
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

F Y I 09.14.16

            As an FYI, the grounds keeper is doing well, he has two more weeks and then he should be considered totally recovered.

            We sent him to town yesterday to get a water filter for the Ice Box (refrigerator for those younger folks). He procured the filter and installed it without incident.

            Recovered or not, he was required to change out a video camera that was going bad. The camera had some odd colors and spots in the video. He told the story of working from a cement bench which is under the camera location, when he was going to step off this 20 inch high bench he just happened to look down, and there was molly lying where he would have stepped.

            Camera replaced, and settings correctly entered into the VCR, the grounds keeper is heading for the recliner. He can’t trim tree limbs, and the grass don’t need to be mowed so he just sits around like a retired person.


May your grounds keeper be energetic!


Don Ford




May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow.



                  Donald Ford         NARBNL


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