
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Old tiller 01.31.17

                I have this old tiller and it must be at least 25 years old. It was at my son’s home, so I decided I would retrieve it and if the weather was to turn nice, I would till my garden spot.
                I arrived at my youngest son’s house to pick up the tiller. I put some gas in the tank and tried to start the tiller, but it would not start. We pushed the tiller onto the trailer and secured it in place. I drove home with the old tiller hoping I would be able to get the quarter century old tiller, to run again.
                It is true that I am a master when it comes to repairing this senior tiller. The unit stayed on the trailer overnight. The next day, after a nice lunch with my first wife, and a short nap, I proceeded to remove said tiller from the trailer and push it into the garage. Using all my knowledge about cleaning a spark plug, and I must say that plug was clean, I then use my secret weapon. I have over the years learned, when you have a hard to start motor, whether a two or four cycle motor, after cleaning the spark plug or even when installing a new plug, that heating the spark end of the plug, with a propane torch, will often provide the needed extra kick to start a stubborn motor. If you try this, the entire plug will be hot, don’t touch it with your hand.
                Well, that is what I did to this old tiller and it sprang to life on the 3rd pull. Now that I had it running I decided to add more gas, and till the garden. Photos of before and after, click to enlarge. 
                The initial tilling will allow the garden spot to absorb water easily if it rains.
Just because we are old, me and the tiller,
doesn’t me we can’t work!

Don Ford

Monday, January 30, 2017

Flagged me down 01.30.17

                It was one of those days when there seemed to be nothing important for myself to do. I had an excellent cup of coffee in hand, yes I made it for myself in an old worn-out Keurig coffee maker, and I also had 4 cookies provided by my present spouse. I was sitting in the old worn-out rocking chair near the garage door, in the warm sun light! It was only 55 degrees but the wind was just barely blowing.
                I almost always dunk the cookies into the outstanding coffee. This action allows the cookies to be soft and easy for this old senior citizen to chew. Dunking also flavors the coffee somewhat making it even more exciting to my taste bud. Notice, I used the singular when referring to the taste bud, as over the years this senior person has lost all but one of the taste buds. L
                After ingesting the cookies and coffee I looked around and thought, there should be something that I could due to past time.
                Suddenly it occurred to me, I could fly my drone! I should say that the camera will not produce video or still shots. I emailed the company that makes the drone and they did respond, but they did not provide me with a way to make the defective unit work. (It was a Christmas gift for this old person and the receipt was tossed out, so I can’t return it.
                The drone is fun to fly. I would like to get out in the open and see what the range is. It flies for more than five minutes on one battery charge. Also the control begins to beep when it is about to run out of power. It is a fun toy for a senior!
                After putting the drone away, it occurred to me that I could replace the rope on the Ford Homestead’s flag pole. That seemed like a simple process and I could be done in a few minutes.
                It amazes me how many things must happen in order for this old master worker to complete one seemingly small task. The 20 foot pole is made of aluminum and is fairly easy to get out of its base and lay it down on the ground. Originally the pole would collapse down into itself, but as with many things, that feature was short lived. After a while the pole became rigid and basically one piece.
                Pole removed, I secured the new rope which I had in the garage. I then searched for a new pulley. Pulley found, I then determined I needed an additional clip for securing a flag to the rope. There must be four clips to secure the two flags to the rope. Clip found, I then needed to determine if the new rope was long enough. It was longer than I needed so I cut a portion off.
                I then had to find some matches so I could burn the ends of the rope. This is done in an effort to keep the rope from fraying.
                The old rope removed from the pulley, I also removed the clips from the old rope to be re-used on the new rope.
                I applied some grease to the new pulley to help it work better and longer. Old pulley removed, new pulley installed I was ready to insert the new rope into the pulley.
                I them measured the flags to see how far apart the holes were, and marked the rope for placement of the clips. The first clip is easy to install but the second one must be placed correctly or the flag will not be properly attached to the rope. There was some trial and error in this process. 
                Each clip is first tied in place and then secured with a wire tie.
                The rope now install and attached I reset the pole into the base. I activated the rope and the pulley all worked as expected.
                The American flag installed and raised. It looked good.
                The American flag lowered I attached the Texas Flag and raised it. Nope, it was not right I brought the flags down and re-connected the Texas flag, it took about four tries to get everything looking right.
                I stepped back and admired my work. I then had to put all the tools away, and store the old rope.
                It took more than an hour to do 10 minutes of work. I guess it is because we get slower when we get older, or we may be more picky, the older we get. One friend suggested, I might have been trying to work and chew gum at the same time. That will always cause a problems!
Respect the flags!

