
Monday, September 26, 2016

Too Much Time 09.26.16

            For the retired senior person who is on a fixed income, what do they do to pass the time? Well this retired person who is on a fixed income, (and would you believe, can’t afford to participate in activities that require money), takes sticks and scrap pieces of wood that others have tossed out, and passes his time trying to make things. It is difficult to be on a fixed income! Donations are accepted in amounts of $100.00 or more at the Ford Homestead, “Fund for the retired person with limited financial abilities”.
            I will post photos of projects that required no expense.

Stick snake, as I have named the above project, was shown to my grandson and he thought it was scary and would be a good thing to take with him, trick or treating.
Another project is a version of tic tac toe, commonly known as X and O’s. As you may be able to see, I started with a piece of wood, cut a few groove in the wood and then stained it a little.
I still need to put something like varnish on the boards to finish the project, if I wasn’t on a fixed income I could be done by now.
The red and black circular items (known as home made checkers) are from a previous checker board project. Yes, I still have the checker board. I have learned that the checker board can be use under my lap top when sitting in the recliner, too keep my tender legs from getting hot!

                Different subject:
            Here at the Ford Homestead we had a service that was going to renew in a couple days, at a cost that we could not afford being on a fixed income. I called the service, name not to be divulged, and told them I want to cancel. They asked why, and I replied it is too costly. The person said she would look for any special offers that they might have. She then said we have a promotional price for a one year agreement and told me the cost, asking if I was interested. The promotional price was 48% less that the original. Almost half off just for asking! You should ask for a discount where ever you go! 

                Different subject:
                Our grounds manager, as he is now known, will be on his hands and knees in the back yard not only praying, but also pulling weeds. We received an inch of rain Sunday, which makes it easier to get the roots of the weeds. Yes, this week is 6 weeks since his operation and we now expect him to get back to work!

Watch the debate this evening, it might be fun!

Don Ford

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