
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Plans go astray, Not 05.17.16

            It was my plan to manicure the yard today. Others in the neighborhood mowed over the weekend and they all looked good. If one waits a few days after everyone else in the neighborhood mows, then one, “manicures” their lawn, the freshly manicured lawn stands out against the three day old mowed yards. The freshly manicured lawn draws attention from passersby. The other day there was three high school aged persons walking by when one of them said, “Your yard looks nice”! How could one get a better comment than from a young person who normally doesn’t see anything other than a person of the opposite sex, or same sex, in some circumstances?
            There was a light rain yesterday morning, so I didn’t know if my plan would come to fruition.
            There was a so-called professional mowing service at one of the neighbors, and they were mowing as it rained, Dumb!
The yard mowed by the so-called professionals, looks worse than all of the neighbors yards! There might be one that is worse, or at least equally bad, but he has been trying to make it look better.
            The light rain stopped, and the grass was getting, not dry, but less wet. There were severe storm warnings for Tuesday evening and night, the prognosticators were wrong again, and we thankfully, had no storms in our area.
            After my noon repast, and ensuing nap, I sprang from my recliner and dashed into the jon I mean, asked my first wife for permission to use the Ford’s Chevy, to drive to town and pick up my new glasses. Did you know, they will actually sell you two pair of single vision glasses for $69.99, if you are aged and on a fixed income? Oh, one will also need to insist on the less expensive price, as they will offer you all the add-ons.
            Arriving back home, I manicured the front lawn and then went to pick up the kids after school. Alex wanted me to let them play on the school playground, but I said no. I said they could get ice cream when they get to the Ford Homestead. Alex made this statement, “I am making a new rule. Gabi, me and Granny can have ice cream, but not Papaw”. I guess I should have let them play. I am not sure if this is a temporary rule or if it is permanent.
            Arriving back at home, I was able to manicure the back lawn, pick the black berries, still had time to sit in the rocker eating peanuts with my diet coke, and call my sister prior to Supper.

May you enjoy your neighbor’s manicured lawn!

Don Ford

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