Don Ford

Friday, January 27, 2017

Cancel nope 01.27.17

                It is too cold outside today for our grounds keeper to be outside working. Before that one person asks, it was almost freezing this morning and it shouldn’t be any warmer than 55 today. So I sit inside the homestead listening to the Ham Radio on the left and the TV on the right while trying to write this story in the middle. It is difficult to constipate I mean concentrate with all that talking.
                Everyone knows I do not often criticize others, and I really do not appreciate being criticized or questioned, but I have received a comment from my one and only reader, so I will respond.
The comment was in response to my posting of the 26th regarding, “Five teen or fifteen”. My one reader noted that I was incorrect in my supposition about five teen. My only reader stated that he believes they should not have started with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on, instead they should have started with, “1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and so on. In doing so, fifteen would then be correct. (example, fourth-teen, fifth-teen, sixth-teen)
                I appreciate my one and only reader, so I don’t want to state that he is wrong because, he might stop reading and then I would have nothing.         

                I received a bill for my Sirius XM radio and it was too high. I called them to cancel my subscription and they asked why. I explained that I was a poor senior person who is on a fixed income and the cost was just too expensive. Feeling sorry for me they cut the bill by 48%. For my one and only reader, that is almost half of the original bill.
                I wonder how many people renew their satellite service at the higher price. I knew they would reduce the bill because they did the same thing for us before. Ask and you might receive! Don’t ask and you will pay too much.                  Cancel, nope!
                When I was in my 50s, it bothered me if I were offered a senior discount. Now I ask for a discount almost anytime I purchase anything.

Ask not, and ye shall not receive!

Don Ford

Thursday, January 26, 2017

They didn't ask me 01.26.17

                As I sat on the front veranda here at the Ford Homestead, it became apparent to me that whoever sets up words, had made a mistake. I wish they would check with me before they decide on how to use words.
                This has to do with some numbers that could have been pronounced correctly, but they messed up and they are wrong.
14           four teen
15           fifth teen               why did they decide on fifth-teen and not five-teen?
                A fifth can be a bottle of   booze, but it is only part of anything.
16           six teen
17           seven teen
                It is 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, so why not fourteen, “fiveteen,” sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen
                If they would just ask me first, these things would be done properly.

                I went riding yesterday with some friends, yes I have some friends! The temp was 52 at the beginning of the ride, and reached a high of 61 during the ride. The sun was supposed to shine most of the day, but it did not. Lunch was at a small hamburger place, in Andice, Texas. I was told they got the name Andice, from a sign that originally stated, “Beer and Ice”. The story goes that part of the sign blew down in a storm and was never replaced. They started calling the place Andice.  I guess that is a believe it or not, but you can find it on a map.
                All in all it was a good ride of 261 miles.

Have a very nice day!

Don Ford

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Garden work 01.25.17

                Yep, our Grounds Manager was out working in the garden spot yesterday morning.
                It was a cold windy morning when he started his chores, we allowed him to have his coat, hat and gloves on during this work period. It was windy on Monday and the wind was out of the north. Today the wind was blustery out of the south. The prognosticators were saying that this cold windy weather would last all day with temperatures not exceeding a frigid 78 degrees
                Our grounds Manager was expected to remove the fence wire that was used last year as a place for the gourds to grow on, and the fence wire that was around the mulch bed. Then he was supposed to remove the tomato rings. That completed, he gathered up the stims and other items that would not easily be tilled in to the ground and placed then in the trash container. (I do not want to hear any comments about the gourds, when I was a kid I heard the comment many times.
                Finally, after hours of difficult work in those frigid temperatures, the grounds Manager was able to return to the Homestead hoping to warm up and clean up. Surprisingly enough, he had brought some onions from the garden spot. Photo below, click to enlarge.
                We are expecting the grounds manager to return to the garden spot this afternoon, after a short nap, and we hope he can get the old (very old) weed eater to run, and then he should clean all the old dead grass and weeds from the area.
                There is another photo in this wonderful article, and although there are trees in the photo, the thing I was enjoying at the time of the photo was, the wonderfully blue sky!
                Our grounds Manager was able to clear the garden area and it is now ready to be tilled for the first time this year. Our grounds manager suffered no ill effects being out in the weather and the frigid 78 degrees did not hurt him, he actually seemed to enjoy working, for a change! Photo of garden spot to follow.
Photo on the left is the garden spot, on right is from one of the security cameras here at the Ford Homestead, which also shows most of the garden spot, upper left corner of photo. 
                What, questions! Always it is questions, you better be glad I like to instruct and inform! Ok, what are the questions? Aha, ok, oh I see. The questions are, “What were the comments I heard as a kid about gourds, and why the security cameras”.
                There are three reasons for the cameras, the first has been stated in an earlier posting. My so called office area is small and has no windows. Originally I purchased a single camera and connected it to the TV in my small so-called office. This provided the effect of having a window as I could see what was happening outside.
                Later, seeing how well one camera worked I decided to install others and a recording device. These cameras help with security.
                Lastly, we are able to use the camera system to keep an eye on the Grounds Manager, so we know if he is working or napping.

