somehow did not follow the drawing! This is a good example of when being positive (on the wrong post) is not good!
                Stop laughing, you probably messed up some projects in your life. No, I am not crying, I have something in my eye!  

Check polarity twice, connect once, is still a good plan!

Don Ford

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Weeds Part Two 05.09.17

                In my wonderfully short article about pretty weeds (yesterday), I showed a photo of the blooms alongside the street. This morning as I walked past that spot I was aware that something had happened. The blooms were all missing. To explain, the area appeared to have been mowed down probably using a weed eater. Naturally I assumed the property owner had mowed. Nope, the only area that had been cut down was the area where the blooms were. There was tall grass and weeds to either side of the area. 

                Why were the blooms the only items that were cut down? I have a hypothesis. Someone or something saw me take the photo. This person or thing wanted to either, irritate me or, see if I am observant enough to notice the difference. I believe it was the second! Someone or something wanted to see if I would notice the change.

                Why do I say something instead of someone? It may have been a Space Alien or if you prefer, an Angel who removed the blooms and weeds. Before you get all upset let me explain. Angels are from heaven, and heaven is in space, so Angels are from space. Space Aliens are from space just like Angels.

                I know we are being watched by either, or both, and I believe one or the other cut those blooms and all the weeds in that small area just to see if I would notice.


They are watching, be aware!


Don Ford

                Truthfully, I don’t know why, or who cut those blooms and weeds from that one area, there are plenty more that need to be cut from that side of the street.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Weeds 05.08.17

                This photo is of weeds alongside one of the streets I walk most mornings. At first the area appeared to be littered with scrap paper. As we approach we see the white and pink blooms. Some weeds have pretty flowers as we see in this photo.
 Have a safe day!

Don Ford

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Who got it backwards 05.07.17

Who got it backwards    05.07.17
                In today’s lesson to all my students, I will attempt to point out what seems to be a slight error! I, being a highly trained and world renowned observer, will point out what could be seen as a slightly backwards numbering system that you the untrained and possibly uninformed observer, would likely never notice.
                The following photo is of a bridge over the Mississippi river at Cape Girardeau, Mo. Please click to enlarge the photo and you would likely be able to see the possible backwardness exposed. I must give credit to my sister Becky for texting me this photo.
                Later I learned that the numbers were put there as an aid to those who were going to jump off the bridge. You see, if you jump off the bridge you can look at the numbers which indicate how far you have fell. As an example, if one jumped off the bridge the day this photo was taken, they would fall 50 feet before they hit the water.
                I did not look this up but I do assume that the numbering is for the boats going up and down the river. The numbers indicate the distance from the water to the bridge much like the signs on overpasses on the highway, not how deep the river is!
                The Mississippi is supposed to crest at 46 feet today at Cape. I have a photo courtesy of The Southeast Missourian News Paper which shows how high the water is on the down town flood wall.
            The old down town portion of Cape is literally on the banks of the Mississippi. When I was a kid there was no flood wall and when the river flooded, it flooded down town. Please enlarge the photo, it is interesting. Yes I worked at the Southeast Missourian News Paper many years ago. 
            I took a photo from my vehicle Saturday, (I was sitting still at a stop light, not distracted driving, it was distracted stopping) of weeds along the road way. Everyone knows things are bigger in Texas, and now you know our weeds are prettier in Texas! These weeds are known by the locals as, “Indian Paint Brush”.
May your day be filled with information!

Don Ford

Friday, May 5, 2017

Artistic 05.05.17

                I am fairly sure that some of you think I am autistic. Well, the only difference in the two words is the letter “R” or “U”. Since we are not talking about “U” (you) then we are saying I am artistic! I will include some photos for your enjoyment.
                After viewing the above two photos, you now understand that I am, “artistic”! Even though you don’t want to admit it, you understand that is true art. (This art is for sell, we are accepting sealed bids minimum bid of 250K, if interested you may send your bid to use here at the Ford Homestead.)
                Now to a sticky situation. The following photos are from the north end of the Ford Homestead. These flowers can also be a preventive measure to stop break-ins. Plant them in front of windows and bad people will not attempt to enter.
Please click to enlarge the photos.
                Now, on a less happy subject, have you had to purchase new tires for your vehicle lately? What a dumb question, you all are rich and don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. We here at the Ford Homestead must, “Pinch pennies just to survive”, so when the tires on my present spouse’s vehicle needed to be replaced, it caused much stress on us.
                The new tires have been installed, the vehicle is hopefully safer now. We will be accepting donations of aluminum cans, fresh road kill and even money for those of you who feel charitable! I am not going to say what they cost but I will say I did not purchase the most expensive.
                It hasn’t rained here at the ford homestead recently, so the yard is not growing. I will not need to mow today! I will water the garden.

Ford Homestead donations are not tax deductible!
Don Ford