
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tradition out, due to rain 05.31.16

It was a day unlike others due to a power failure. My robot bed/alarm did not wake me. This is the first time the robot bed/alarm has failed me in over 16 years. The bed/alarm normally vibrates and if that doesn’t wake me, then the speaker from under the bed says, in a quiet female voice, “It is time to get up, Master, rise and shine”. 
The bed/alarm failure was the first of many devastating events to occur this day.
After I awoke and dressed I ventured outside to see what the day was like. It was an almost unbearably humid day, the temperature at 6:00am was already in the low 80s and the prognosticators had predicted that it would rain, not only today but the next 6 days in a row. They were saying to expect from 2 to 5 inches here in central Texas.
Tradition dictates that I should wait 3 days, after the neighbor’s mow, to manicure the yard at the Ford homestead. With all the rain being predicted, I felt as if I should break with tradition this one time and manicure the yard the day after the neighbors mowed their yards.
That brings us to the next problem, my robot lawn manicuring device was set to operate two days later and with the power failure I am unable to reset the timing device. If I am to successfully execute this manicuring procedure, I will need to do it manually!
With all of our modern day conveniences, one would think we could keep the power on or at least have a backup power supply available at a moment’s notice.
            Well, I assume you have guessed it by now, I had to manually manicure my own yard today before it rained. I was hot and sweaty; my clothes were sticking to my physically fit senior body, as I walked behind that lawn manicuring device (aka lawn mower). Would you believe that 2 female persons gave my physically fit senior body a second look as they drove by?
            Wait a minute; most of that well written story is not true. It was hot and humid; I did have to manicure the lawn the day after the neighbors, and one neighbor came out of his home and asked, “What happened to the three day wait period. My response was, “Tradition was out, due to rain”. I wanted to call him a smarty pants but I did not!

Imagination is fun, try it!

Don Ford

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