       The comment I heard as a child about gourds was, “Donnie Ford with a head like a gourd”. Satisfied?

May your sky be clear and garden weed free!

Don Ford

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Miracles 01.24.17

                That title gives me an opening to explain my view of, “what is a miracle”? 
                As I see it, the most common definition of a miracle could be, “an immediate change in the situation that one is praying for.”
Example, in the Bible, a lame person is prayed for, and he immediately got up and walked.
Example, when Jesus was on a boat in a storm, and he said, “Peace, Be Still”, and the storm stopped. 
                Those are two excellent Biblical examples of an, “immediate miracle”!
                I believe, although less dramatic but more often occurring, there is another type of a miracle. Someone has cancer or other disease, and they receive prayer. The immediate part of this miracle is, their body’s normal healing functions (for lack of a better description) “are switched on”. The body immediately begins the process of repairing itself (healing). After a period of time, the cancer or other disease is gone, the body is healed.
                Faith is important in healings!
                I also believe that prayer can be answered by using, “God sent advice”, and that advice could be, “get some help”. A person prays for a healing, let’s say there is and infection in this person’s arm. They pray for the healing and the answer to their prayer is, “go to the doctor”. If one has an infection in their arm, and they know that going to the doctor and getting a shot, would provide the healing they want, they should do it. God provides people with knowledge and abilities, I believe he expects us to take action on our own, when appropriate.
                We shouldn’t expect God to do everything for us! God gives you the knowledge to make good decisions and the ability to follow through with those decisions. Sometimes it is up to us to assist in making some of those miracles happen.
                One’s faith, plays a big part in any miracle, whether the miracle is immediate, or happens over time. True faith is the answer to miracles. Faith is positive thinking or positive attitude.

All things are possible, if only you believe!

Don Ford

Friday, January 20, 2017

Ragged Flags 01.20.17

                We are getting a new President today!
                I just went outside and put the American Flag up on the flag pole. I wanted to fly the flag today, as I think any American who has a flag should fly it today.
                My flags are in good condition and I will not fly a flag that is not in good condition. It does irritate me when I see people and institutions who fly flags that are damaged. Possibly, I am a little bit too observant when I am away from my homestead. I have seen schools, businesses, and private home owners, flying tattered flags. One such American Flag at a business was missing the top two stripes.
                Come on people, if you can’t afford a new flag, then don’t fly a damaged flag!
                This is my flag, but the photo was taken during the summer months.

God Bless America!

Don Ford

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Safety first 01.19.17

                It was about 50 degrees this morning so I decided to have my morning walk. The air was damp but there was little wind which made the walk somewhat bearable. I followed my normal path for this walk, completing 4 laps. Each lap requires me to walk east on Arkansas Street.
                Arkansas street is one block long with the only distinguishing feature some ugly bushes that were planted about 35 years ago, by the then resident. He moved away many years ago and no one has taken care of these eye sores since then. It should be noted that these eye sores are planted on the City right of way, and no one takes care of them. Photo to follow.
                As you may see, the somewhat open area is where dead bushes are located. There is some litter in these bushes and there are hiding places all through these bushes. These eye sores would be an excellent hideout for kids playing in the area, or a bad person.
                My biggest concern with these eye sores is the safety of any pedestrians walking on this street. As you will see in the next photo which is taken looking east, anyone walking in that portion of the block facing traffic (as they should, to be safe) would be unable to step off the street onto the curb to avoid an oncoming vehicle, due to the eye sores (aka bushes).
                I, along with other pedestrians, find this portion of this street objectionable, due to the unsafe situation (bushes) on one side, and the barking dogs behind the wooden fences on the other side of this street.
                Let’s see if I can get this in the hands of someone who cares. 

May your walks all be safe and enjoyable!

Don Ford

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Play day 01.17.17

                Yesterday was a holiday and many people, but not the retired senior citizens, had the day off. You hadn’t thought about retired people never getting the day off, had you! On any given holiday, a retired person continues doing the same things they always do. Let’s change the subject before I become upset and begin to consider getting a part time job.
                Let’s talk about play day yesterday. The grandees were here as school was out. Alex and I went shopping, Gabi didn’t want to go so she stayed and kept granny occupied. After our shopping excursion, Alex and I went outside where he challenged me to a kick ball game. Needless to say, I won! The final score was 5 to 2.
                He then wanted to play hide and seek. He had a bright orange shirt on which made it easy to see him. At one point he was hiding behind the big tree. I walked through the yard talking to myself (so he would know where I was, not because I am old and senile) I acted as if I did not see him. As I walked all around the yard he stayed hidden on the opposite side of the tree, from me. 
                When I walked around the shed I stopped making noise. I leaned up against the shed being very quiet. After about 30 seconds of quiet, Alex called out Papaw where are you? I continued the silence treatment. He called out again and I said nothing. I could hear that he was getting closer and finally he looked around the corner of the shed. I said you found me, now it is your turn to hide. He looked at me as if I was a, “silly senior citizen”, as he began explaining that he was hiding, and I was supposed to be looking for him!
                I asked him, why was I hiding, and why did you find me, if you were supposed to be hiding? He said, let’s do it again and you look for me. I was forced to close my eyes and count to 10 as Alex ran for the front yard. Yes I cheated and I peaked, how else would I know where he went.
                Seeing him run into the front yard I decided to cheat again and I went through the house to the front door. Alex was hiding behind a chair on the front porch, so when I stepped out of the door and said I found you, he explained that going through the house was not fair.
                Alex decided that we should get the drone out and let him fly it. He is somewhat wild when he flies the drone but for a six year old he does good. We flew it until the battery ran down and it needed to be recharged. We also decided he would fly the drone when his dad came to pick them up. 
                It was about then when he wanted to be pushed on the tire swing. It should be said, he will not push me but he will let me push him. After about 10 minutes of swinging him, I explained that I was tired, he decided that we should get something to drink, and we sat in the chairs near the garage door resting and drinking.
                Alex’ attention changed from drinking to wanting to play checkers. He and granny got the checker board out and I procured the checkers. Granny advise Alex during the first part of the game and then she returned to the house to check on Gabi. Alex and I finished the game one on one. I don’t like to admit it but he actually won the game, fair and square. The game got to a point, where ever I moved, he would jump me.
                Dave came to pick the kids up and he parked along the curb. Alex and I got the drone out and Alex was flying it. At one point he flew it into the side of his dad’s vehicle. He then flew it all around our heads and then into the front wall of the house. It was about then that we stopped flying the drone.
                I have the feeling he will be wanting a drone for his birthday.

All in all, a nice play day!

Don Ford

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Trying 01.16.17

                I suggest you may want to skip reading this posting, it isn’t interesting but the photos are good!
                You may have heard the old saying, “you can’t teach an old retired senior citizen new tricks”. As true as that statement may be, this old retired senior citizen is attempting to, (key word is, Attempting”), if not learn, maybe re-learn something. 
                I purchased a TNC (terminal node controller) sometimes called a radio interface. This device will allow a ham radio operator to communicate using various digital methods. In short, using your computer through this radio interface (TNC) you can send and receive messages without ever talking. One such method is CW, which means. “Continuous Wave”, it uses Morris Code.
                I did learn how to send and receive Morris Code many years ago. In the olden days one had to be able to receive at least 13 words per minute in order to get an Advanced Amateur Radio License. I did not like using code then, or now. Using the TNC, I can receive message in code and read it on the computer screen. I then type a message into the computer and it is sent in code through my radio.
                I actually have an old TNC, it is only about 23 years old, and so I decided I might want to get a newer one. It was supposed to come with all the wires, power supply and instructions. There was several wires and all but one worked. Since my computer does not have a 9 pin connector (RS-232) I had to go to the radio shack to purchase a wire that is USB to RS-232. It cost about one third the cost of the TNC.
                The software that came with the TNC is free and has no instructions. I am trying to learn to use the software without any help. It is all trial and error, lots of errors. I have kind of learned how to use it on CW and have some success with one other mode. It is slow going.
                The manufacture has a software package available, which they sell for 150 dollars. That software is double the price of the TNC. Nice way to treat a customer.
                I need to contact one of the hams that use these type devices.
                I went to a club meeting last year and was going to rejoin the club. I did not make the next meeting do to unavoidable situation. Not one person from the club tried to contact me to encourage me to return, I guess they have better things to do. There are other clubs so I may need to look into one of them. When you are a club member you have lots of associates to learn from.
Two photos that have nothing to do with the above posting, but they are interesting.
Interesting that the aliens needed a square hole in the clouds to see what I was doing.

Look at the clouds, is there a tornado?

Have an outstanding day!
Don Ford 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Good Morning Friday 13th, 2017

Why do I like to walk in the morning, look at the photo and you should understand. Click to enlarge!
Look around and you might see something beautiful.

                I am aware that today is Friday 13th, but I do not want to dwell on that. Friday the 13th, has not been an unlucky day for me, but some see it as a huge problem waiting to happen to them.

May today be better than most!

Don Ford

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Early dawn hours cont. 01.12.17

                It was a dark damp morning when I turned the corner, never suspecting that I would be…
The truth is, I am always cautious when walking through this street, in pre-dawn hours. There is a street light at the west end of the street but the light is mostly blocked by a live oak tree. Live oak trees, for those of you who do not know, have leaves all year round, thus they can block light year round. This street is one block long, and there are wood fences (6 foot tall) on both sides of the street.
                On one side of the street there are huge bushes easily 20 foot tall. These were planted there many years ago by a previous owner of the house. These unsightly bushes are not only ugly, with a couple dead, they seem to be a repository for trash such as beer cans that need to be disposed of as people drive by.
                These bushes also present a couple safety hazards to anyone walking on the street.
                First, when one is walking on the north side of the street, which is proper as a pedestrian should walk facing traffic, they would be unable to step off the street upon the curb, due to the bushes which hang over the curb. In this situation the pedestrian would be in front of oncoming traffic.
                Second, it would be easy for someone to hide in these bushes, and there in lies part of my concern for a morning walk. The cane I carry is not only for protection from a stray dog, but could also be used against a bad person. To say it is dark and scary on this street prior to dawn, would be an understatement. Yes, when walking in pre-dawn hours I usually carry a flash light.
                I believe I had noted earlier that it was a damp morning, even though it had not rained. The wind was blowing at least 20 mph, gusting to 30 mph causing leaves and small trash like paper to blow everywhere.    
                This morning as I was walking along this street for the second time, I heard a noise! It was coming from the right side of the street and it sounded as if someone was climbing over the wooden fence. I could see something large, even though it was dark, at the top of the fence. It was way too large to be an animal! In one hand I secured the cane as a defensive weapon and at the same time I activated the flash light. 
                It was a trash bag that was caught on a tree limb and the wind was moving it around rubbing it on the fence, which made the sound of someone or something crossing the fence. See photo below, click to enlarge.  
                I had to wait until there was enough light to get the photo, it was very dark when the event occurred!
                No, I am not a chicken, but I am careful!            
Be prepared, I was a boy scout! The motto of the boy scouts is, “be Prepared”.

Different subject: our youngest son has a birthday today! He must be 21 years old! He can’t be any older as that would make his mother and me older, and we are not! I guess he could be a little older than 21, maybe if you double that amount you might guess his age.

Happy Birthday Dave!

Don Ford

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Early dawn hours 01.11.17

                It was a dark damp morning when I turned the corner, never suspecting that I would be…
                I have been surprised several times lately, but in most instances it has been perpetrated by my present spouse. Imagine it you will, sitting at my desk here in the Fords computer room, not typing an outstanding article into my 7 year old computer, instead I was having lunch, secure in the knowledge that I was alone at the Homestead!
                Typically, when surprised I react in a non-aggressive way, possibly jumping a little due to the surprise. In all mammals there is an automatic, “fight or flight reaction” when surprised. Example; a rabbit will run away when surprised and that is, “the flight reaction”, where a lion will attack when surprised and that is, “the fight reaction”. If our school systems were teaching the three “Rs”, instead of indoctrinating students into a socialistic and liberal society, I would not need to explain these things to you!
                I digress, for some reason today was different. Knowing I was alone in this huge house, and that my wonderful first wife was in town shopping, may have subconsciously brought on the fight not flight reaction. Food in front of me, TV on, watching the Fox news channel program, “Outnumbered”, the ladies almost always have short skirts on. I never know what they are talking about but I like to look I mean watch.
                Now that I think of it, I also had my HF rig on.                                                                           
                No, HF does not stand for some slinky article of clothing that some people keep hidden in their closet, and only put them on when they are alone, it is a Ham Radio (aka Amateur radio). They are called amateurs because they don’t get paid. Most of the ham operators know a heck of a lot about radios and other equipment. They are not amateurs when it comes to knowledge!
                Having to explain all this to you, has almost caused me to forget what I was presenting.
                Let me once again set the scene for you. I am alone at home. I have lunch on the desk in front of me. The TV is on, and the HF radio is on, both producing sounds. There is a door about two feet to my left, which when opened leads in to the garage. All is well, and my leftover turkey chili is excellent!
                Suddenly, and without warning, the door next to me began to open! I, without thinking reacted! My fist clinched, ready to take out this invader, I spun in my chair. I am still surprised at my quick and aggressive reaction! It was my wife, so I did not need to fully engage in the attack, but I did admonish her to make some noise when approaching. Her response was, “didn’t you hear me drive up, or the car door slam shut?” My response was, “No mam”.  She had brought me an ice tea from Bushes, so I forgave her.
                Well, I see my time is up, so I will attempt to present the original theme of this article, “Early dawn hours”, in a later posting.
Flight if you can do so safely, otherwise fight.
                Advice for situations where crazy people are attempting to hurt people.
Don Ford

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

# Mustache it or not 01.10.17

I am demonstrating my start of a handlebar mustache. The glasses are there to enhance the photo and to distract you from the large Ford nose. Click on the photo to enlarge the nose I mean photo.
A friend, upon seeing the start of the handlebars noted, you shaved your chin. This person was correct, but I had shave the chin about a month earlier.
There is another famous Ford who has a scar on his chin similar to mine. Harrison Ford is almost as famous as I am.

Start something new, make life better!

Don Ford

Monday, January 9, 2017

Obsessions 01.09.17

                Do we all have obsessions? I say yes!
                Am I going to tell you about mine, nope!
                You don’t need to know all my secrets, but now that I think of it, if you have read many of my posts, you probably know of most of them. I do have an obsession with writing these posts. There, I confessed, and I feel better, but I am not going to stop!
                Why did I get started on this subject this morning? It may have been due to the morning TV crap I mean so called news shows. This unnamed female movie person was talking at an awards program. I don’t know why anyone would watch awards programs unless they had a family member getting an award. She talked about an unnamed person who may be sworn into office in a few days. It should be noted that she did not use this person’s name but everyone knew who she meant.
                She has the right to say whatever she wants to say! In part, my comments about obsessions is in reference to the elected official who takes office in a few days. He can’t seem to restrain himself (not respond, tweet) when something is said about him by others! That seems to me to be an obsession. He, like most of us, probably has many obsessions and those obsessions are probably why he is rich.
                Having these obsessions is one thing, (we all have them) controlling them is something else.
                Consider if you will, someone has an obsession with eating. If they can control it, then they are ok. If not, they will likely be obese. If someone has a cleaning obsession, there home, car, work place will be immaculate. If they can’t control this obsession, they may never enjoy relaxing with a good book, TV show or just sitting around with family and friends.
                There is a difference between desire and obsession.
                Desire, I would like to have a nice restored 55 Chevy, the key word is like!
                Obsession, a person spends many thousands of dollars to have the 55 Chevy.
                As I see it, controlling ones desires and not letting them turn into obsessions, is an important part of one’s life. Understanding that one has an obsession is difficult for the individual, but not for those around them.  Recognizing an obsession is the first step, and may very well be the most difficult step in controlling it. 
                Think about the above comments. Maybe you can help someone control their obsessions!

May your desires not be obsessions!

Preacher Ford
                        I signed it as preacher Ford since I was preaching again!